View Full Version : Bill Forrest's Scouts [Recruiting]

12-15-2015, 02:29 AM
Nathan Bedford Forrest's Scouts
Elite Soldiers
We have but one flag, one country; let us stand together. We may differ in color, but not in sentiment. Many things have been said about me which are wrong, and which white and black persons here, who stood by me through the war, can contradict. - Nathan Bedford Forrest

Bill Forrest's Scouts were among the best in the war and did a considerable amount other than scouting. They also were used as shock troops and commandos, just like the escort, and were handpicked by Bill Forrest as much as he could. This unit was composed of about 40 elite men that had what it took to be deadly and swift.

What does it mean to be a part of Forrest's Scouts?
Determination. Courage. Ferocity. Discipline. Strength. Agility

Unit Roles?
This unit practices a combination of warfare: Mounted, Skirmish, Commando Ops, and Reconnaissance.

Nathan Bedford Forrest had 40 hand picked men he knew would be a powerful force on the battlefield. 40 skilled, hardened, determined men. So that being said there will only be 40 slots open for this unit. Never anymore, never any less. If you like a variation of roles and being part of a unit with diverse tactics feel free to apply.

Bill Forrest's Scouts Roster:

Leadership Roles - Ranks Available
1880 Captain - 2

1881 First Lieutenant - 4

1882 Second Lieutenant - 4

Enlist Ranked Roles
1883 Sergeant Major - 5

1884 First Sergeant - 5

1885 Sergeant - 10

1886 Corporal - 10

Command Structure:

This unit will divide into two groups for better efficiency on the battlefield. Command structure will be as follows.

Captain --> First Lieutenant --> Second Lieutenant
----------------------------------> Sergeant Major
----------------------------------> First Sergeant
----------------------------------> Sergeant
----------------------------------> Corporal

Captains act as the gameplan creators. Formulating and directing strategy. Consider them Platoon Leader.

First Lieutenants will act as Squad Leaders organizing and disciplining their squads while executing the Captains orders. Expected to adjust the Captain's plan on the go depending on situation, lets face it things never go to plan.

Second Lieutenants will act as Fireteam Leaders working on a more personal level with enlisted ranks.

Sergeant Majors will be regarded as the mentors to lower ranked enlisted members. Granted the rank because of ability.

First Sergeants are essentially assistants to Sergeant Majors and serve most of the same purpose.

Sergeants are granted the rank due to high skill and ability, as well as stronger determination for the unit when compared to Corporals.

Corporals are responsible for honing their skirmishing, disciplinary, and any other skill which can turn them into a deadly force on the battlefield, after all there is no room for mediocre skills in this unit.

Application format:
Forum Name
Planned In-Game name
Desired starting rank

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198015454655.png (http://steamsignature.com)

**Worth noting that your rank will be given judged by your skill and determination for progress. More strategic thinkers will more likely get Officer roles and better shots will get higher enlist ranks.


12-15-2015, 04:32 AM
Welcome to the Confederacy!

12-15-2015, 01:13 PM
So are you guys like skirmishers or sharps??

12-15-2015, 03:54 PM
Welcome to the Confederacy!

Why thank you kind sir! I look forward to bearing arms for the cause!

So are you guys like skirmishers or sharps??

A mixture of both, however I would say more Skirmishers than Sharpshooters as per practicality of game mechanics.