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Thread: 3rd Kentucky Infantry A Company

  1. #1

    3rd Kentucky Infantry A Company


    Abbreviation: 3rdKY


    The 3rd Kentucky infantry is led by Colonel Musickman. This regiment was formed August 13th, 2014. We will be a versatile that will be in War of Rights, with appearances in Battle Cry of Freedom.

    The 3rd Kentucky Infantry was organized in July 1861, at Camp Boone in Montgomery County, Tennessee, under the command of Colonel Lloyd Tilghman.By 1864, the regiment's strength was severely depleted. The 3rd Kentucky Infantry was ordered to report to General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Horses were unavailable, so the men followed Forrest on foot. The Kentucky troops that accompanied Forrest were divided into four brigades. The 3rd Kentucky Infantry was in the third brigade with the 7th Kentucky Infantry, and 8th Kentucky Infantry, commanded by Colonel A. P. Thompson. On March 15, 1864 Forrest moved north toward Paducah, Kentucky. Three miles from Paducah they encountered Union pickets and pushed them back to their camp on the outskirts of town. Under fire from a nearby fort, the Kentuckians moved through the streets of Paducah. The fort was discovered to be impenetrable, and a retreat was ordered. Colonel Thompson was killed by cannon fire while leading his troops. Forrest soon returned to Mississippi where the regiment was engaged at the Battle of Brice's Crossroads. At some point in the campaign to Kentucky, the regiment was mounted, becoming the 3rd Kentucky Mounted Infantry. The 3rd was originally part of the Orphan Brigade, we take their flag in game.[/size]

    Our Motto
    "Regarding the leaders of the 3rd Kentucky Infantry Regiment - On Officers: Your 3rd KY officers are dedicated to the "Soldier First" ideology; that their troops are entitled to the very best in professional, tactical, and mature leadership. On NCOs: The 3rd KY maintain their priorities of accomplishment of the mission and the welfare of their Soldiers. We are a professional, organized, active, and international unit. Our schedule is fairly active and we expect participation - however, we realize life comes first! The 3rd KY takes care of its troops through superior performance recognition and promotions for deserving Soldiers. We are a tight knit family and a disciplined fighting unit. Again, welcome and Huzzah!" -Sergeant Major of the 3rd Kentucky: Buffalo Bob

    Rank Structure

    Colonel, Lt. Col., Major

    Captain, 1st Lt., 2nd Lt.

    Sgt. Major, QSgt, 1st Sgt., Sgt, Cpl

    Pfc, Pvt., Vol

    Our Medal System
    Shooting Mk. I: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 3 shooting kills in one given round. This means 1 round in a single event.

    Shooting Mk. II: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 6 shooting kills in one given round, this means 1 round in a single event.

    Shooting Mk. III: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 9 shooting kills in a single round. This means 1 round in a single event..

    Melee Mk. I: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 3 melee kills in a single round. This means 1 round in an event.

    Melee Mk. II: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 6 melee kills in a single round. This means 1 round in an event.

    Melee Mk. III: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 9 melee kills in a single round. This means 1 round in an event.

    Medal of Discipline: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve the highest standing of Discipline. A soldier that always follows orders, and doesn't crowd the voice chat with floods of obviousness. This means, no intentional teamkilling at the changing of rounds, engagement with the regiment inside and outside of M&B. Must be a memeber of the 3rd KY for 2 months.

    Medal of Outstanding Conduct: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve when they show outstanding conduct (and potential of leadership) in the regiment. When it's time for battle, reccomends discipline for intentional Teamkilling, and goes out of the way to ensure the welfare of the soldiers, must be a 3rdKY member for 2 months.

    Regimental Medal: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve the highest respect and friendship from everybody in the regiment. They show leadership, and competence. This soldier knows their place in the rank structure, and always gives critical advice that could mean live or die in battle.

    Fight to the Death Medal: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve 2 or more kills while they are the last man standing, they know no fear, and laugh at the sight of charging a horde head on, even when they stand alone, for the glory of the regiment.

    Last Man Standing: A soldier will recieve this medal when they are the last man in the regiment to be alive, they charge to the enemy and are appalled when directed to fall back, must not be considered ramboing at the process, and must survive 1 minute while last man, no kills necessary.

    Medal of Honor: A soldier will recieve this medal when they achieve the highest standard of all the regiment. Shows great leadership, and demonstrates diversity through healing, fighting, and leading. Multiple clutches in the heat of battle, and always expected to perform well in battle, and delivers. This medal will be the hardest to obtain.

    How Do I Join?
    Just add musickman101 on Steam, and send me a message stating you want to join.

    Our TS

    Our Steam Group
    Last edited by Musickman; 08-01-2016 at 02:41 AM. Reason: Addition

  2. #2

    CSA Private

    Diversey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    3rd Kentucky Infantry Official Announcement first recruitment video.

  4. #4

    CSA Captain

    TeteRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Dallas, Texas
    Huzzah for the 3rd Kentucky Infantry!!!
    Good luck!
    Captain Benjamin J. West of the 21st Mississippi Infantry, 1st Battalion,
    Co. D Jeff Davis Guards

  5. #5

    CSA Captain

    Koxxus's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Good luck!

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