View Full Version : what will the scene look like

07-26-2014, 12:54 AM
question on game play. ok, I'm in the union battle line and we're moving forward through the wheat field.
1) are the soldiers near me online gamers or just part of the game
2) if I looked around will I see other regiments and action taken place
3) will there be different camera views like one being through my eyes and another just behind me so I can see myself. , hope you know what I mean. lol.

07-26-2014, 04:45 PM
Well, most of this has been answered through the forum already, but I will go ahead and explain for everyone's ease.

1. Every virtual person you see will be controlled by another player. From my knowledge, is no A.I planned as of now.

2. It really depends. Right now servers are looking like they will have at least 200 person caps. The end result will probably be larger than this, but around 200 is what they are working with right now. Considering regiments can be up into the thousands, I don't see full regiment play happening, but company play, and platoon play is very possible. Everything though, depends on how the upper tier commanders want things to work. If the most senior officer on your team wants you to form a big long line of battle, then you will see only one unit for your team marching around. If he wants to split off his units and say, make a flanking pattern around the enemy to catch them off guard, then he can make that order. Of course, nothing is set in stone and a dev could probably help answer this question more than me.

3. You will be locked in first person view, meaning you will have to play is if you were looking through your character's eyes.

Hope this helps :)