View Full Version : Race and Ethinicy for Soldiers

12-29-2015, 12:46 AM
For War of Rights, they should add different skin colours, because people like Africans, Chinese, Natives and the Spainish fought during the Civil War. I believe we should add color changers.

12-29-2015, 01:04 AM
If they were to add this it would most likely be locked to the regiments which actually had soldiers of those races. But I see no reason why it shouldn't be added eventually.

12-29-2015, 01:34 AM
But the emancipation proclamation didn't happen yet so darker colored people really cant be in the game right now for historical reasons. But if they add maps later in the war I don't see why not.

12-29-2015, 02:54 AM
But the emancipation proclamation didn't happen yet so darker colored people really cant be in the game right now for historical reasons. But if they add maps later in the war I don't see why not.

For Union, there regiments like the 54th Massachusetts and other Colored Regiments, like those. For the CSA, they had Native American regiments as well!

12-29-2015, 03:04 AM
For Union, there regiments like the 54th Massachusetts and other Colored Regiments, like those. For the CSA, they had Native American regiments as well!

the 54th was not active during the battle of antietam. I don't know anything about the native regiments.

12-29-2015, 03:45 AM
the 54th was not active during the battle of antietam. I don't know anything about the native regiments.

I am so stupid.. War of Rights was set during Antetam... Forget it, sorry.

thomas aagaard
12-29-2015, 07:25 AM
In the long run I trust that we will get black soldiers... when the game hopefully expand to cover other parts of the war.
But the USCT didn't exist at this point. There was no native regiments involved in this campaign.

That is when using "native" about people who was not of European descended...
Naturally there were soldiers who was supporters of "nativism" in the "know nothing" sense.

The number of "spanish" soldiers was also very limited. (people from spain who left for the new world went mostly to the spanish colonies)
and Even in Florida and Texas regiments I think they where very, very limited. By the time the areas came under US control the total number whites with Spanish roots was rather limited. Since they never saw the large scale immigration like the 13 colonies did...

If you are talking about "Hispanics" that is people from what is today former spanish colonies, that is a more moden catagory,
And most of the "hispanics" in the US today are descended of people who came to the US in the 20th century.

So back in the 1860ties they simply made up a very small % of the the total population...
The same with Chinese...(not even sure they could legally join up)

Until the USCT this was a white mans war.