View Full Version : Game-Mode

11-02-2013, 12:42 PM
Ok look I know you don't even have alpha and I'm bringing this out there, But maybe you might look bask on in this Forum and take ideas, I think it would be cool to have a Zombie Apocalypse, NOT SAYING LIKE COD [Hell no I like Cod but not for a game like this] Maybe a little bit of Back-story "What if!" the InFluenza took a different turn in it's evolution of the virus? What if the epidemic started early? What IF???? So it starts on the first day you have simple weapons just Standard issue muskets. Oh and maybe All of the People who are playing have different uniforms, Because they saw a greater threat in the "Sick" than each other so what'cha know I guess if there are bloodthirsty "Things" on your tail it's better to have 10 muskets being used than 1. So a wave based survival, Or maybe a Day by Day thing where people could drop in or out, Supposedly the Host would be the leader of the group and decide where the group goeson a map there would be quick travel but random events like you encounter a Caravan [Kill them or trade with them] The people who Drop in would have to wait to be found [It would be a survivor random event] where they find the survivor and they save them from being eaten. Drop Outs Could be like a Survivor takes off at night with all of your groups food supplies. You could loot buildings equip yourself, Like if your leader decided to loot a place and you found some food you could take if for yourself with a chance of being caught or give it to your groups leader, This is just me rambling about things Hell there isn't even a Alpha so who knows... potato potatooooo000.....

11-02-2013, 01:00 PM
You won't find any of the sort in WoR. Plenty of other zombie games to play.

- Trusty

11-04-2013, 07:20 AM
You won't find any of the sort in WoR. Plenty of other zombie games to play.

- Trusty

I was hoping you would reply that ,I didn't want any of the sort! I just wanted to ramble on about things... potatoooooooooooo