Quote Originally Posted by A.Wood View Post
Looking for a Semi Serious company to fight for. Canadian born looking to spill blood for which ever side pays better.

Do you want recruitment spam? Because that's how you get recruitment spam.

The 42nd Pennsylvania Bucktails is the oldest unit in War of Rights, and we've been continually active for over three years- we like to think that's becase we know what we're doing. We have E Company (NA) and F Company (EU), which we've combined into one battalion. We are semi serious- we require semi-historical names, but we've modified our training to cut out the useless parts of the drill manuals. If you'd like to learn more, hop into our discord or check out our forum page. I'd also be happy to answer any questions you have in PM- just HMU, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
