View Full Version : transparency/LOD bug

08-06-2016, 09:12 AM
This is probably either connected to alt+tab out of the game and back in or teleporting back to the camp via shift+f12.

Some trees faded out (looked like the way LOD/drawdistance for foliage is usually handled) and in again once I moved a littlebit around. After I went near and they completely reappeared they kept being visible.

08-06-2016, 09:36 AM
That is how the furthest away tree model looks like (LOD). The LOD system needs the player to move a few steps before it starts fading correctly in which is why you can see it up close when you teleport and don't move. :)

- Trusty

08-06-2016, 09:48 AM
Allright, I supposed it would be something like this :)
Thanks for the explanation, thread closed!