View Full Version : 38th North Carolina Battalion Companies A, F, H, & K

Lance Rawlings
09-19-2016, 12:05 AM


The point of contact for any unit specific questions, event ideas, or proposals is myself. Add me on Steam for correspondence:


A Short Introduction:

Hello, thank you for looking at the 38th North Carolina Battalion!

The 38th NC mustered into service in February of 1862 and moved to Virginia that April under Gregg's Brigade. On June 14, 1862, the unit was assigned to William Dorsey Pender's Brigade of A.P. Hill's Light Division. It would remain as such until Appomattox. The 38th NC fought in every campaign from Seven Days to Appomattox.

As representatives of this unit, we will do our best to perform drill and tactics with all possible authenticity. We will use Hardee's Revised drill manual and meet for scheduled drill in-game. This will be vital to be one of the best units out there. We are affiliated and are part of A.P. Hill's Light Division, so if you're looking for the most authentic you can get, enlist! The willing-to-learn and enthusiastic are desired to take up arms in your State's defense. I look forward to seeing all of you in the field!

Unit Details

Company Officers

Company K: Capt. Rawlings

Engagements of the 38th NC

Seven Day Battles - June 25 - July 1, 1862
Gaines Mill - June 27, 1862
White Oak Wamp - June 30, 1862
Malvern Hill - July 1, 1862
South Mountain - Sept 14, 1862
Antietam- Sept 17, 1862
Fredricksburg - Dec 13, 1862
Chancellorsville - May 1-4, 1863
Gettysburg - July 1-3, 1863
Falling Waters - July 10, 1863
Bristoe Campaign - Oct-Dec 1863
Mine Run Campaign - Nov - Dec 1863
The Wilderness - May 5-6 1864
Spotsylvania Court House - May 8-21 1864
North Anna - May 22-26 1864
Cold Harbor - June 1-3 1864
Petersburg Siege - June 1864 - April 1865
Globe Tavern - August 18 - 21 1864
Ream's Station - Aug 25, 1864
Fort Harrison - Sept 29-30, 1864
Jones Farm - Sept 30, 1864
Hatchers Run - Feb 5-7, 1865
Appomattox Court House - April 9, 1865

Want to Join the Ranks?


In order to join the 38th North Carolina Company K, you must be eligible by these standards, or have the means to become eligible.

Must be over 18 years of age
Must be mature, responsible, and obedient to orders
Must have or get a Discord account
Must be willing to learn and practice Hardee's Drill Manual with the company

If you meet these requirements, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Fill out and post the recruit application on the 38th North Carolina Battalion Steam Group. (link below)


Step 2: Add [38NC.K] Capt. Rawlings (myself) on Steam to discuss the unit before joining. Your friends list will grow very rapidly soon after. An applicant CANNOT be accepted until this step is complete.

Step 3: Congratulations, you’ve been accepted into the brotherhood of the Carolina Boys. Now you must volunteer on the Company Tool for the company you desire to be in.

Step 4: Attend 3 events in game to be assigned a platoon.1st Platoon is where the most active members with access are assigned to. 2nd Platoon is also reserved for those with access, but are unable to commit as much time as those in 1st Platoon. If you do not have current access, you will not be placed in a platoon until access is gained. But don’t worry, we play more than just War of Rights!

A NOTE ON PLATOONS: We are administratively organized with platoon assignment relating to activity, however in the field it does not matter which administrative platoon you are in, the platoon break will be made relative to the size of the company no matter if there are more men from a certain platoon. The field platoons will be even numbered to each other as best they can. For example, if 6 men from 1st platoon (administrative) and 4 men from 2nd platoon (administrative) come to an event, they will form up (doesn't matter who's next to who) and the (field) platoon break will be at the center of that formation.

Step 5: Who am I kidding, there is no step 5. Welcome to the 38th North Carolina!



38th North Carolina Company K Drill Guide

This guide contains commonly used maneuvers and how to command them using Hardee’s Light Infantry Drill Manual. It is designed for anyone, from the newest recruit to the Colonel of the regiment, wanting a solid understanding of the manual without having to dissect the entire manual. Look at the back of this guide for command guide.

Posts of Company Officers
A “post” is any given position in a company.
Captain: Right of company, touching with his left elbow.
First Sergeant: Right of company, rear rank (behind the captain). The first sergeant is also known as the “covering sergeant” because he “covers” the captain. “Cover” simply means to be directly behind someone. The first sergeant moves into the front rank, where the captain was, if the captain steps away from the company.
Second Sergeant: Left of company, touching with right elbow.
All other officers are “file closers,” which means they are two paces behind the company, to keep the company together. This will be a very important role in War of Rights, due to lack of awareness and peripheral vision as well as physical contact.
Corporals are always posted in the front rank, one on each end of the company, next to the sergeants, and one at the end of each platoon break.

There are three kinds of commands.
1. The command of caution, which is attention
2. The preparatory command, which indicates the movement about to be executed.
3. The EXECUTION command, on which the maneuver is executed.
Example: We are in a battle line, and we wish to march straight forward, nothing fancy. The command would be:
1. Attention. 2. Company. 3. Forward. 4. MARCH.
In this situation, attention company is the caution command, forward is the preparatory, and march is the command of execution.

Forming the Company
A company will always be formed in two ranks. There is much discussion about how to form the company, because it was never recorded in a manual, though we are given a few hints. We will practice two versions. The first is simple.
1.Company 2. In two ranks-FALL IN
At this command, the company simply creates two ranks forming on the first sergeant, and continues to form to his left until all men are in rank.
The other way to form the company, which would be done starting with one rank, is as follows:
1. FALL-IN 2. In two ranks, form company 3. Company 4. Right-FACE 5. MARCH 5. FRONT 6. In each rank, count TWOS.
At command 1, the entire company falls in on the first sergeant, in one rank. Command 2 tells the company what they are about to do. At command 3-4, the entire company (excluding the first sergeant) faces to the right. At command 5, the man who is now facing the first sergeant will go to the sergeant’s rear, but stay right-faced. The following man will dress to the first sergeant, and the man behind him will then go to his right, to be in the rear rank when the company is fronted. This goes on until each man is either in a front or rear rank. It will look like the company has done a “in two ranks, right face.” Then the company will be formed at the command FRONT, which is a left face in this situation. The last thing to do is to count off.

To Open and Close Ranks
During inspections, parades, and the manual of arms, it is desirable to separate the rear rank from the front rank, giving ample space for commands to be executed without awkward movement. The company will be at ordered arms to begin with, and at the command given, the rear rank will march four paces backward, to align themselves with the first and second sergeant. The command is as follows:
1. Attention. 2. Company 3. Shoulder-ARMS 4. To the rear open order. 5. MARCH.
At the fourth command, the first and second sergeant will set the line for the rear rank, four paces back. At the fifth command the reaer rank will march rearward to the line set by the sergeants. Once the rear rank is aligned, the sergeants will assume their positions in the front rank.
When the company is to be reformed, the command is simply:
1. Rear rank. 2. Shoulder-ARMS 3. Close order 4. MARCH
At which the rear rank will simply walk back into line.

Dress and Guide
The term “dress” is used to tell the company what “anchor point” they are to align themselves on. The following are the main “dresses” you should familiarize yourself with.
1. Company 2. Right-DRESS
On a right dress, the company aligns themselves on the first sergeant and/or captain. So basically the entire company shifts to the right until all spaces are filled.
1. Company 2. Left-DRESS
This is just like right dress, but to shifting down to the left.
1. Company 2. Center-DRESS
This dress is used when the company is operated in a regiment, with other companies. You can tell the center because that is where the colors (flags) are placed.
This simply means to shift towards the colors, which depending on your place in line, could be to your right or left.
1. Company 2. DRESS ON __________________
You can fill this blank with nearly anything, though it is typically used to dress on another company.
The nice thing about dressing is that it is mostly, self-explanatory.
The term “guide” simply means to base your movements according to what guide is called. For example:
1. Company 2. Guide-LEFT
This tells the men to stay to the left side, and to remain in line using the right side as the anchor. You can also do this on the left. The captain and first sergeant will place themselves on the right or left of the company according to what guide has been called. The company will follow the captain and first sergeant, turning when they turn, swerving when they serve. If the command is given to guide, and the captain makes a right turn, you follow, even though there was no “by files right” command given.

Manual of Arms
The ranks will be opened when the manual of arms is done. An asterisk is placed by the arms not yet in-game. Shoulder arms will always be done in between each position.
Present-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Raise-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Support-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Fix Bayonet Shoulder-ARMS
Charge Bayonet Shoulder-ARMS
Trail-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Unfix Bayonet Shoulder-ARMS
Secure-ARMS Shoulder-ARMS
In-Place-REST Attention. Shoulder-ARMS
Parade-REST Attention. Shoulder-ARMS

As you can see, after the two “rests” (not typically put in the manual of arms, but I went ahead and added them) the first command is attention. This brings the soldier back to ordered arms, at which point he will go to shouldered arms upon command.

There are multiple ways to fire at an enemy. We will begin with the basic firings, and eventually we will cover more advanced techniques like “fire by rank, by platoon.”
First, there are three types of firings. The direct fire, which is straight ahead. The right oblique fire, which is approximately 45 degrees to the right, and its opposite, the left oblique.
Then there are the different ways to fire: by company, by rank, by files, and at will.
The fire by company is when the entire company gives off one volley. The command is:
1. Company 2. Fire by company. 3. Ready. 4. Aim. 5. FIRE! 6. Load
After a fire by company, the soldiers will remain at the ready until told to aim and fire again. In short, if you have already fired, be at the ready when reloaded.
If you wanted to add that the company would be firing at an oblique, you would place that command right before aim, so they know where to aim.
Next there is fire by rank, where the commanding officer will fire the two ranks separately, always beginning with the rear rank.
1. Company 2. Fire by rank 3. Rear rank 4. Ready 5. Aim 6. FIRE! 7. Load. 8. Front rank 9. Ready 10. Aim 11. FIRE! 12. Load
Then there is fire by files, where each file, starting from the right (always) will aim and fire. This fire can be thought of as a domino effect. After a fire by file, the company will automatically go to fire at will, which is where the individual soldier loads and fires at his own discretion, while staying in line.
1. Company 2. Fire by files 3. Commence-FIRE!
The fire at will following a fire by files will continue until cease fire is called. At this command, the company will load and shoulder arms.

The line of battle, which is the formation of a company (shoulder to shoulder, two ranks) when putting the most fire on the enemy. However, it is rather slow and difficult to march in this formation. To solve this problem, the company can use facings. A facing at its most basic definition is a stationary turn. There are left faces, right faces, about faces, and right-about faces. Facings are the sole purpose that the company counts twos.
Right Face:
1. Company 2. Right-FACE
A rather simple command, but with a lot of moving parts. At this command, every soldier will face to the right, with the number 1’s standing fast, and the number 2’s moving up and two the right of the number 1’s. This creates several lines of four men all facing to the right of the company’s front. This formation is known as “column of fours.”
A Note on Fronts
The front is simply the battle line of a company, and the regular formation of the company (two ranks, shoulder to shoulder). On a right face, you would have to left face to get back into the company battle line, so the front is to your left. The opposite is true for a left face.
Left Face:
On a left face, the entire company faces to the left, with the number 2 men standing fast, and the number 1 men stepping up to the number 2 man’s left. This creates a column of fours facing left, with the company front to the right.
Faces Without Doubling:
If it is desired to remain in two ranks, and not create a column of fours, the command is simply:
1. Company 2. In two ranks 3. Left (or right) 4. FACE
There is also the about face. The about face is simply turning around 180 degrees, always turning to the right, to remain uniform.
1. Company 2. About-FACE
The company is now facing to its rear, this is also known as being inverted, because the front rank is behind the rear rank. The company front is behind now. To get back into the line of battle/front (with the front rank being in front of the rear rank) the command can be either:
1. Company 2. About- FACE
1. Company 2. FRONT
The right about-face is the same as the about-face, but used only while already marching.

There are multiple ways to march, as will be covered in the following. If at right shoulder shift when halted, always bring the piece to shoulder arms. Never be standing still while at right shoulder shift unless when conducting the manual of arms.
To march forward, in any configuration (faced or fronted):
1. Company, forward 3. MARCH
To make the company take a left or right 90 degree turn (while in a column of fours or column of twos):
1. Company 2. By files left (or right) 3. MARCH
To stop a march:
1. Company 2. HALT
You can also march a company at the obliques (left or right 45 degrees angle). You keep your dress in this maneuver, so the entire company is not wheeling 45 degrees, but rather each man is turned 45 degrees.
1. Company 2. At the left (or right) oblique 3. MARCH
If you wanted the entire company to turn, you would do what is called a wheel. A wheel is turning the company on a fixed point. You can either halt the company or command forward march once the desired direction is reached.
1. Company 2. Right (or left) wheel 3. MARCH
We can also maneuver the company by the flank. This can be tricky, but it is rather simple in theory. First of all, a flank is either side of you, your right or left side. While in a marching line of battle, the commanding officer may wish to do a right face (column of fours) while still marching. This is done by the command:
1. Company 2. By the right flank 3. MARCH
To get back into the line of battle, while still marching, you can march by the left flank, which will be like fronting the company if you were halted.
1. Company 2. By the left flank 3. MARCH
Now you are back in your battle line.
If you are marching in a column of fours (being right faced/marching by the right flank) and the enemy appears on your right, it is necessary to change your front to meet them. Your front while marching by the right flank is on your left, but you wish to change it to the right. To do this, the command is:
1. On the right, by file into line 2. MARCH
At this command, the rear rank will halt where they are, and the front rank men will continue to march forward, and right face and continue marching onto line with the captain and first sergeant. It is important to remember your place in line in order for this maneuver to be executed well. Once the majority of the front rank is on line, the rear rank will march forward and fall into line behind their file partner (the front rank man who is always sin front of them, vice versa for the front rank man). You now have a battle line facing to what was previously your right.
If the enemy is right in front of you while marching in a column of fours, you need to create the battle line directly in front of you. The command to do such is:
1. By company into line 2. MARCH
At this point, the captain and first sergeant set the position where the captain desires the battle line to be, and the column continues to march forward, each taking their position in the line of battle.

PART II: Skirmishing

General Principles of Skirmishing

When executing skirmish drill, it is important to realize that the precision involved with regular company drill, or “in closed ranks,” should not be adhered to. Hardee’s states that using precision in skirmish drill interferes with the prompt execution of said maneuvers.

When a company is sent out as a skirmish line in front of a battalion or larger, their movements should be based off what the battalion is doing. A reserve company may be placed between the battalion and the skirmish line in order to support the skirmishers and replace them if needed. It is noted that even the reserves should find cover and take it whenever possible.

Skirmishers can carry their firearm as they please, with no regulation.

Historically, the movements of skirmishers are commanded by bugle, though obviously, this may not be feasible in War of Rights.

There are two ways to deploy skirmishers: on a file (forward), or by the flank (side). When skirmishing, it is crucial to subdivide the company into platoons, sections, and comrades in battle. A company can be deployed forward on its right, left, center, or any other named file; or on its right or left flank.

When cover presents itself, TAKE IT. When deployed, it is typical that there be approximately 5-10 paces between each skirmisher, going with the lesser when on open ground.

To Deploy Forward as Skirmishers

When acting as an individual company and not with a regimental line, it is beneficial to deploy only one platoon as skirmishers and hold the other platoon in reserve. Of course, in many occasions, it can also be beneficial to deploy the entire company. Both methods hold the same principles, the only difference is how many men you have.

1. First platoon (or second), as skirmishers. 2. On the left (right, or center) file, take intervals. 3. MARCH (or double quick, MARCH)

As soon as this command is given, the 2nd Lt. and 3rd Lt. will place themselves two paces behind the first platoon, and the 5th Sgt. will place himself in front of the first platoon’s center. The 4th Sgt. will place himself on the left of the first platoon. The Captain will indicate to the 4th Sgt. where he wished him to direct. The 1st Lt. will place himself in front of the second platoon and command:

1. Second platoon, backward 2. MARCH

The 1st Lt. will have the second platoon march backwards three paces, and then halt. The 2nd Sgt. will place himself on the left of the platoon, and the 3rd Sgt. on the right.
At the command MARCH, the left comrades in battle (the group of four that have the left file in it) will march straight ahead, guided by the 4th Sgt., to the spot designated by the Captain. The comrades in battle will march at an angle, at the double quick, until there is approximately 20 paces between each comrades in battle. Once the proper spacing it reached, each comrades in battle will come onto line with the comrade in battle containing the left file. The right guide will arrive with the last group of four.

Once the line is reached and every group of four is on line, the Captain will command the skirmishers to halt. At the command halt, each group if four will automatically deploy as skirmishers. Any group not on line when the halt is given will run onto line and conform to the command. If fired open before the line is set, each group of fire can be deployed individually.

How to Deploy as Comrades in Battle: When a group of four men is told to halt after being sent out as skirmishers, they deploy using the following maneuvers:

1. The front rank, number 2 man remains in his place.
2. The rear rank, number 2 man goes to the left 5 paces on steps forward onto line.
3. The front rank, number 1 man extends right 10 paces.
4. The rear rank, number 1 man comes onto line and extends 5 paces.

The end result should have, from right to left observing from behind the line: rear rank 2, front rank 2, rear rank 1, front rank 1 as its order on line; with each man having 5 paces separation.

As soon as the line is set, the NCO’s accompanying the line will fall back behind it ten paces.

Again, if there is cover, TAKE IT. Regularity in alignment should yield to the important advantage of cover.

While the line is formed, the 1st Lt. will take the second platoon approximately 150 paces behind the skirmish line, holding that distance until further instructed. The Captain will place himself 80 paces behind the skirmish line with a bugler and four men from the reserve platoon.

When deploying off the right file, it is the same as the left, but inverted. The rightmost group will go straight, and the groups to the left will march at an angle. When deploying by the center file, the group with the center file will go straight, and the groups on either side will march out at an angle.

A Note on Bayonets for Skirmishing

Regular troops carry their bayonets in their scabbards, likewise with skirmishers. Bayonets are to be fixed only as the Captain desires.

To Deploy on the Right or Left Flank

Deploying on a flank is surprisingly simple, especially in light of deploying by a file. You can deploy on either the left flank or right flank. The command is as follows:

1. Second (or first) platoon, as skirmishers. 2. By the right (or left) flank, take intervals. 3. MARCH

At the first command, the 1st and 3rd Lt’s. will place themselves two paces behind the second platoon, and the 5th Sgt. would place himself in front of the second platoon, and the 3rd Sgt. will place himself on the right of the second platoon. The Captain will withdraw the first platoon 3 paces and halt them.

At the command MARCH, the entire platoon but the far left comrades in battle will face to the right and begin marching. As soon as there is enough room to their right, the leftmost group will deploy. The second group, front rank number 2 man, will count 20 paces. Once the 20 paces are reached, he will call out “deploy!” and the group will face to the line and deploy. Once this is heard, the third group will begin counting, and so on.

Once the line is set, prescribe to the postings of the deploying on a file example.

You can even deploy on both flanks at the same time:

1. Second platoon, as skirmishers. 2. By the right and left flanks, take intervals. 3. MARCH

Use the same officer postings as previously used. At the command MARCH, the right section will face to the right, and the left section to the left. The comrades in battle on the right of the left section will stay stationary, and the spacing will be based off their position. The 1st and 3rd Lt’s. will guide the left section, and the 3rd and 2nd Sgt’s. will guide the right section. It is their job to ensure correct spacing.

Extending and Closing Intervals

The following command is used to extend a set line of skirmishers:

1. By the left (or right) flank, ___ paces extend intervals. 2. MARCH

At this command, the right group will stand fast while all the other groups face to the left. Each group should still have 5 paces between each man. Remember that extending is simply extending the separation between groups, not individual men.
You use the same command to close intervals, replacing “extend” with “close.”


Rallying is the term used to bring skirmishers back into either groups of four, individual sections, into platoons, as one company, or on a group, section, platoon or company.

When a line is disturbed by scattered cavalry, the Captain should order bayonets to be fixed. If charged by cavalry, the Captain will command:

Rally by fours!

At this command, each four man group will return to each other as they would be in a battle line, each guarding with bayonet a different direction. If the Captain deems the groups of four to be too weak against the opposing force, the command will be given to:

Rally by sections!

The men will run as groups back together to form their separate sections and resume guarding with bayonets. Each section will form a square around the officers, with each section facing a different direction. If this is still insufficient, the command will be given:

Rally by platoons! or Rally on the reserve!

I find that the manual has the best explanation for rallying:

“Rally by sections.
132. At this command, the chiefs of sections will move rapidly on the centre group of their respective sections, or on any other interior group whose position might offer a shelter, or other particular advantage; the skirmishers will collect rapidly at a run on this group, and without distinction of numbers. The men composing the group on which the formation is made, will immediately form square, as heretofore explained, and elevate their pieces, the bayonets uppermost, in order to indicate the point on which the rally is to be made. The other skirmishers, as they arrive, will occupy and fill the open angular spaces between these four men, and successively rally around this first nucleus, and in such manner as to form rapidly a company circle. The skirmishers will take as they arrive, the position of charge bayonet, the point of the bayonet more elevated, and will cock their pieces in this position. The movement concluded, the two exterior ranks will fire as occasion may offer, and load without moving the feet.
133. The captain will move rapidly with his guard, wherever he may judge his presence most necessary.
134. The officers and sergeants will be particular to observe that the rally is made in silence, and with promptitude and order; that some pieces in each of their subdivisions be at all times loaded, and that the fire is directed on those points only where it will be most effective.
135. If the reserve should be threatened, it will form into a circle around its chief.
136. If the captain, or commander of a line of skirmishers formed of many platoons, should judge that the rally by section does not offer sufficient resistance, he will cause the rally by platoons to be executed, and for this purpose, will command:
Rally by platoons.
137. This movement will be executed according to the same principles, and by the same means, as the rally by sections. The chiefs of platoon will conform to what has been prescribed for the chiefs of section.
138. The captain wishing to rally the skirmishers on the reserve, will command:
Rally on the reserve.
139. At this command, the captain will move briskly on the reserve; the officer who commands it will take immediate steps to form square; for this purpose, he will cause the half sections on the flanks to be thrown perpendicularly to the rear; he will order the men to come to a ready.
140. The skirmishers of each section, taking the run, will form rapidly into groups, and upon that man of each group who is nearest the centre of the section. These groups will direct themselves diagonally towards each other, and in such manner as to form into sections with the greatest possible rapidity while moving to the rear; the officers and sergeants will see that this formation is made in proper order, and the chiefs will direct their sections upon the reserve, taking care to unmask it to the right and left. As the skirmishers arrive, they will continue and complete the formation of the square begun by the reserve, closing in rapidly upon the latter, without regard to their places in line; they will come to a ready without command, and fire upon the enemy; which will also be done by the reserve as soon as it is unmasked by the skirmishers.
141. If a section should be closely pressed by cavalry while retreating its chief will command halt; at this command, the men will form rapidly into a compact circle around the officer, who will re-form his section and resume the march, the moment he can do so with safety.
142. The formation of the square in a prompt and efficient manner, requires coolness and activity on the part of both officers and sergeants.”
Skirmishers can also rally on the battalion, forming to them.

Firing as Skirmishers

When acting as skirmishers, the command to commence fire! will be given. However, there is a little more to it than just firing at will. Each file partner must work with each other to ensure that one of them is loaded or at least nearly loaded at all times. So, when the command is given to commence firing, the front rank man will fire and begin reloading. Once he is loaded, he will let his file partner know, who will then take a shot, reload, and inform the front rank man he is ready. This goes on until a cease fire is called.

To Advance or Retreat as Skirmishers

To advance when in a skirmish line, the command is given:

1. Skirmishers 2. Rise. 3. Skirmish in advance. 4. MARCH

At this command, the file partner that is loaded will bound forward a few paces and fire when his partner is ready, then his partner will bound ahead of him a few paces and continue the process. The same principles are true for retreating, but the command would be:

1. Skirmishers 2. Rise. 3. Skirmish in retreat. 4. MARCH


To Form the Company:
Option A: 1. Company 2. In two ranks-FALL IN
Option B: 1. FALL-IN 2. In two ranks, form company 3. Company 4. Right-FACE 5. MARCH 5. FRONT 6. In each rank, count TWOS.

To Open Ranks:
1. Attention. 2. Company 3. Shoulder-ARMS 4. To the rear open order 5. MARCH.

To Close Ranks:
1. Rear rank. 2. Shoulder-ARMS 3. Close order 4. MARCH

To Dress:
1. Company 2. Right (left, or center)-DRESS
1. Company 2. DRESS ON THE COLORS (or about anything)

To Fire by Company:
1. Company 2. Fire by company. 3. Ready. 4. Aim. 5. FIRE! 6. LOAD

To Fire by Rank:
1. Company 2. Fire by rank 3. Rear rank 4. Ready 5. Aim 6. FIRE! 7. LOAD 8. Front rank 9. Ready 10. Aim 11. FIRE! 12. LOAD

To Fire by Files:
1. Company 2. Fire by files 3. Commence-FIRE!

To Fire at Will:
1. Company 2. Fire at will 3. Commence-FIRE!

To Fire to the Right or Left:
1. Company 2. Fire by (company, rank, or file) 3. Ready 4. At the (right or left) oblique 5. Aim 6. FIRE! 7. LOAD.

To Face the Company:
1. Company 2. Right (or left)-FACE

To Face the Company without Doubling:
1. Company 2. In two ranks (or without doubling) 3. Right (or left)- FACE

To About Face the Company:
1. Company 2. About- (or right-about if marching) FACE

To March Forward:
1. Company 2. Forward 3. MARCH

To Halt the Company:
1. Company 2. HALT

To Turn 90 degrees (while in a column):
1. Company 2. By files right (or left) 3. MARCH

To March at a 45-degree Angle:
1. Company 2. At the right (or left) oblique 3. MARCH

To Wheel the Company:
1. Company 2. Right (or left) wheel 3. MARCH

To March by the Flank:
1. Company 2. By the right (or left) flank 3. MARCH

To Form the Line of Battle on the Right, while marching by the Right Flank:
1. On the right, by file into line 2. MARCH

To Form the Line of Battle Ahead of a Column:
1. By company into line 2. MARCH


Lieutenant Colonel George W. Flowers, of This Regiment, Writes Its Splended Record in the Army
of Northern Virginia—Its Officers—Hoke, Armfield and Others Among Them—The Compliments It
Received for Its Alacrity in Re-Enlisting in 1864—the Regiment Did Some Splendid Fighting with
Jackson, Longstreet and Hill—Its Record at Gettysburg—A Carefully-Written and Valuable
Addition to the State’s War History.

The Thirty-eight Regiment of North Carolina Troops was formed of volunteers who enlisted for
twelve months, and was organized at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 17, 1862, under
the command of Maj. J. J. Iredell, commander of the post. The regiment was composed of the
following companies:

Company A, “Spartan Band,” Duplin county—A. G. Mosely, captain. First lieutenant,
D. G. Morrisey; second lieutenant, Alsa J. Brown; junior second lieutenant, D. M. Pearsall.

Company B. “Men of Yadkin,” Yadkin county—C. L. Cook, captain. First lieutenant, R. F.
Armfield; second lieutenant, A. W. Blackburn; junior second lieutenant, L. F. Haynes.

Company C., “Sampson Farmers.” Sampson county—Peter B. Troublefield, captain.
First lieutenant, R. F. Allen; second lieutenant, Jno. F. Wilson; junior second lieutenant, Hinton J.

Company D, “Sampson Plowboys,” Sampson county—Jno. Ashford, captain. First
lieutenant, R. Bell; second lieutenant, A. D. King; junior second lieutenant, H. C. Darden.

Company E., “Richmond Boys,” Richmond county—Oliver H. Dockery, captain. First lieutenant,
S. M. Ingaham; second lieutenant, D. G. McRae; junior second lieutenant, M. W. Covington.

Company F, “Catawba Wildcats,” Catawba county—Joshua D. Little, captain. First
lieutenant, D. McD. Young; second lieutenant, H. L. Roberts; junior second lieutenant, F. D.

Company G, “Rocky Face Rangers,” Alexander county—G. W. Sharpe, captain. First lieutenant,
John E. Rheim; second lieutenant George W. Flowers; junior second lieutenant, James W.

Company H, “Uwharrie Boys,” Randolph county—Nosh Rush, captain. First lieutenant,
L. D. Andrews; second lieutenant, J. N. Kearns; second junior lieutenant, N. H. Hopkins.

Company I, “Cleveland Marksmen,” Cleveland county---O. P. Gardiner, captain. First
lieutenant, G. Blanton; second lieutenant, D. Magness; junior second lieutenant, O. Beam.

Company K, “Carolina Boys,” Cumberland county—M. McR. McLaughlin, captain. First lieutenant,
Angus Shaw; second lieutenant, A. M. Smith; junior second lieutenant, D. A. Moore.

The regiment was organized (Company K being absent,) by electing William J. Hoke, Lincoln
county (captain of Company K, Bethel Regiment,) colonel; Captain Oliver H. Dokery, Richmond
county, lieutenant colonel; Captain George W. Sharpe, Alexander county, major.

The following officers were then appointed: Horace L. Robards, Lincoln county, quartermaster;
Benjamin H. Sumner, Lincoln county, commissary; Miles M. Cowles, Yadkin county, adjutant;
Peter W. Young, Granville county surgeon; J Stuart Devane, Duplin county, assistant surgeon;
D. M. McIntyre, Duplin county, sergeant major; Marion Roseman, Catawba county, quartermaster
sergeant; William C. Webb, Cleveland county, commissary sergeant; John W. Waters,
Cleveland county, color sergeant; J. J. Johnson, Company H, S. B. Herring, Company C., F. A.
Clifton, Company C, J. H. Irving, Company G. D. A. B lack, Company K, color guard; Rev.
Julian P. Faison, Company A, chaplain; Lieut. R. W. Copell was elected captain of Company
E, to succeed Captain Dockery; Lieut. John E. Rheim, Company G, was elected to succeed
Captain Sharpe; George M. Yoder, Company F, was elected second lieutenant to succeed H. L.
Robards; George W. Flowers, Company G, was elected first lieutenant to succeed Lieut Rheim;
Oliver H. Patterson, second lieutenant, to succeed G. W. Flowers; D. G. McRae, Company E,
was elected second lieutenant, to succeed Lieut. Copell.

On the 10th of February, 1823 [sic.], the regiment was ordered to proceed to Washington,
N.C.; but on reaching Goldsboro the order was changed and the regiment ordered to Halifax,
thence to Hamilton. On February 13 under orders from General Gatlin, the troops returned to
Halifax, and then proceeded to Weldon to defend the bridge at that point, reaching Camp
Leavenworth on the east side of the river near Garysburg, on the 14th. The regiment remained
here until the 18th, when it was ordered to Camp Floyd, on the west side of the river, near Weldon.
While in Camp at this place there was much sickness and many deaths. On the 21st the
regiment was ordered to Camp Vance, two miles east of Goldsboro, on the Wilmington and
Weldon Railroad, and on the 22nd was attached to the Third Brigade, Army of North Carolina,
commanded by Gen. Joseph R. Anderson. This brigade was composed of the first South
Carolina Regiment, Col. Hamilton; Thirty-fourth North Carolina, Col. Leaventhorpe; Thirty-eighth
North Carolina, Col. Hoke; Second Georgia Battalion, Capt. Doyle; Third Louisiana Battalion,
Lieutenant Colonel Bridford. on April 8, the Forty-fifth Georgia, Colonel Hardiman, and on April
10th, Forty-ninth Georgia, Colonel Lane were attached to the brigade.

While here, the troops received news of the passage of the conscript law which gave some
dissatisfaction, because they thought it unfair to hold twelve-month troops for a longer time, but
after careful consideration they cheerfully acquiesced. On the 18th of April, 1862, General
Holmes, in command at Goldsboro, ordered the regiment at Camp Mason to re-organize for the
war. The result was as follows: Thos. S. Kenan, colonel, (did not accept); Wm. J. Hoke elected
on 2rth; R. F. Armfield, lieutenant colonel, L. D. Andrews, major.

Company A—A.G. Mosely, captain; D. D. Morrisey, first lieutenant; . E. Armstrong, second
lieutenant; A. J. Brown, junior second lieutenant.

Company B—C.L. Cook, captain; A. W. Blackburn, first lieutenant; L. F. Haynes, second
lieutenant; J. B. Hare, junior second lieutenant.

Company C—J.T. Wilson, captain; R. F. Allen, first lieutenant; Hudson, second lieutenant; J. W.
Darden, junior second lieutenant.

Company D—John Ashford, captain; R. R. Bell, first lieutenant; H. C. Darden, second lieutenant;
J. W. Darden, junior second lieutenant.

Company E—D. C. McRae, captain; S. M. Ingram, first lieutenant; Alfred Dockery, second
lieutenant, M. T. Covington; Junior second lieutenant.

Company F—D. McD. Youst, captain; F. D. Roseman, first lieutenant, A. J. Young, second
lieutenant; Alonzo Deal, junior second lieutenant.

Company G—G. W. Flowers, captain; O. H. Patterson, first lieutenant; W. A. Stephenson, second
lieutenant; Abner Harrington, junior second lieutenant.

Company H—W. L. Thornburg, captain; J. N. Kearns, first lieutenant; Marley Cranford, second
lieutenant; Alexander Murdock, junior second lieutenant.

Company I—O. P. Gardiner, captain; B. F. Hunt, first lieutenant; O. P. Beane, second lieutenant;
W. C. Webb, junior second lieutenant.

Company K—M.M. McLaughlin, captain; Angus Shaw, first lieutenant; A. M. Smith, second
lieutenant; D. A. Monroe, junior second lieutenant.

Miles M. Cowles, adjutant; W. R. Edwards, quartermaster (June 17, 1862); B. H. Sumner,
commissary; J. L. Andrews, ordnance sergeant.

During the war, in addition to those mentioned, the regiment had the following field officers:
Colonel—John Ashford;
Lieutenant Colonel—John Ashford, George W. Flowers;
Major—John Ashford, M. McR. McLaughlin, George W. Flowers, J. T. Wilson;
Adjutant—David M. McIntyre;
Ensign—Wesley P. Matheson;
Sergeant Major—Agrippa S. Hardister;
Chaplain—Whitfield S. McDiarmld.
At the time of the election Col. Kenan was in command of the Forty-third Regiment as lieutenant
colonel, and April 24th received his commission as colonel of that regiment and therefore did not
accept the command of the Thirty-eighth. As soon as the re-organization was completed, April
24th, the regiment was ordered to proceed by rail to Richmond, and on the 27th it was ordered to
Guinea Station, where on the 29th it was transferred to the Second Brigade, Gen. Matcy Gregg
commanding, and ordered to Milford Station. The regiment was engaged in guarding the bridges
on the Mattaponi, Wild Cat, North and South Anna runs until the 9th of May, when it was relieved
by Col. Tansil, Third Virginia Artillery, and ordered to report to Gen. Grerg [sic.] at the Summit.
The regiment was called May 12th, to meet the enemy, who had crossed the Rappahannock at
Hamilton’s crossing, below Fredericksburg, but the enemy withdrew and no engagement ensued.
This was the first time the regiment was in line of battle preparatory to fighting. The following day
the troops for the first time fired on the enemy, a number of whom were in a boat below the city;
all were killed except two or three, who swam ashore.

About this time the soldiers were deprived of their tents and much suffering was caused by the
extreme cold rains. The command remained near Fredericksburg until May 25th, when it set out
on a march at sunset in the direction of Hanover Junction, marching all night and all next day
through mud so that many of the soldiers lost their shoes and almost gave out from fatigue. The
regiment camped ten miles north of Richmond May 27th, and afterwards did picket duty along the
Chickahominy. On the 14th of June the Thirty-eighth was transferred to Gen. Wm. D. Pender’s
Brigade, composed of the Thirty-eighth North Carolina, Col. W. J. Hoke; Thirty-fourth North
Carolina, Col. R. H. Riddick; Twenty-second North Carolina, Col. James Conner; Sixteenth North
Carolina, Col. McElroy. The Thirteenth North Carolina, Col. A. M. Scales, was attached in the
winter. Pender’s Brigade formed the Sixth of the “Light Division” commanded by Gen. A. P. Hill.
The division crossed Meadow bridge June 26h, and it was seen from scattered portfolios and other
luxuries to which the Southern soldier was a stranger, that the Yankee picket at that place had
fled with great precipitation. As soon as the Thirty-eighth had gotten a little beyond Mehanicsville
it was saluted with heavy shelling. A line of battle was formed and the march continued until the
order was given to charge the battery that was throwing the deadly missiles. The heat was intense
and the double quick march exhausting but the charge was kept up over the open field until the
regiment reached the summit of the last elevation when a farm house, yard and garden broke the
line somewhat. the Yankee batteries were upon the summit of the opposite hill with their
supporting infantry in their intrenchments, and the old field pines in front cut down and piled
across the stumps which were left about three feet high, forming an almost impassible barrier.
The Thirty eighth, alone and unsupported, charged down the hill, the long line of infantry playing
upon it with a cross fire. On the soldiers charged, in the face of the fatal volleys, until the
obstacles were reached, when the whole hue stopped and began returning the fire under every
disadvantage. The men were falling rapidly and it was seen that to take the works was impossible.
Capt. Thornburg and Adjutant Cowles were in front, urging the men forward. The retreat was
ordered but the noise was so deafening nothing could be heard. Maj. Andrews reached Capt.
Thornburg and Adjutant Cowles and gave tem the orders to retreat, after which the word was
passed along the line and the retreat up the hill was begun, the enemy continuing their deadly
firing. It was about sunset when the regiment reached safely the rear. Gen Pender in his report
says: “I at once changed the direction of two of my regiments so as to bring them to the right
of the artillery, and succeeded in getting in 150 or 200 yards of it before we were opened upon,
but when they did open upon us it was destructive, and the obstacles so great in front, the creek
and the mill dam, that after the Thirty-eighth North Carolina had reached these obstacles, and
in less than 100 yards of the enemy’s rifle pits, they had to fall back. This regiment here
advanced boldly and maintained its ground well. * * *”

“I should state, while relating the incidents of this day’s battle, that Colonel Hoke, Thirty-eighth
North Carolina, was wounded and had to leave the field. The adjutant of the Thirty-eighth was
also wounded, but nobly maintained his post until after dark.”
Lieut. Col. Armfield took command as soon as Col. Hoke was wounded, which was son after
getting under fire. Adjutant Miles M. Cowles received a wound from which he soon died, the
regiment losing one of its bravest officers. Lieut. Covington, Company E, and Lieut. Darden,
Company D, were killed, and Lieuts. Dan. F. Roseman, Company F, and Angus Shaw,
Company H, were severely wounded.
In Company G, Capt. Flowers and Lieut Harrington were severely sounded, and out of 32 men in
the company at the opening of the engagement, 27 were either killed or wounded. About 420
men belonging to the regiment were engaged in the fight, the others being on picket. The loss
was 152 in killed and wounded.
Col. Hoke in his report speaks in highest terms of the conduct of Capt. B. H. Sumner, A.C.S.,
Sergeant Major D. M. McIntyre, John Young, an attache to the regiment, and Edward Goldsmith,
a drill master. The color bearer, John O. Waters, was severely wounded, but remained bravely
at the head of the regiment and bore his colors through the fight, returning them safely. During
the night the troops were collected as well as possible, and it was late before the Thirty-eighth
was gotten together, when the worn-out soldiers slept on their arms. At early dawn the march
was begun, the regiment passing over the spot where so many men were lost the evening before.
The enemy fled and the Confederates marched through the deserted camp. General Hill in his
report says: “It was a costly and useless sacrifice, for early the next morning our troops crossed
the mill pond and the Federal forces, seeing their position turned, betook themselves to hasty

The Federals made a stand as Gaines’ Mill, when the Thirty-eighth was engaged, and the soldiers,
though weary and worn, behaved nobly. About sunset the shouting along the line announced the
fact that the enemy was running and a victory was gained. After camping on the battlefield over
night, the march was continued. Lieut. Col. Armfield being sick, Maj. L. D. Andrews was now in
command. the regiment was engaged at Cold Harbor and Frazier’s Farm. At the latter place the
Confederate troops fought with unusual bravery, not seeming to realize the presence of danger
and vio-tory [sic] was again gained by the Confederates. The Southern soldiers were now all
jubilant. McClellean’s “On to Richmond” was now changed to “On to Harrison’s Landing,” where
the gunboats lay. The pursuit of the enemy was continued, and the next engagement was at
Malvern Hill. The battle at this place was a very hard fought one, but the Thirty-eighth was not in
the thickest of it, and did not lose very heavily. The enemy continued to flee, and were pursued
to their gunboats at Harrison’s Landing. After remaining there for a few days, the division was
ordered to Richmond, and it remained below that city until July 27, when Gen A. P. Hill’s division
was attached to Jackson’s Corps, and marched to Gordonsville, Va. On August 7th Jackson
moved from Gordonsville to confront Gen. Pope in the Valley, and on the 9th he fell upon Gen.
Banks’ right flank at Cedar Mountain. At one time the day seemed doubtful. When the foe had
well night crushed General Garnet, Branch went gallantly to his rescue, and with Pender’s and
other brigades of Hill’s Division drove the enemy headlong from the field. Maj. Andrews having
taken sick at Gordonsville, Capt. John Ashford was in command of the Thirty-eighth, and
received commendation from Gen. Pender for his coolness and skillfulness in handling his men.
D. M. McIntyre was not adjutant, having been promoted on July 9th, for gallantry and efficiency.
On account of ill-health Major Andrews resigned his commission, and on the 21st of August
Capt. John Ashford was promoted to major.

Jackson made a wide circuit behind the mountains to cut the Federal communications at
Manassas. On the 26th Pender’s Brigade gained a splendid victory over a brigade of the enemy
at Manassas Junction. Jackson’s single corps, numbering less than 16,000 men, was resisting
Gen. Pope’s entire army. On the 28th, the command formed line of battle for the memorable
second battle of Manassas, which was a series of battles for three days. Pender’s Brigade took
possession of the bridge across Bull Run and engaged the enemy across the river. His brigade
finally crossed over to the east side, but the enemy withdrew. The loss was very slight. On
Friday, the 29th, the enemy changed position and was attempting to interpose his army between
Gen. Jackson and Alexandria. Jackson’s troops were arranged along the Manassas Gap
Railroad. Jackson’s Division under Brigadier General Stark being on the right, Ewell’s, under
Lawton, in the centre, and A.P. Hill’s on the left. The brigades of Thomas Pender, Archer; and
Gregg, were on the extreme left. After Longstreet arrived the enemy changed position and
began to concentrate all its force opposite Hill’s division. The attack was received with great
steadiness, and the battle raged with great fury; the enemy was frequently repulsed, but on
account of having so many fresh troops the attack was renewed. They succeeded in penetrating
an interval between Gregg’s and Thomas’ divisions. Pender’s brigade was placed in the rear of
Thomas’ with orders to support it. Gen. Pender in his report says: “Finally, it seemed to me to
be the time to go to his (Thomas’) assistance. I ordered my brigade forward, moving just to the
right of Col. Thomas. My men moved forward very gallantly, driving the enemy back across the
railroad cut, through the woods on the opposite side and beyond their batteries in the adjoining
field. A battery of the enemy which was on the right of the woods as we advanced was flanked
by my command and the canoneers deserted their pieces. My line was halted on the edges of
the field in front of the enemy, where I remained some time, when, being promised support from
one of the staff in some of Jackson’s brigades, I crossed the field to attack the batteries. My
men advanced well, receiving grape from the batteries; but support being waited for in vain, and
seeing columns on my left and right manoeuvering to flank me, I withdrew and marched back to
the railroad cut, a little to the right of the position previously held by Gen. Gregg. Gen. Archer
very kindly came forward and relieved me until I could march to the rear and rest my men. I was
ordered to the right to support some one of Gen. Jackson’s brigades. I marched across the
railroad embankment, moving obliquely to the left until I had reached the large field again in which
the enemy were found. Finding nothing to do unless it was to attack an overwhelming force of the
enemy, supported very strongly by artillery, I withdrew after receiving heavy fire of grape and shell.
Getting back to the railroad cut about the point I had reached the evening before, I received
orders to march, in conjunction with other troops, particularly those of Gen. Archer, Cols. Thomas
and Tallaferro. We all advanced together, taking the enemy, as it were, in echelon. We advanced
steadily, driving the enemy from the field through the woods. While advancing through the woods
we were exposed to a very heavy enflade [sic.] fire from the right. We continued our advance until
after dark, when we came in contact with a body of the enemy. Each fired a volley. They ran
and we rested for the night. Thus ended the Manassas fight with me. The brigade, with the
exception of a few skulkers, behaved with great gallantry on both these days. They could not
have behaved better. I cannot particularize at this distant day, but I will recollect that Capt. John
Ashford, commanding the Thirty-eighth, behaved with great coolness and bravery. I had the
misfortune to lose him on account of a wound in the leg.”

Six separate and distinct attacks were made against Hill’s division and each time repulsed.
Gen. Jackson said: “The three brigades of Archer, Pender and Thomas held together and drove
everything before them, capturing the batteries and many prisoners, resting that night on Bull
Run, and the ground thus won was occupied that night. These brigades had penetrated so far
within the enemy’s lines that Capt. Ashe, assistant adjutant general to Gen. Pender, was taken
prisoner that night returning from my headquarters to his own brigade.”

The regiment received considerable loss. Lieut Wes. A. Stephenson, Company C, Thirty-eighth
North Carolina, a brave soldier, was killed and Lieut. Duncan Black was wounded. For
distinguished gallantry displayed in the celebrated charge, Sergt. R. M. Sharpe, Company G,
was promoted to second junior lieutenant. After the wounding of Capt. Ashford, Capt M. McR.
McLaughlin was in command of the regiment. Early next morning, September 1st, the army
marched forward and came in contact with the enemy late in the evening at Ox Hill. The regiment
was engaged in this fight, which raged with great fury, but the enemy retired from the field. On
the 4th of September the army bivouacked near the Big Spring, between Leesburg and the
Potomac, and on the next day the division crossed into Maryland, near Leesburg, but on the
11th re-crossed into Virginia at Williamsport. On the next day Gen. White, with 3,000 men,
retreated from the town and fell back upon Harper’s Ferry. The enemy occupied a ridge of hills,
known as Bolivar Heights, extending from the Potomac to the Shenandoah. Gen Hill’s division
was ordered to move along the left bank of the Shenandoah to turn the left flank of the enemy
and enter Harper’s Ferry. The Thirty-eighth was in the left of the division. Pender, Archer and
Brockenbrough were directed to gain the crest of the hill, Gen. Pender being entrusted with the
execution of this command. Col. Brewater was in charge of the brigade, which advanced to within
about 60 yards of the breastworks on the west point of Bolivar Heights, but the troops were
withdrawn. Next morning the brigades of Pender and Thomas marched to within 150 yards of the
works, while the artillery played upon the enemy. When the artillory [sic.] ceased, Pender began
to advance, but the artillery opened again, and the enemy showed the white flag, and surrendered
about 11,000 prisoners, 12,000 stand of arms, 70 pieces of artillery, and many stores. Captain
Nicholas E. Armstrong, Company A, and Lieut Smith, Company K, were severely wounded.

Hill’s Division remained to parole the prisoners and send off the captured goods, and on
September 17, move to Sharpsburg, leaving Thomas at Harper’s Ferry. At Sharpsburg occurred
one of the greatest battles of the civil war. Gen. Hill arrived in time to save the day, but Pender’s
Brigade on the right of the division was not actively engaged, being under fire at long range of

The division crossed the Potomac into Virginia, and on the 20th, at Shepardstown, were ordered
to drive some brigades of the enemy across the river. The enemy massed in front of Pender’s
Brigade and endeavored to turn his left. Gen. Pender became hotly engaged and informing
Archer of his danger he (Archer) marched by the left flank, and forming on Pender’s left, a
simultaneous, daring charge was made, and the enemy driven pell mell into the river. Then
commenced the most terrible slaughter the war witnessed. The broad surface of the Potomac
was blue with the floating bodies of the slain. But few escaped to tell the tale. By their own
account, they lost 3,000 men killed and drowned from one brigade alone.
Gen. Pender in his report says: “Capt Ashford, commanding the Thirty-eighth North Carolina at
Manassas Junction and at Manassas, when he was wounded, has entitled himself to notice as
well as promotion by his uniform bravery and good conduct. Lieuts. A J. Brown and J. M.
Robinson, also of the same regiment, have attracted my attention more than once, as also
Adjutant D. M. McIntyre. Lieut. Col. Armfield, having returned to the regiment the day before
the battle, was in command and was severely wounded.”
On December 13, the army met three divisions of Burnside’s Army at Fredericksburg, Va. At
this time Gen. Hill occupied the front line formed of two regiments of Fields’ Brigade, and the
brigades of Archer, Lane and Pender, the latter being on the extreme left. The enemy made
several attempts to advance but were repulsed.” (Gen. A.P. Hill’s report). From the nature of
the ground, and the entire absence of all protection, against artillery, Pender’s Brigade received
the greatest part of the terrible fire. Gen. Pender was himself wounded. During the temporary
absence of Gen. Pender, the command of the brigade devolved upon Col. Sales, of the Thirteenth.
Gen. Pender, though wounded, resumed the command of his brigade as soon as his wound was
After the withdrawal of the enemy the regiment, with Pender’s Brigade, went into winter quarters
at Camp Gregg, below Fredericksburg, and did picket duty near Moss Creek church. On
December 27th Colonel William J. Hoke rejoined the regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Armfield, while
at home on furlough, on account of a wound received at Shepardstown, was elected solicitor, and
resigned his position in the army. Captain John Ashford was elected to fill the vacancy. The
following is a copy of General Hill’s order:

CAMP BRANCH, SEPT. 24, 1862.
Soldiers of the Light Division:
You have done well and I am pleased with you. You have fought in every battle from
Mechanicsville to Shepardstown and no man can say that the Light Division was ever broken.
You held the left at Manassas against overwhelming numbers, and saved the army. You saved the
day at Sharpsburg, and at Shepardstown you were selected to face a storm of round shot, shell
and grape, such as I never before saw. I am proud to say to you that your services are appreciated
by our general and that you have a reputation in this army which it should be the subject of every
officer and private to sustain.
[Signed] A. P. Hill,
Major General.
The regiment remained in camp until the 29th of April, 1863, when the command marched in the
direction of Fredricksville, and remained in camp below the city until the evening of May 1.
On the morning of May 2 Jackson began to march upon Chancellorsville, and after a long and
fatiguing journey the division was placed at right angles to the old turnpike road, Hill’s Division
being third in line, Rhodes’ and Colston’s being ahead of him. Hooker, having thrown up heavy
works, west, south and east, with the Chancellor house behind the center, and with the dense
thicket in front, was in a position almost impregnable. The flank movement was ordered about 6
o’clock in the afternoon. The Confederates rushed forward, cheering wildly, and in a few moments
the enemy were completely demoralized and fled. On account of the thickets the lines had been
mingled in confusion and it was necessary to reform the lines. The third line (Hill’s Division) was
ordered to the front. Pender’s Brigade entered the road and pushed on by the flank until they
reached the most advanced position of the troops. Here in the road the whole brigade received a
most destructive shelling from the batteries near Chancellorsville. Hill’s Division was now in front,
and was engaged in relieving those who had been in the front line during the evening. On all sides
the scattered troops were gathered around their colors. Jackson, accompanied by his staff and
escort, rode down the road towards Chancellorsville. In the obscurity of the night they were
mistaken for the enemy and fired upon and Jackson was mortally wounded. As soon as the
musketry fired the enemy’s batteries again swept the turnpike with shell and canister. Pender
massed his brigade to the left of the wood, threw out skirmishers and remained in this position
until Sunday morning, May 3. When daylight came next morning, a private soldier in Company I,
of the Thirty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, found Jackson’s gloves in the road where he had
dropped them when shot. They were buckskin gloves with the name of T. J. Jackson inside the
Hill had intended an attack on the enemy as soon as he had formed his line in front, but
soon after Jackson was wounded he himself was wounded, and the attack was not made. Maj.
Gen. Stuart was now in command of the corps. About dawn Sunday morning, May 3, Gen.
Stuart renewed the attack, Gen. Heth in command of Hill’s Division taking the advance. The
enemy was again charged in the face of their deadly fire, and twice were their works taken and
twice relinquished. About 10 o’clock the Federal army was driven by a mighty charge from all the
fortified positions, back towards the Rappahannock, with heavy loss in killed and wounded and
prisoners. On account of the nature of the country, this region being known as the wilderness,
rapid pursuit was almost impossible. In the charge the troops were scattered, and after being
gotten together, the command maintained its position Sunday and Monday, and on Tuesday
evening the enemy re-crossed the river.

Gen. Pender in his report says: “I can truly say that my brigade fought May 32 with
unsurpassed courage and determination. I never knew them to act universally so well. I noticed
no skulking, and they never showed any hesitation in following their colors. My list of killed and
wounded will show how manfully they fought on that glorious day. After having witnessed the
fighting of nearly all the troops that fought on the left of the road I am satisfied with my own but
by no means claiming any superiority. All that I saw behaved as heroes. ***”

“Lieut. Col. John Ashford, Lieuts. Alsa J. Brown, Jno. Robinson, Thirty-eighth North
Carolina, the former part of the time and the latter part of the time in charge of my sharp shooters,
distinguished themselves very much. Col. Ashford was remarked for his gallantry by all, and Lieut.
Brown continued with or in charge of the sharp-shooters for several days. He is a young man who
deserves promotion. He kept his skirmishers so close to the enemy’s breastworks on Monday
and Tuesday as to pick off the artillery horses, men working on their trenches, and any one seen
mounted. He drove in other skirmishers on all occasions. I should mention that Maj. M. McR.
McLaughlin, Thirty-eight North Carolina was badly wounded while behaving most gallantly.
Adjutant D. N. McIntyre is also spoken of for his distinguished conduct.”

The loss of the brigade was 700, the Thirty-eight North Carolina losing two officers;
Capt. McRae, and Lieut. Hare, killed: Officers 81 wounded; 16 privates killed; 12 missing. The
Confederate Congress passed an act by which badges might be given to enlisted men, whom
the companies might select as being entitled to them. After the battle of Chancellorsville the
following were given badges:
Company A, Private Jesse A. Nethercutt, Duplin county; Company B, Private Thomas Dinkins,
Yadkin county; Company C, Private Benjamin Sutton, Sampson county; Company D, First
Sergeant David A. Thompson, Sampson county; Company E, Private Wm. J. Hutcheson (killed)
Richmond county; Company F, Private Wm. S. Huffman, Catawba county; Company G, Private
W. F. Matheson, Alexander county; Company H, Corporal D. P. Woodburn: Randolph county
(killed at Gettysburg); Company I, Private Thomas J. Ramsey, Cleveland county; Company K,
Private W. H. McPhail, Cumberland county.
Medals were also recommended to be given to Adjutant McIntyre and Lieut. A. J.
When A. P. Hill took command of Jackson’s Corps, after recovering from his wound,
Pender, also wounded at Chancellorsville, was promoted to major general, and Col. A. M. Scales,
the senior colonel of the brigade, to Brigadier General. Scales being absent on account of a
wound received at Chancellorsville, Col. W. J. Hoke was placed in command of the brigade and
continued in command until Scales rejoined the brigade near the Maryland line. The wound
received by Maj. McLaughlin prevented him from returning to his command, and Capt. G. W.
Flowers was elected major.

May 13, 1863.
General Order No. 28.
Upon resuming command of the brigade, it affords me great pleasure to express to you
my high appreciation of your conduct and services in the late battle of Chancellorsville. Troops
could not have fought better or more gallantly, opposing successfully such fearful odds, strongly
posted and offering stubborn resistance, as evidenced by your loss, greater than that of any
brigade in the army in proportion to numbers engaged. I may be exacting, but in this instance
you may rest assured that I am perfectly satisfied. I am proud to say that your services are
known and appreciated by those higher in command than myself. * * *
[Signed] W. D. PENDER,
Brigadier General.
On the morning of June 6th, 1863, the brigade went into line below Fredericksburg, in
front of the Bernard house, the enemy being in the Port Royal road and in the valley behind the
house. Col. Wm. J. Hoke was ordered to advance his skirmishers and fire if the enemy occupied
the Port Royal road. Lieut. Alsa J. Brown, afterwards captain of Company C, took command,
assisted by Lieut. Robinson, afterwards Captain of Company B, and the other officers of the
skirmish corps, about 20 men. Instead of feeling, he charged the enemy and attacked and drove
from the road the Sixth Vermont, killing and sounding about 35, and holding the road until the
enemy re-crossed the Rappahannock.

After being encamped for about ten days, Hill’s corps moved towards Gettysburg,
Pender’s division arriving within eight miles of Gettysburg on the morning of the 30th. At 3 a.m.,
July 1st, the command took up line of march, Pender’s division with McIntosh’s battalion of artillery
following 11th and Pegram’s battalion of artillery. The field arrangement put Scales’ Brigade on
the extreme left of the division, and the Thirty-eighth North Carolina on the left of the brigade, its
left resting on the Chambersburg pike. The advance of the enemy was driven back to the hills
where their forces were to oppose the advance of the Confederates. At the first charge Pender’s
division was in the rear, Scales’ and Thomas’ brigades being on the right. The enemy offering
determined resistance, Pender’s division, except Thomas’ Brigade, was ordered to the front.
The ammunition of the advance line having given out, they halted and lay down. Scales’ Brigade
soon passed over them with the other brigades, rushed upon the ascent, crossed the bridge and
commenced the descent just opposite the Theological Seminary. The regiment being on the
flank, encountered a most terrific fire of grape and musketry in front. Every discharge made sad
loss in the line, but the troops pressed on double quick until the bottom was reached, a distance
of about 73 yards from the ridge just crossed and about the same distance from the college in
front. By this time the line was badly broken. Every officer in Scales’ Brigade except one, Lieut.
Gardman, upon whom the command devolved, was disabled, 400 men killed, wounded and
missing. The loss of the Thirty-eighth was 100 in killed and wounded or captured. Gen. Scales
and Adj. Gen. Riddick were wounded, and Maj. Clark killed, Col. Hoke, Col Ashford, Col.
Lawrence, Capt. Thornburg, acting major, were among the wounded. Though wounded, Col.
Lawrence took command of the brigade and Capt. Thornburg, of the regiment. Some of the
companies were without a single officer. The regiment now was moved to the right of the line,
and throwing out skirmishers to the right and front it remained in this position until morning, it
being then about 10 o’clock. Early next morning the brigade was placed on the right of the
artillery. A line of skirmishers under command of Lieut A. J. Brown was thrown out, and was held
against several strong attacks. The Scales Brigade joined the division on the left again and was
joined on to Lane's Brigade. On the morning of July 3rd, Scales' Brigade was ordered to the right
and placed in command of Gen. Trimble, and while here suffered greatly from the artillery fire. The
regiment was then ordered forward over a crimson plain. The Federal lines, as the regiment
emerged from the woods were about a mile in front. The troops were compelled to cross a fence,
and were by this time losing heavily from grape and canister. The line was somewhat deranged.
Capt. Thornburg was disabled. About 150 yards from the enemy’s line another fence retarded the
advance, but the troops rushed on and reached a third fence on the side of the road. There was
by this time only a skirmish line. The Thirty-eighth was then only a few feet in front of the enemy’s
infantry. The enemy rushed out to meet the advancing line, and a flanking party, concealed in
ditches, captured about thirty men besides killing a large number inside the Federal lines. Some
tried to escape but were shot down. Every man in Company A except Adjutant H. C. Moore and
Lieutenant A. J. Brown were shot down and these were captured. Adjutant D. M. McIntyre, acting
brigade adjutant general of Scales’ Brigade, escaped. After the third day’s fight the regiment had
only about 40 men, commanded by a first lieutenant.

The two brigades, Lanes and Scales’, were reduced to mere squads, and after the retreat a line
was formed again where the first line was formed, and the brigade remained here until the 4th
when the retreat to Hagerstown began, which place was reached on July 7th. On July 11th line
of battle was formed and the regiment remained here until the night of the 13th,but no fight
ensued except skirmishing. After this the retreat to Falling Water began, Pender’s Division
being rear guard. The Potomac was crossed and Culpepper Court House reached August 1st.
The division went into winter quarters at Orange Court House and the regiment did picket duty
on the Rapidan On the 7th of February, during Gen. Scales’ absence, Col. Hoke commanded
the brigade against an advance of the enemy on the brigade picket line at Barnett’s Ford on the
Rapidan, and it maintained its position until the enemy retired. After the death of Pender at
Gettysburg Wilcox became division commander. On the morning of May 4th the enemy under
Gen. Grant crossed the Rapidan at Ely’s and Germanna Fords. Two corps of Lee’s army
moved to oppose him, Ewell’s by the turnpike and Hill’s by the plank road. As soon as the
Confederate forces reached the enemy a strong attack was made on Ewell who repulsed them,
but soon they returned, massing a heavy force against Hill. Heth’s and Wilcox’s Divisions met
every assault and successfully resisted them, but the enemy continued to make attacks until
nightfall. Next morning as Longstreet was relieving Hill, the enemy made an attack which at first
created some confusion, but as soon as the troops recovered themselves, the enemy was driven
back with spirit rarely surpassed. At night an attack was made against the enemy, and they
being panic-stricken by the cheering of the Confederate Army, a stampede was begun with led
to a general rout. The third army corps under General Early, (Hill being unwell) left the position
at the wilderness May 8, 1864 and engaged in the great battles of Spotsylvania court house
when the Thirty-eighth lost several brave men. The regiment was in the attack made by General
Hill on General Warren at Noel’s station May 23 and the skirmishing at Riddle’s shop June 13,
and on down to Petersburg, which was reached June 18.

The following is a resolution of the Confederate Congress, May 17, 1864:
“The Congress of the Confederate Sates of American do resolve, That the thanks of Congress
are eminently due, and are hereby tendered to the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth Regiments of
North Carolina Troops, for the promptness and unanimity with which they have re-enlisted for
the war.”

Colonel Hoke from wounds received in battle was disabled for field service and was
appointed for the post at Charlotte. Lieutenant Colonel John Ashford was promoted to the
command of the regiment; Major General W. Flowers to be lieutenant colonel, and Captain J. T.
Wilson to be major.

The regiment was engaged in a very hard fought battle at Ream’s Station, when the
divisions under Wilcox, Mahone and Johnston attacked the enemy and captured about 2,000
prisoners. Hill attacked General Warren at the Davis House, on the Weldon road, 3 miles from
the city, August 21, 1864, defeating him and capturing 2,700 prisoners. The regiment suffered
severely in this engagement. The command remained around Petersburg until April 2, 1865,
when the Confederate lines were pierced in three places. The Thirth-eighth [sic.] was ordered
out of the works, and was soon thereafter on the retreat from Petersburg. The enemy were
pursuing the retreating troops very hard, and first one regiment and then another were thrown
out as skirmishers to retard the enemy. A line of battle was formed and breastworks were thrown
up at Southerland’s Farm and when the enemy made an attack they were repulsed with heavy
loss and several prisoners were captured. The enemy turned the flank at about 4 p.m., and the
Southern troops were again compelled to retreat. Cook’s, Scales’ and McRae’s North Carolina
Brigades and McGowan’s South Carolina Brigade, the troops on the right of the break in the line,
formed the corps. The North Carolina Regiments, Thirteenth, Twenty-Second, Twenty-Seventh,
and Fortieth were thrown out to check the enemy while the other troops endeavored to cross,
hoping to rejoin the main army from which the brigades had been separated. It was found
impossible to cross and the regiments thrown out were recalled, when the troops pursued their
way up the river until about 2 o’clock at night when they resisted. The march was begun at
sunrise the next morning, April 3rd, and Deep Creek was reached about 9 a.m. A halt was made
to let the wagon train get ahead for safety, and an attempt was made to throw a temporary bridge
across the creek in order to cross. The cavalry had been in the rear guard, and about 2 o’clock
they came rushing up and reported that the enemy were pursuing. McGowan’s Brigade was
enabled to cross the bridge, which was not yet completed, but the other troops followed the
wagons and crossed at a ford about three miles above the bridges. By this time the enemy were
in sight, but no attack was made. The intention was to cross the Appomattox at Goode’s bridge,
but the waters were very high and it was impossible to get to the bridge on account of the
overflow, therefore the troops were marched up the river, and as night came on went into camp
at the cross roads above the bridge. Couriers were sent out to find a place to cross, in order to
join Gen. Lee’s army, and about 1 o’clock the command was ordered to march. After crossing
the river and marching through open fields and by-roads, Anderson’s Georgia brigade was
reached. This brigade was the leading brigade in Lee’s army, and had crossed on a pontoon
bridge when the whole army was then crossing. There was great rejoicing on the part of the
soldiers at again meeting their comrades, from whom they had been separated for three days.
The regiment was halted about sunrise and breakfast was prepared, after which the march was
continued to Amelia C. H., Va. where the night was spent. The enemy next morning attacked
and began burning the wagon train, but were driven off. The retreat was continued, the rear guard
having frequent fights with the enemy. On Friday, April 7, 1865, Farmville, Va., was reached and
Scales’ Brigade relieved Cook’s Brigade as rear guard of the infantry. The enemy having crossed
the river, pressed the lines very hard and consequently the rear guard was engaged in several
attacks, and suffered severely. The enemy was driven off, and this was the last fighting in which
the regiment was engaged before the surrender. Saturday, April 8, the regiment camped about
three miles from Appomattox C. H., Va. As Appomattox C. H. was approached the next morning
the Federal line was seen on the hill at the court house. Line of battle was drawn up and it was
expected that an advance would be made. It began to be rumored that a surrender was made,
but nothing definite could be learned until 12 o’clock, when it was known that Lee had indeed
surrendered. It was soon learned that the soldiers would be paroled and given permission to
return home. Monday morning, April 10, 1865, the farewell address of Gen. Lee was read to the
regiment. All the soldiers of the regiment had the opportunity of shaking hands with Gen Lee
and hearing him say, “God bless you, boys; I hope we shall meet again.” After remaining in this
position until Wednesday, April 12th, the regiment was marched over near the court house,
where the arms were stacked in front of the enemy. On the same evening the soldiers were
furnished with the following:

April 10, 1865

The bearer ____________ of Co_________, 38th Regt of N. C. Troops, a paroled
prisoner of the Army of Northern Virginia, has permission to go to his home, and there remain
undisturbed. JON. H. HYMAN,
Colonel 13th N.C. Troops
Commanding Scales’ Brigade
The Thirty-eighth Regiment of North Carolina Troops was disbanded and passed out of existence.
Lieut. Colonel 38th N C. Regt.
SOURCE: Daily Charlotte Observer, 3/31/1895

Group Link:http://www.warofrightsforum.com/group.php?groupid=127

Steam Group Link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/38thNorthCarolinaCompanyK

COMPANY TOOL LINK: https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=168#companyToolHeader

Hardee's Revised Drill Manual:http://www.drillnet.net/1862/1862.htm

Uniforms of the 38th, September 1862: http://www.northstaterifles.com/38.htm

General Uniform Guidelines for North Carolina: http://www.26nc.org/Equipment/EarlyWarImpressions.pdf

09-19-2016, 12:27 AM

Lance Rawlings
09-19-2016, 12:38 AM
Thanks General! I'm glad I finally got this up, I've been at a reenactment all weekend. Now for the recruits to start pouring in... :D

A. P. Hill
09-19-2016, 01:48 AM
Welcome to the Light Division!

Lance Rawlings
09-19-2016, 01:54 AM
Welcome to the Light Division!

Thank you, General! Pleasure to be here!

Duke Of Longtree
09-19-2016, 02:03 AM
good luck

Lance Rawlings
09-19-2016, 02:06 AM
good luck

Thank you, Sir! We'll see you on the field.

09-19-2016, 03:38 AM
Glory to our Carolinas!

09-19-2016, 05:55 AM
Welcome to the Confederacy!

09-19-2016, 10:51 AM
Welcome fellow Tar Heels, give 'em hell boys!

09-19-2016, 12:22 PM
Best of luck !;)

09-19-2016, 12:41 PM
Thought you were making the 27th NC; change your mind? All the same, congrats and good luck!

Lance Rawlings
09-19-2016, 01:05 PM
Thank you for all the support gents! I can't wait!

Hey Gandalf! I was originally wanting to do the 26th, but the we're not in the Maryland Campaign, so I decided on this unit. The reason you saw all the 27th stuff was because I was helping Bullet_Bill out for his unit. Thanks!

Lance Rawlings
09-21-2016, 01:49 AM
Hey y'all! Check out and join the recently updated 38th North Carolina Infantry Company K's group!


Lance Rawlings
09-21-2016, 06:59 PM
Welcome to our newest recruit, MK81! Thank you for enlisting.

Lance Rawlings
09-23-2016, 01:09 AM
Hello everyone!

ANOUNCEMENT: I have created a new group on Steam for The Carolina Boys! Check it out and join here:


ANNOUNCEMENT: Company communication will be done using the new Discord app for Win, Mac, IOS, and Android. This unique communications tool is very user friendly and can be used on your phone to message while simultaneously speaking through your computer. It is the new Teamspeak in my opinion, and easy for newbies to learn. Once you create an account, PM me your Discord #. It's the four digit code that is displayed next to your name. Once you do that, I'll add you to our private company server. You can create an account here: https://discordapp.com/register

Thanks guys!

Lance Rawlings
09-25-2016, 09:49 PM
Hey fellas! We are still recruiting to fill Company K of the 38th NC! Check out our group to enlist! On Steam and WoR forum!

Lance Rawlings
09-27-2016, 01:34 AM
Welcome to our newest recruit, KernelPopcorn! You have been found worthy of serving our new government in defense of our homeland and families in Company K of the 38th North Carolina. I look forward to fighting alongside you.

Lance Rawlings
09-28-2016, 12:30 AM
Hey guys! I have a new contact email if anyone wants to contact me! Feel free to apply* through here, ask questions, or just hang out!


Happy 100th post to me! ;)

*You can also apply here on our thread, our Steam group, or our WoR group.

Lance Rawlings
09-28-2016, 07:38 PM
The 38th North Carolina would like to extend a warm welcome to the new commander of our Brigade, Gen. William Dorsey Pender! We look forward to fight for you, Sir!

09-28-2016, 10:02 PM
Forum Name: bullet_bill
Historical Name (Opt): Angus Shaw
Forum Profile Link:
Reason for Application: you know why
Pledge Tier (Opt.): Captain
Location: NC
Microphone?: ya
Discord #: will get
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting): reenacting and mount and blade

Lance Rawlings
09-28-2016, 10:06 PM
Forum Name: bullet_bill
Historical Name (Opt): Angus Shaw
Forum Profile Link:
Reason for Application: you know why
Pledge Tier (Opt.): Captain
Location: NC
Microphone?: ya
Discord #: will get
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting): reenacting and mount and blade

Welcome to the 38th NC, Bullet_Bill! I look forward to fighting with you! Hurrah for our Southern Cause!

Lance Rawlings
09-28-2016, 10:55 PM
Check out the Company Tool everyone! It's awesome!

Lance Rawlings
09-29-2016, 12:56 AM
I will post our company tool link shortly...

Lance Rawlings
09-29-2016, 02:38 AM
DRUMROLL.......................................... ........................................Here it is!


Lance Rawlings
09-29-2016, 03:14 PM
Hey guys! I encourage you to pick a historical name for the game if you would like! It would add a greater sense of authenticity! Feel free to post your choice here and I'll update the group roster.

For some ideas, here is a roster of the original 38th NC Co K!

38th North Carolina Regiment, Company K
The Carolina Boys
38th North Carolina Company K

Enlisted in Cumberland County on November 9, 1861

McLauchlin, Murdock McRae
Monroe, Daniel A.
Smith, Archibald M.

Black, Duncan A.
McArthur, John Franklin
McDonald, Hugh Archibald
Ray, John S.
Shaw, Angus

Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates
Alford, Simon
Armfield, Allen Hamilton
Armfield, Oliver B.
Arnett, Alexander
Askew, George H.
Avera, Isaac
Baby, R. D.
Barron, Jasper Newton
Black, Duncan
Black, John R.
Blue, Lauchlin Alexander
Bolton, William James
Brantley, Wiley Harris
Brewer, W. R.
Burns, F. L.
Cain, Joseph E. Jarrat
Cameron, Alexander A.
Cameron, D. B.
Cameron, Daniel T.
Campbell, Daniel K.
Campbell, Hector McL.
Campbell, John L.
Campbell, N. L.
Caps, W.
Carmichael, Gilbert
Carver, Malcom R.
Castlebury, F. M.
Cole, R.
Culbreth, John Clinton
Culbreth, Niven
Currie, Daniel A.
Currie, Francis S.
Currie, Randal Madison
Curtis, Samuel
Eason, Isaac
Ellis, Henry J.
Ellis, John Jr.
Geddie, Gabriel
Geddie, James Daniel
Geddie, William McPhail
Grady, David T.
Grady, Marshall W.
Graham, Alexander C.
Graham, Daniel B.
Graham, John M.
Graham, Neil
Gregory, J.
Guion, Arthur D.
Haley, Cornelius
Hall, John G.
Hall, L. A.
Harrison, Richard J.
Hogans, James
Holder, Israel
Hughes, James W.
Jackson, William R.
Johnson, J. D.
Johnson, William H.
Jones, Frederick B.
Keen, Wiley
King, Henry
Lambeth, Henry
McArthur, A.
McArthur, J. A. J.
McArthur, James O.
McArthur, John
McCaskill, D. C.
McDiarmid, Archibald
McDonald, Christopher K.
McDonald, John W.
McDonald, Murdock
McDougald, Dougald A.
McDuffie, Daniel
McDuffie, Daniel K.
McFadyen, Daniel
McGill, Archibald
McGill, John
McGregor, George K.
McGugan, John C.
McInnis, Angus
McIntyre, Malcom
McKay, Daniel John
McKenzie, Colon R. C.
McLauchlin, Archibald Scott
McLauchlin, Neill J.
McLauchlin, William Christopher
McLaurin, Daniel J.
McLaurin, John A.
McLean, Alexander
McLean, Duncan
McLean, John C.
McLean, Simeon
McLeod, Alexander
McLeod, John
McLeod, N. W.
McLeod, Samuel
McLeod, Wesley
McMillan, Daniel
McMillan, Daniel A.
McMillan, David J.
McMillan, Roderick
McNeill, George Hector
McPhaul, Daniel A.
McPhaul, William H.
McPherson, Murdock
McRae, J. A.
McVicker, William
Massingill, R. H.
Merrit, H. C.
Miller, L. R.
Monroe, Andrew
Monroe, Colin
Monroe, Duncan James
Monroe, John
Murphy, Cyrus
Murphy, John
Murphy, Wellington
Newton, Enoch Elijah
North, T. E.
Owens, David
Patterson, John A.
Patterson, Neill A.
Phillips, John T.
Phillips, Joseph
Powell, Stephen
Priest, Hugh A.
Priest, John
Ray, Allen
Ray, Archibald
Ray, Daniel
Ray, David Jr.
Ray, David Sr.
Ray, Gilbert
Ray, James Franklin
Ray, Lauchlin
Ray, Neill
Richardson, S.
Roland, Charles
Smith, Charles
Smith, Henry H.
Smith, John D. F.
Smith, Robert
Snead, James A.
Taylor, William H.
Wethers, E. H.
Williams, Levi
Williams, N. R.
Wilson, Malcom James
Wood, H.

09-29-2016, 04:15 PM
Lance Rawlings please stop the spam. Edit you post and add to it instead of making needless posts. Thank you

Lance Rawlings
09-29-2016, 05:01 PM
Lance Rawlings please stop the spam. Edit you post and add to it instead of making needless posts. Thank you

Hey, sorry. I was trying to give short little company updates. I'll just add on to old ones from now on.


09-30-2016, 03:45 PM
Current K Company recruitment number is on the rise, good to see.

The 'Company Tool' trial is going on at the moment and I've just signed up so let me know how the Company listings pan out.

To the Colors!

10-03-2016, 08:12 PM
This is an awesome company! Glad to see it forming up! Any guys looking for a company to join, this is it!

Lance Rawlings
10-04-2016, 02:00 PM
Welcome to the 38th North Carolina Company K, J.A.H. Heros von Borke! I look forward to fighting alongside you!

10-08-2016, 08:50 AM
Reporting that under the command of Company Commander Lance Rawlings the Company K, 38th North Carolina, Pender's Brigade, A.P. Hill's Division, Jackson's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia... is now re-formed and re-recruiting.

Lance Rawlings
10-10-2016, 07:23 PM
Hey y'all! The company has been reformed after the company tool reset, so make sure if you haven't yet, to go ahead and volunteer on there so we can get you enlisted again. Thanks everyone!

Lance Rawlings
10-13-2016, 09:28 PM
I'd like to welcome Dylan Schexnayder to the 38th NC Co K! May many a yank fall by your lead!

Lance Rawlings
10-22-2016, 08:47 PM
On behalf of the 38th North Carolina Company K, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest recruit, Tim Propst!

Lance Rawlings
10-25-2016, 11:40 PM
Hello Men of the 38th, and guests!

We will be going through some drill this week covering Hardee's manual. We will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, at 2:00 pm EST (-5 hours GMT) with the basics of Hardee's Drill and School of the Soldier Part I & II.

Friday, the 28th at 2:00pm EST, we will review what we learned Wednesday, so don't worry if you didn't make it! We will also be learning Part III of the School of the Soldier

Saturday, the 29th, at 11:00 am EST, we will learn the applicable information from the School of the Company.

We will do our best to end the drill with a skirmish, since we like to end with a bang ;)


I hope to see you there!
Lance Rawlings

Lance Rawlings
10-28-2016, 12:16 AM
Captain Lance Rawlings, Reporting
Commanding, 38th North Carolina Company K
Pender’s Brigade, Hill’s Division

Greetings Gentlemen,

The 38th NC Co. K completed its first “official” drill Wednesday, the 26th of October. I am extremely pleased at the competence, quick thinking, and potential of this company. We began with introducing Hardee’s Light Infantry drill manual from 1862, starting with the posts of officers, guides, file closers, and the general formation of the company. Hardee’s gives instructions to officers, sergeants, and corporals, all of which were covered. A short lesson in the fundamentals of commands was given, explaining the three types of commands, and a pronunciation guide pertaining to such.

We then formed the company, practicing forming from one rank into two ranks, and then counting off. Open ranks and alignments were explained as well. We did a quick run through of the manual of arms, so much as is currently allowed in game. We discussed the different types of dress including left dress, right dress, center dress, and dress on the colors; as well as guide left, guide right, and guide. The company then did remarkably well in firing drills consisting of fire by company, fire by files, fire by rank, and fire at will, firing by the rear rank, and firing in retreat. We covered basic marching such as by files left or right and oblique marches. Forming a column of fours was executed without flaw. We then ended our drill session with a short skirmish, which allowed the company to think tactically in any given situation.

Overall I am immensely pleased with the performance of the company and continue to have high hopes for our Southern Cause, while fearing greatly for the Yanks, who I almost begin to pity… Almost.

Lance Rawlings
10-30-2016, 08:14 PM
Hey y'all! Here is the drill/command guide as requested! I couldn't figure out a way to attach a doc, so send me a telegram if you want the better version!

38th North Carolina Company K Drill Guide

This guide contains commonly used maneuvers and how to command them using Hardee’s Light Infantry Drill Manual. It is designed for anyone, from the newest recruit to the Colonel of the regiment, wanting a solid understanding of the manual without having to dissect the entire manual. Look at the back of this guide for command guide.

Posts of Company Officers
A “post” is any given position in a company.
Captain: Right of company, touching with his left elbow.
First Sergeant: Right of company, rear rank (behind the captain). The first sergeant is also known as the “covering sergeant” because he “covers” the captain. “Cover” simply means to be directly behind someone. The first sergeant moves into the front rank, where the captain was, if the captain steps away from the company.
Second Sergeant: Left of company, touching with right elbow.
All other officers are “file closers,” which means they are two paces behind the company, to keep the company together. This will be a very important role in War of Rights, due to lack of awareness and peripheral vision as well as physical contact.
Corporals are always posted in the front rank, one on each end of the company, next to the sergeants, and one at the end of each platoon break.

There are three kinds of commands.
1. The command of caution, which is attention
2. The preparatory command, which indicates the movement about to be executed.
3. The EXECUTION command, on which the maneuver is executed.
Example: We are in a battle line, and we wish to march straight forward, nothing fancy. The command would be:
1. Attention. 2. Company. 3. Forward. 4. MARCH.
In this situation, attention company is the caution command, forward is the preparatory, and march is the command of execution.

Forming the Company
A company will always be formed in two ranks. There is much discussion about how to form the company, because it was never recorded in a manual, though we are given a few hints. We will practice two versions. The first is simple.
1.Company 2. In two ranks-FALL IN
At this command, the company simply creates two ranks forming on the first sergeant, and continues to form to his left until all men are in rank.
The other way to form the company, which would be done starting with one rank, is as follows:
1. FALL-IN 2. In two ranks, form company 3. Company 4. Right-FACE 5. MARCH 5. FRONT 6. In each rank, count TWOS.
At command 1, the entire company falls in on the first sergeant, in one rank. Command 2 tells the company what they are about to do. At command 3-4, the entire company (excluding the first sergeant) faces to the right. At command 5, the man who is now facing the first sergeant will go to the sergeant’s rear, but stay right-faced. The following man will dress to the first sergeant, and the man behind him will then go to his right, to be in the rear rank when the company is fronted. This goes on until each man is either in a front or rear rank. It will look like the company has done a “in two ranks, right face.” Then the company will be formed at the command FRONT, which is a left face in this situation. The last thing to do is to count off.

To Open and Close Ranks
During inspections, parades, and the manual of arms, it is desirable to separate the rear rank from the front rank, giving ample space for commands to be executed without awkward movement. The company will be at ordered arms to begin with, and at the command given, the rear rank will march four paces backward, to align themselves with the first and second sergeant. The command is as follows:
1. Attention. 2. Company 3. Shoulder-ARMS 4. To the rear open order. 5. MARCH.
At the fourth command, the first and second sergeant will set the line for the rear rank, four paces back. At the fifth command the reaer rank will march rearward to the line set by the sergeants. Once the rear rank is aligned, the sergeants will assume their positions in the front rank.
When the company is to be reformed, the command is simply:
1. Rear rank. 2. Shoulder-ARMS 3. Close order 4. MARCH
At which the rear rank will simply walk back into line.

Dress and Guide
The term “dress” is used to tell the company what “anchor point” they are to align themselves on. The following are the main “dresses” you should familiarize yourself with.
1. Company 2. Right-DRESS
On a right dress, the company aligns themselves on the first sergeant and/or captain. So basically the entire company shifts to the right until all spaces are filled.
1. Company 2. Left-DRESS
This is just like right dress, but to shifting down to the left.
1. Company 2. Center-DRESS
This dress is used when the company is operated in a regiment, with other companies. You can tell the center because that is where the colors (flags) are placed.
This simply means to shift towards the colors, which depending on your place in line, could be to your right or left.
1. Company 2. DRESS ON __________________
You can fill this blank with nearly anything, though it is typically used to dress on another company.
The nice thing about dressing is that it is mostly, self-explanatory.
The term “guide” simply means to base your movements according to what guide is called. For example:
1. Company 2. Guide-LEFT
This tells the men to stay to the left side, and to remain in line using the right side as the anchor. You can also do this on the left. The captain and first sergeant will place themselves on the right or left of the company according to what guide has been called. The company will follow the captain and first sergeant, turning when they turn, swerving when they serve. If the command is given to guide, and the captain makes a right turn, you follow, even though there was no “by files right” command given.

Manual of Arms
The ranks will be opened when the manual of arms is done. An asterisk is placed by the arms not yet in-game. Shoulder arms will always be done in between each position.
Present-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Raise-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Support-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Fix Bayonet Shoulder-ARMS
Charge Bayonet Shoulder-ARMS
Trail-ARMS* Shoulder-ARMS
Unfix Bayonet Shoulder-ARMS
Secure-ARMS Shoulder-ARMS
In-Place-REST Attention. Shoulder-ARMS
Parade-REST Attention. Shoulder-ARMS

As you can see, after the two “rests” (not typically put in the manual of arms, but I went ahead and added them) the first command is attention. This brings the soldier back to ordered arms, at which point he will go to shouldered arms upon command.

There are multiple ways to fire at an enemy. We will begin with the basic firings, and eventually we will cover more advanced techniques like “fire by rank, by platoon.”
First, there are three types of firings. The direct fire, which is straight ahead. The right oblique fire, which is approximately 45 degrees to the right, and its opposite, the left oblique.
Then there are the different ways to fire: by company, by rank, by files, and at will.
The fire by company is when the entire company gives off one volley. The command is:
1. Company 2. Fire by company. 3. Ready. 4. Aim. 5. FIRE! 6. Load
After a fire by company, the soldiers will remain at the ready until told to aim and fire again. In short, if you have already fired, be at the ready when reloaded.
If you wanted to add that the company would be firing at an oblique, you would place that command right before aim, so they know where to aim.
Next there is fire by rank, where the commanding officer will fire the two ranks separately, always beginning with the rear rank.
1. Company 2. Fire by rank 3. Rear rank 4. Ready 5. Aim 6. FIRE! 7. Load. 8. Front rank 9. Ready 10. Aim 11. FIRE! 12. Load
Then there is fire by files, where each file, starting from the right (always) will aim and fire. This fire can be thought of as a domino effect. After a fire by file, the company will automatically go to fire at will, which is where the individual soldier loads and fires at his own discretion, while staying in line.
1. Company 2. Fire by files 3. Commence-FIRE!
The fire at will following a fire by files will continue until cease fire is called. At this command, the company will load and shoulder arms.

The line of battle, which is the formation of a company (shoulder to shoulder, two ranks) when putting the most fire on the enemy. However, it is rather slow and difficult to march in this formation. To solve this problem, the company can use facings. A facing at its most basic definition is a stationary turn. There are left faces, right faces, about faces, and right-about faces. Facings are the sole purpose that the company counts twos.
Right Face:
1. Company 2. Right-FACE
A rather simple command, but with a lot of moving parts. At this command, every soldier will face to the right, with the number 1’s standing fast, and the number 2’s moving up and two the right of the number 1’s. This creates several lines of four men all facing to the right of the company’s front. This formation is known as “column of fours.”
A Note on Fronts
The front is simply the battle line of a company, and the regular formation of the company (two ranks, shoulder to shoulder). On a right face, you would have to left face to get back into the company battle line, so the front is to your left. The opposite is true for a left face.
Left Face:
On a left face, the entire company faces to the left, with the number 2 men standing fast, and the number 1 men stepping up to the number 2 man’s left. This creates a column of fours facing left, with the company front to the right.
Faces Without Doubling:
If it is desired to remain in two ranks, and not create a column of fours, the command is simply:
1. Company 2. In two ranks 3. Left (or right) 4. FACE
There is also the about face. The about face is simply turning around 180 degrees, always turning to the right, to remain uniform.
1. Company 2. About-FACE
The company is now facing to its rear, this is also known as being inverted, because the front rank is behind the rear rank. The company front is behind now. To get back into the line of battle/front (with the front rank being in front of the rear rank) the command can be either:
1. Company 2. About- FACE
1. Company 2. FRONT
The right about-face is the same as the about-face, but used only while already marching.

There are multiple ways to march, as will be covered in the following. If at right shoulder shift when halted, always bring the piece to shoulder arms. Never be standing still while at right shoulder shift unless when conducting the manual of arms.
To march forward, in any configuration (faced or fronted):
1. Company, forward 3. MARCH
To make the company take a left or right 90 degree turn (while in a column of fours or column of twos):
1. Company 2. By files left (or right) 3. MARCH
To stop a march:
1. Company 2. HALT
You can also march a company at the obliques (left or right 45 degrees angle). You keep your dress in this maneuver, so the entire company is not wheeling 45 degrees, but rather each man is turned 45 degrees.
1. Company 2. At the left (or right) oblique 3. MARCH
If you wanted the entire company to turn, you would do what is called a wheel. A wheel is turning the company on a fixed point. You can either halt the company or command forward march once the desired direction is reached.
1. Company 2. Right (or left) wheel 3. MARCH
We can also maneuver the company by the flank. This can be tricky, but it is rather simple in theory. First of all, a flank is either side of you, your right or left side. While in a marching line of battle, the commanding officer may wish to do a right face (column of fours) while still marching. This is done by the command:
1. Company 2. By the right flank 3. MARCH
To get back into the line of battle, while still marching, you can march by the left flank, which will be like fronting the company if you were halted.
1. Company 2. By the left flank 3. MARCH
Now you are back in your battle line.
If you are marching in a column of fours (being right faced/marching by the right flank) and the enemy appears on your right, it is necessary to change your front to meet them. Your front while marching by the right flank is on your left, but you wish to change it to the right. To do this, the command is:
1. On the right, by file into line 2. MARCH
At this command, the rear rank will halt where they are, and the front rank men will continue to march forward, and right face and continue marching onto line with the captain and first sergeant. It is important to remember your place in line in order for this maneuver to be executed well. Once the majority of the front rank is on line, the rear rank will march forward and fall into line behind their file partner (the front rank man who is always sin front of them, vice versa for the front rank man). You now have a battle line facing to what was previously your right.
If the enemy is right in front of you while marching in a column of fours, you need to create the battle line directly in front of you. The command to do such is:
1. By company into line 2. MARCH
At this point, the captain and first sergeant set the position where the captain desires the battle line to be, and the column continues to march forward, each taking their position in the line of battle.

To Form the Company:
Option A: 1. Company 2. In two ranks-FALL IN
Option B: 1. FALL-IN 2. In two ranks, form company 3. Company 4. Right-FACE 5. MARCH 5. FRONT 6. In each rank, count TWOS.
To Open Ranks:
1. Attention. 2. Company 3. Shoulder-ARMS 4. To the rear open order 5. MARCH.
To Close Ranks:
1. Rear rank. 2. Shoulder-ARMS 3. Close order 4. MARCH
To Dress:
1. Company 2. Right (left, or center)-DRESS
1. Company 2. DRESS ON THE COLORS (or about anything)
To Fire by Company:
1. Company 2. Fire by company. 3. Ready. 4. Aim. 5. FIRE! 6. LOAD
To Fire by Rank:
1. Company 2. Fire by rank 3. Rear rank 4. Ready 5. Aim 6. FIRE! 7. LOAD 8. Front rank 9. Ready 10. Aim 11. FIRE! 12. LOAD
To Fire by Files:
1. Company 2. Fire by files 3. Commence-FIRE!
To Fire at Will:
1. Company 2. Fire at will 3. Commence-FIRE!
To Fire to the Right or Left:
1. Company 2. Fire by (company, rank, or file) 3. Ready 4. At the (right or left) oblique 5. Aim 6. FIRE! 7. LOAD.
To Face the Company:
1. Company 2. Right (or left)-FACE

To Face the Company without Doubling:
1. Company 2. In two ranks (or without doubling) 3. Right (or left)- FACE

To About Face the Company:
1. Company 2. About- (or right-about if marching) FACE
To March Forward:
1. Company 2. Forward 3. MARCH
To Halt the Company:
1. Company 2. HALT
To Turn 90 degrees (while in a column):
1. Company 2. By files right (or left) 3. MARCH
To March at a 45-degree Angle:
1. Company 2. At the right (or left) oblique 3. MARCH
To Wheel the Company:
1. Company 2. Right (or left) wheel 3. MARCH
To March by the Flank:
1. Company 2. By the right (or left) flank 3. MARCH
To Form the Line of Battle on the Right, while marching by the Right Flank:
1. On the right, by file into line 2. MARCH
To Form the Line of Battle Ahead of a Column:
1. By company into line 2. MARCH

A. P. Hill
10-30-2016, 08:41 PM
Good work Captain. :)

Lance Rawlings
10-30-2016, 11:53 PM
Good work Captain. :)

Thank you, sir!

10-31-2016, 02:43 AM
Nice Drill Guide fellas

10-31-2016, 03:30 PM
Thank you, sir!

It's good to see the top brass take note. Salute to APH.

Well done Captain, it will help the company get on the same page.

Lance Rawlings
10-31-2016, 08:39 PM
Nice Drill Guide fellas

Thank you, Arkansan! Feel free to implement it wherever you like! I knew I should've monetized this thing.. darn. You should have said something before I posted it, Kenah! ;)

Lance Rawlings
11-04-2016, 12:02 AM
I'd like to welcome John Donovan to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

11-04-2016, 09:42 AM
It sounds excellent! I know you make Gen'ls Pender and Hill proud!

Lance Rawlings
11-05-2016, 03:02 AM
It sounds excellent! I know you make Gen'ls Pender and Hill proud!

Thank you, sir! I would love to see several units participating in authentic drill. It's a pretty simple way we can honor and respect the men on both sides of the war, I think.

Lance Rawlings
11-06-2016, 01:52 AM
I'd like to welcome Henry Heth, Henry O'Connor, Henry O'Ryan, and Patrick Limerk to the 38th North Carolina Company K.

Lance Rawlings
11-08-2016, 02:06 PM
I'd like to welcome Curd Schumacher (aka Richtbaron) and Dallas Walters to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

Lance Rawlings
11-10-2016, 02:08 PM
I'd like to welcome Stephen Long to the 38th North Carolina Company K

11-16-2016, 11:22 AM
Current Company K Roster

A= Alpha Access B= Beta Access O= Other

Capt. Lance Rawlings - A
1st Sgt. Kenah - A
2nd Sgt. Noah Diettermann - A
Cpl. David Johnson - A
Cpl. Henry Heth - A
Pvt. Angus Shaw - A
Pvt. Curd Schumacher - A
Pvt. Tim Propst - A
Pvt. Wesley Duckworth - B
Pvt. Patrick Limerk - B
Pvt. Henry O'Ryan - B
Pvt. Henry O'Connor - B
Pvt. Dallas Walters - O
Pvt. John Donovan - O
Pvt. Dylan Schexnayder - O
Pvt. Stephen Long - O

Company Strength: 16 Men
(As of 16/10/16)

Lance Rawlings
11-17-2016, 03:25 AM
I'd like to welcome Steiner to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

11-18-2016, 09:11 PM
Age: 27
Steam Name: [303RD] Infidel Rage
Historical Name: James O'Connor
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: in game
Reason for Application: looking for people to play this game with that want to take it seriously
Location: PA, USA
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): no experience related to line fighting other than RTS games

A. P. Hill
11-19-2016, 12:34 AM

Lance Rawlings
11-20-2016, 08:26 PM
Age: 27
Steam Name: [303RD] Infidel Rage
Historical Name: James O'Connor
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: in game
Reason for Application: looking for people to play this game with that want to take it seriously
Location: PA, USA
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): no experience related to line fighting other than RTS games

Accepted! Welcome to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

Lance Rawlings
11-26-2016, 03:31 PM
Hello men of the 38th! I found a picture of the original flag of the 38th North Carolina Regiment, thought y'all would like to see it!


A. P. Hill
11-26-2016, 04:15 PM
It will look awesome floating over the lines of Light Division along with all the other colors!

Good find.

Lance Rawlings
11-26-2016, 04:28 PM
It will look awesome floating over the lines of Light Division along with all the other colors!

Good find.

Yes sir it will! No man shall take these colors and live!

11-26-2016, 07:10 PM
Hello men of the 38th! I found a picture of the original flag of the 38th North Carolina Regiment, thought y'all would like to see it!


I will create this flag for you and the 'Stars and Bars' standard as well.

see here:


Links to my work:



Lance Rawlings
11-27-2016, 04:11 AM
I will create this flag for you and the 'Stars and Bars' standard as well.

see here:


Links to my work:



Wow that is much appreciated! Thank you, I look forward to seeing it! You do great work.

11-27-2016, 04:53 AM
Here is the first one:

Click link then click image for full resolution

https://s25.postimg.org/515o15k4b/38th_NC_Regiment_Vols.png (https://postimg.org/image/515o15k4b/)

Lance Rawlings
11-27-2016, 04:47 PM
Here is the first one:

Click link then click image for full resolution

https://s25.postimg.org/515o15k4b/38th_NC_Regiment_Vols.png (https://postimg.org/image/515o15k4b/)

Wow you are fast! Excellent work!

Lance Rawlings
11-28-2016, 02:17 AM
I'd like to welcome Pvt. Matthew Lee (Steam name [38NC.K] Pvt. Matthew Lee) to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

11-29-2016, 01:54 PM
Good to have another Company from North Carolina, looking forward to serving with you.

Lance Rawlings
11-29-2016, 03:08 PM
Good to have another Company from North Carolina, looking forward to serving with you.

And with you as well! What is your Steam name? I'll add you.

I'd like to welcome Pvt. EggyPlanet to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

11-29-2016, 03:12 PM
Keep up the hard work Captain Rawlings! Your company is coming together smashingly!

11-29-2016, 03:13 PM
Here here!

Lance Rawlings
11-29-2016, 03:14 PM
Keep up the hard work Captain Rawlings! Your company is coming together smashingly!

Thank you sir! I appreciate the praise, but it is the men who deserve it all!

Lance Rawlings
12-01-2016, 04:01 AM
I'd like to welcome Stanley Asmus to the 38th North Carolina Company K! We have hit http://66.media.tumblr.com/a0e085445ac211849305da3f7e636626/tumblr_ns9n0bakek1uaga3do1_1280.png members now!, and I couldn't resist!


Lance Rawlings
12-02-2016, 06:15 PM
Hello everyone! So this has been requested before (longer ago than I'd like to admit) but I finally conjured up the time to make a quick diagram of a formed company. Note that I have not expanded much as to the file closers. I'll work on them later, but basically all you need to know is 3rd Sgt-5th Sgt as well as Lt's are file closers. A file closer watches th eline and makes sure everything looks good, makes corrections, etc. Pretty simple, but there is a specified spot for each file closer. I wouldn't worry about it for the most part. You probably will only have 1 file closer for awhile anyway.

So, without further adieu, here is my quick scratch diagram for a company:

NOTE: I made a mistake, the 2nd Sgt should not be in front of a pvt, rather by himself on the left of the company when not acting as a file closer


And here is one from civilwar.org showing army organization above a company:


A. P. Hill
12-02-2016, 09:06 PM
Congrats Guys!

12-03-2016, 08:39 PM
Age: 29
Forum Name:8thAL-CO-I-JamesVines
Historical Name: James Vines
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Captain Rawlings
Reason for Application: Want to kill Yankees
Pledge Tier (Opt.): Captain
Location: Bham Alabama
Teamspeak 3?:
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting): 10 Years Staff Sergeant USMC 1st Battalion 4th Marine Regiment 1st Marine Devision

Thanks! I'll process your application as soon as possible!

Lance Rawlings
12-04-2016, 03:28 PM
Age: 29
Forum Name:8thAL-CO-I-JamesVines
Historical Name: James Vines
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Captain Rawlings
Reason for Application: Want to kill Yankees
Pledge Tier (Opt.): Captain
Location: Bham Alabama
Teamspeak 3?:
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting): 10 Years Staff Sergeant USMC 1st Battalion 4th Marine Regiment 1st Marine Devision

Thanks! I'll process your application as soon as possible!

Accepted! Good to see you James!

I'd like to welcome our seven newest members of the 38th North Carolina Company K!

Alessio Demonte
Aldo Rain
James Vines
Jesse L Jones
Neal Bowman
Bob Dole
Wm. Bonneau

Welcome to the 10th largest Confederate company! We've come a long way from 4, haven't we boys? Keep up the outstanding efforts!

A. P. Hill
12-04-2016, 03:52 PM
Good to see the 38th NC Co. K becoming one of the strongest in the Division.

Congrats! Keep up the good work.


Duke Joe
12-06-2016, 09:41 AM
Age: 21
Steam Name: Duke Joe
Historical Name: John Brewer
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: On the forums.
Reason for Application: I am looking to be a part of an active, mature and competent regiment, and believe that here is the place.
Location: Austria.
Microphone?: Yes.
Discord?: Yes.
Teamspeak?: Yes.
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Napoleonic Wars.

James Kipler
12-06-2016, 12:34 PM
Welcome to the Battalion, Duke!

Lance Rawlings
12-06-2016, 02:18 PM
Age: 21
Steam Name: Duke Joe
Historical Name: John Brewer
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: On the forums.
Reason for Application: I am looking to be a part of an active, mature and competent regiment, and believe that here is the place.
Location: Austria.
Microphone?: Yes.
Discord?: Yes.
Teamspeak?: Yes.
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Napoleonic Wars.

You have been accepted! Welcome to the 38th NC Company K!

I would also like to welcome Jhon Price, Peonage, and Kiff to the 38th!

12-07-2016, 01:16 PM
I know I was already accepted but I still wanted to fill one out so that people can get to know me!

Steam Name!:Peonage
Historical Name: Peonage
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Ran into Captain Rawlings on the server.
Reason for Application: I wanted to join an active community that is fun and closer to my age.
Location: Ohio
Microphone?: Yes, but I seem to be having some in-game microphone issues.
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Not any more but I can redownload.
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Mount and Blade community

James Kipler
12-07-2016, 01:49 PM
Welcome to all the new members!

12-07-2016, 02:14 PM
I know I was already accepted but I still wanted to fill one out so that people can get to know me!

Steam Name!:Peonage
Historical Name: Peonage
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Ran into Captain Rawlings on the server.
Reason for Application: I wanted to join an active community that is fun and closer to my age.
Location: Ohio
Microphone?: Yes, but I seem to be having some in-game microphone issues.
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Not any more but I can redownload.
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Mount and Blade community

Welcome to the 38th NC Company K Peonage. Great to have you enlisted.

Lance Rawlings
12-08-2016, 12:41 AM
I'd like to welcome Pvt. Mark Kinley to the 38th North Carolina Company K!

Also a reminder to the company that the next max effort event is this Saturday at 1:30-2:45 EST and is hosted by the War of Rights Community Steam Group. I will not be able to attend unfortunately, but I'm sure the Battalion and Company K will be well represented.

Childish Gambino
12-08-2016, 11:45 PM
-17. (I will be 18 as of the 18th of December of 2016.)
Steam Name!:
-Childish Gambino
Historical Name:
-Jacob McCook
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:
-I had been searching for a Company on the Companies list, and this one specifically caught my eye.
Reason for Application:
-I wish to have a group of people to play War of Rights in a disciplined, well mannered, and hard fighting division and be a successful unit on the field. I also thoroughly enjoy the Civil War, and specifically the Confederate side of the war. Finally, I wish to make some new friends as I am always looking for more people to talk to and play games with.
-Yes, but need to get handles of it again as it has been a while.
Experience (gaming or reenacting):
-I have experience with the 75th Regiment in Mount and Blade: Warband, Napoleonic Wars. I also have experience in real life with ROTC and many Marines who have taught me drilling and many other leadership qualities in regards to the military.

Lance Rawlings
12-09-2016, 12:01 AM
-17. (I will be 18 as of the 18th of December of 2016.)
Steam Name!:
-Childish Gambino
Historical Name:
-Jacob McCook
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:
-I had been searching for a Company on the Companies list, and this one specifically caught my eye.
Reason for Application:
-I wish to have a group of people to play War of Rights in a disciplined, well mannered, and hard fighting division and be a successful unit on the field. I also thoroughly enjoy the Civil War, and specifically the Confederate side of the war. Finally, I wish to make some new friends as I am always looking for more people to talk to and play games with.
-Yes, but need to get handles of it again as it has been a while.
Experience (gaming or reenacting):
-I have experience with the 75th Regiment in Mount and Blade: Warband, Napoleonic Wars. I also have experience in real life with ROTC and many Marines who have taught me drilling and many other leadership qualities in regards to the military.

Hello Mr. Jacob McCook! It is my honor and privilege to accept and enlist you into the 38th North Carolina Company K! Welcome aboard! I will usually communicate through Steam, just so you're aware.

I look forward to seeing you more in-game and getting a chance to talk with you there!

12-10-2016, 10:16 PM
Steam Name!:
Historical Name:
Vince Slater
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:
I was browsing through the company list and stumbled across you guys and the popularity of the company is astounding to me and I'd very much like to be apart of it.
Reason for Application:
I'd like to enjoy this game to it's fullest potential with like minded people and to be apart of a Confederate company I couldn't think of a better way to do so.
Yes sir
Yes sir
Yes sir
Experience (gaming or reenacting):
I have real life experience coming from the Military, as per civil war experience I'm a history buff I love it.. I've also played quite a few hours mnb-nw and modded total war.

Lance Rawlings
12-11-2016, 02:20 AM
Steam Name!:
Historical Name:
Vince Slater
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:
I was browsing through the company list and stumbled across you guys and the popularity of the company is astounding to me and I'd very much like to be apart of it.
Reason for Application:
I'd like to enjoy this game to it's fullest potential with like minded people and to be apart of a Confederate company I couldn't think of a better way to do so.
Yes sir
Yes sir
Yes sir
Experience (gaming or reenacting):
I have real life experience coming from the Military, as per civil war experience I'm a history buff I love it.. I've also played quite a few hours mnb-nw and modded total war.

Excellent sir! Welcome to the 38th North Carolina Company K! I look forward to meeting you in game.

12-11-2016, 03:14 AM
Age: 26
Steam Name & Link: N/A (Spoke to Captain Rawlings)
Historical Name:C. Carson
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Drilled wih company
Reason for Application: Worked with the company during drills and enjoyed socializing with the other lads in the company
Location: United Kingdom
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Gaming era rp player (Multiple historical games)

Lance Rawlings
12-11-2016, 03:15 AM
Age: 26
Steam Name & Link: N/A (Spoke to Captain Rawlings)
Historical Name:C. Carson
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Drilled wih company
Reason for Application: Worked with the company during drills and enjoyed socializing with the other lads
Location: United Kingdom
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Gaming era rp player (Multiple historical games)

Hey Craos! Glad you decided to join our ranks! I look forward to fighting with you.

Oh yeah, and you've been accepted ;)

12-11-2016, 04:19 AM
Steam Name & Link:
mcg3e, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197982782253
Historical Name:
Gideon Cobb
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:
Reason for Application:
I want to be apart of a company that takes the game and the setting seriously, but also has a great time doing it.
Greenville, SC
Experience (gaming or reenacting):
Nearly 300 hours in M&B Napoleonic Wars playing line battles in a regiment. I'm used to fighting in formation and following commands!

Lance Rawlings
12-11-2016, 02:59 PM
Steam Name & Link:
mcg3e, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197982782253
Historical Name:
Gideon Cobb
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:
Reason for Application:
I want to be apart of a company that takes the game and the setting seriously, but also has a great time doing it.
Greenville, SC
Experience (gaming or reenacting):
Nearly 300 hours in M&B Napoleonic Wars playing line battles in a regiment. I'm used to fighting in formation and following commands!

Welcome to our ranks, Pvt. Cobb! You have been accepted and mustered in. I look forward to seeing you in game. May many a yank fall from your minie's.

12-11-2016, 03:03 PM
Historical Name:
Gideon Cobb

Impeccable name, good sir! :)

Lance Rawlings
12-11-2016, 10:24 PM
I'd like to welcome our lucky 38th member, Raven Starcazer, to the 38th North Carolina Company K! We are now the 5th largest Confederate company.

http://orig04.deviantart.net/a7a9/f/2015/091/a/8/lucky_38___fallout_new_vegas_wallpaper_by_sabresha rk-d8o1hrc.jpg

Lance Rawlings
12-16-2016, 04:28 PM
Just a reminder that our company drill will take place tomorrow morning at 10:00am EST. Let's do our best to fill our ranks and show up in force, gentlemen.

Lance Rawlings
12-25-2016, 03:38 AM
Merry Christmas to all the Men who make the 38th Great!

12-26-2016, 12:28 AM
Age: 25
Steam Name & Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/spartan217
Historical Name: Trevor Stringer
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): All of the above. I pledged Captain on the War of Rights website.
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: 2nd Lieutenant C. Carson
Reason for Application: I met 2nd Lieutenant C. Carson upon entering the drill camp. He informed me about the game in a little more detail while we enjoyed shooting at the range, using the bayonet dummies, and running through some firing drills. He mentioned his unit within the company tool so I figured I would give it a shot.
Location: Colorado, USA
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): I play a lot of games on the PC. As far as a realism/reenacting concept I am part of the 1st Ranger Battalion for the WWII era in a game called Day of Infamy. I play a lot of strategy games as well like Ultimate General Civil War, Civilization Series, Total War Series, and so on and so forth. I have had numerous relatives who have fought in the Civil War, which is one of the reasons I have decided to play this game, but also because I love history and the knowledge it provides.

12-26-2016, 12:46 AM
Age: 25
Steam Name & Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/spartan217
Historical Name: Trevor Stringer
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): All of the above. I pledged Captain on the War of Rights website.
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: 2nd Lieutenant C. Carson
Reason for Application: I met 2nd Lieutenant C. Carson upon entering the drill camp. He informed me about the game in a little more detail while we enjoyed shooting at the range, using the bayonet dummies, and running through some firing drills. He mentioned his unit within the company tool so I figured I would give it a shot.
Location: Colorado, USA
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): I play a lot of games on the PC. As far as a realism/reenacting concept I am part of the 1st Ranger Battalion for the WWII era in a game called Day of Infamy. I play a lot of strategy games as well like Ultimate General Civil War, Civilization Series, Total War Series, and so on and so forth. I have had numerous relatives who have fought in the Civil War, which is one of the reasons I have decided to play this game, but also because I love history and the knowledge it provides.

Welcome to the Battalion, TStringer!

I have sent you a telegram with details.

Lance Rawlings
12-26-2016, 02:48 AM
Welcome to the 38th, Pvt. Stringer!

Lance Rawlings
01-01-2017, 06:52 PM
Happy New Year!

Lance Rawlings
01-07-2017, 08:32 PM
Company Drill Guide Part II: Skirmishing

It's here! I finally worked up the energy and time to conjure up Part II to my drill guide, based off of Hardee's Rifle & Light Infantry Tactics. Enjoy, and let me know if you see any errors or have any questions. Mind you there are a few things that I did not include, but this gives you more than what is typically done when skirmishing anyway.

General Principles of Skirmishing

When executing skirmish drill, it is important to realize that the precision involved with regular company drill, or “in closed ranks,” should not be adhered to. Hardee’s states that using precision in skirmish drill interferes with the prompt execution of said maneuvers.

When a company is sent out as a skirmish line in front of a battalion or larger, their movements should be based off what the battalion is doing. A reserve company may be placed between the battalion and the skirmish line in order to support the skirmishers and replace them if needed. It is noted that even the reserves should find cover and take it whenever possible.

Skirmishers can carry their firearm as they please, with no regulation.

Historically, the movements of skirmishers are commanded by bugle, though obviously, this may not be feasible in War of Rights.

There are two ways to deploy skirmishers: on a file (forward), or by the flank (side). When skirmishing, it is crucial to subdivide the company into platoons, sections, and comrades in battle. A company can be deployed forward on its right, left, center, or any other named file; or on its right or left flank.

When cover presents itself, TAKE IT. When deployed, it is typical that there be approximately 5-10 paces between each skirmisher, going with the lesser when on open ground.

To Deploy Forward as Skirmishers

When acting as an individual company and not with a regimental line, it is beneficial to deploy only one platoon as skirmishers and hold the other platoon in reserve. Of course, in many occasions, it can also be beneficial to deploy the entire company. Both methods hold the same principles, the only difference is how many men you have.

1. First platoon (or second), as skirmishers. 2. On the left (right, or center) file, take intervals. 3. MARCH (or double quick, MARCH)

As soon as this command is given, the 2nd Lt. and 3rd Lt. will place themselves two paces behind the first platoon, and the 5th Sgt. will place himself in front of the first platoon’s center. The 4th Sgt. will place himself on the left of the first platoon. The Captain will indicate to the 4th Sgt. where he wished him to direct. The 1st Lt. will place himself in front of the second platoon and command:

1. Second platoon, backward 2. MARCH

The 1st Lt. will have the second platoon march backwards three paces, and then halt. The 2nd Sgt. will place himself on the left of the platoon, and the 3rd Sgt. on the right.
At the command MARCH, the left comrades in battle (the group of four that have the left file in it) will march straight ahead, guided by the 4th Sgt., to the spot designated by the Captain. The comrades in battle will march at an angle, at the double quick, until there is approximately 20 paces between each comrades in battle. Once the proper spacing it reached, each comrades in battle will come onto line with the comrade in battle containing the left file. The right guide will arrive with the last group of four.

Once the line is reached and every group of four is on line, the Captain will command the skirmishers to halt. At the command halt, each group if four will automatically deploy as skirmishers. Any group not on line when the halt is given will run onto line and conform to the command. If fired open before the line is set, each group of fire can be deployed individually.

How to Deploy as Comrades in Battle: When a group of four men is told to halt after being sent out as skirmishers, they deploy using the following maneuvers:

1. The front rank, number 2 man remains in his place.
2. The rear rank, number 2 man goes to the left 5 paces on steps forward onto line.
3. The front rank, number 1 man extends right 10 paces.
4. The rear rank, number 1 man comes onto line and extends 5 paces.

The end result should have, from right to left observing from behind the line: rear rank 2, front rank 2, rear rank 1, front rank 1 as its order on line; with each man having 5 paces separation.

As soon as the line is set, the NCO’s accompanying the line will fall back behind it ten paces.

Again, if there is cover, TAKE IT. Regularity in alignment should yield to the important advantage of cover.

While the line is formed, the 1st Lt. will take the second platoon approximately 150 paces behind the skirmish line, holding that distance until further instructed. The Captain will place himself 80 paces behind the skirmish line with a bugler and four men from the reserve platoon.

When deploying off the right file, it is the same as the left, but inverted. The rightmost group will go straight, and the groups to the left will march at an angle. When deploying by the center file, the group with the center file will go straight, and the groups on either side will march out at an angle.

A Note on Bayonets for Skirmishing

Regular troops carry their bayonets in their scabbards, likewise with skirmishers. Bayonets are to be fixed only as the Captain desires.

To Deploy on the Right or Left Flank

Deploying on a flank is surprisingly simple, especially in light of deploying by a file. You can deploy on either the left flank or right flank. The command is as follows:

1. Second (or first) platoon, as skirmishers. 2. By the right (or left) flank, take intervals. 3. MARCH

At the first command, the 1st and 3rd Lt’s. will place themselves two paces behind the second platoon, and the 5th Sgt. would place himself in front of the second platoon, and the 3rd Sgt. will place himself on the right of the second platoon. The Captain will withdraw the first platoon 3 paces and halt them.

At the command MARCH, the entire platoon but the far left comrades in battle will face to the right and begin marching. As soon as there is enough room to their right, the leftmost group will deploy. The second group, front rank number 2 man, will count 20 paces. Once the 20 paces are reached, he will call out “deploy!” and the group will face to the line and deploy. Once this is heard, the third group will begin counting, and so on.

Once the line is set, prescribe to the postings of the deploying on a file example.

You can even deploy on both flanks at the same time:

1. Second platoon, as skirmishers. 2. By the right and left flanks, take intervals. 3. MARCH

Use the same officer postings as previously used. At the command MARCH, the right section will face to the right, and the left section to the left. The comrades in battle on the right of the left section will stay stationary, and the spacing will be based off their position. The 1st and 3rd Lt’s. will guide the left section, and the 3rd and 2nd Sgt’s. will guide the right section. It is their job to ensure correct spacing.

Extending and Closing Intervals

The following command is used to extend a set line of skirmishers:

1. By the left (or right) flank, ___ paces extend intervals. 2. MARCH

At this command, the right group will stand fast while all the other groups face to the left. Each group should still have 5 paces between each man. Remember that extending is simply extending the separation between groups, not individual men.
You use the same command to close intervals, replacing “extend” with “close.”


Rallying is the term used to bring skirmishers back into either groups of four, individual sections, into platoons, as one company, or on a group, section, platoon or company.

When a line is disturbed by scattered cavalry, the Captain should order bayonets to be fixed. If charged by cavalry, the Captain will command:

Rally by fours!

At this command, each four man group will return to each other as they would be in a battle line, each guarding with bayonet a different direction. If the Captain deems the groups of four to be too weak against the opposing force, the command will be given to:

Rally by sections!

The men will run as groups back together to form their separate sections and resume guarding with bayonets. Each section will form a square around the officers, with each section facing a different direction. If this is still insufficient, the command will be given:

Rally by platoons! or Rally on the reserve!

I find that the manual has the best explanation for rallying:

“Rally by sections.
132. At this command, the chiefs of sections will move rapidly on the centre group of their respective sections, or on any other interior group whose position might offer a shelter, or other particular advantage; the skirmishers will collect rapidly at a run on this group, and without distinction of numbers. The men composing the group on which the formation is made, will immediately form square, as heretofore explained, and elevate their pieces, the bayonets uppermost, in order to indicate the point on which the rally is to be made. The other skirmishers, as they arrive, will occupy and fill the open angular spaces between these four men, and successively rally around this first nucleus, and in such manner as to form rapidly a company circle. The skirmishers will take as they arrive, the position of charge bayonet, the point of the bayonet more elevated, and will cock their pieces in this position. The movement concluded, the two exterior ranks will fire as occasion may offer, and load without moving the feet.
133. The captain will move rapidly with his guard, wherever he may judge his presence most necessary.
134. The officers and sergeants will be particular to observe that the rally is made in silence, and with promptitude and order; that some pieces in each of their subdivisions be at all times loaded, and that the fire is directed on those points only where it will be most effective.
135. If the reserve should be threatened, it will form into a circle around its chief.
136. If the captain, or commander of a line of skirmishers formed of many platoons, should judge that the rally by section does not offer sufficient resistance, he will cause the rally by platoons to be executed, and for this purpose, will command:
Rally by platoons.
137. This movement will be executed according to the same principles, and by the same means, as the rally by sections. The chiefs of platoon will conform to what has been prescribed for the chiefs of section.
138. The captain wishing to rally the skirmishers on the reserve, will command:
Rally on the reserve.
139. At this command, the captain will move briskly on the reserve; the officer who commands it will take immediate steps to form square; for this purpose, he will cause the half sections on the flanks to be thrown perpendicularly to the rear; he will order the men to come to a ready.
140. The skirmishers of each section, taking the run, will form rapidly into groups, and upon that man of each group who is nearest the centre of the section. These groups will direct themselves diagonally towards each other, and in such manner as to form into sections with the greatest possible rapidity while moving to the rear; the officers and sergeants will see that this formation is made in proper order, and the chiefs will direct their sections upon the reserve, taking care to unmask it to the right and left. As the skirmishers arrive, they will continue and complete the formation of the square begun by the reserve, closing in rapidly upon the latter, without regard to their places in line; they will come to a ready without command, and fire upon the enemy; which will also be done by the reserve as soon as it is unmasked by the skirmishers.
141. If a section should be closely pressed by cavalry while retreating its chief will command halt; at this command, the men will form rapidly into a compact circle around the officer, who will re-form his section and resume the march, the moment he can do so with safety.
142. The formation of the square in a prompt and efficient manner, requires coolness and activity on the part of both officers and sergeants.”
Skirmishers can also rally on the battalion, forming to them.

Firing as Skirmishers

When acting as skirmishers, the command to commence fire! will be given. However, there is a little more to it than just firing at will. Each file partner must work with each other to ensure that one of them is loaded or at least nearly loaded at all times. So, when the command is given to commence firing, the front rank man will fire and begin reloading. Once he is loaded, he will let his file partner know, who will then take a shot, reload, and inform the front rank man he is ready. This goes on until a cease fire is called.

To Advance or Retreat as Skirmishers

To advance when in a skirmish line, the command is given:

1. Skirmishers 2. Rise. 3. Skirmish in advance. 4. MARCH

At this command, the file partner that is loaded will bound forward a few paces and fire when his partner is ready, then his partner will bound ahead of him a few paces and continue the process. The same principles are true for retreating, but the command would be:

1. Skirmishers 2. Rise. 3. Skirmish in retreat. 4. MARCH

01-07-2017, 08:36 PM
Company Drill Guide Part II: Skirmishing

It's here! I finally worked up the energy and time to conjure up Part II to my drill guide, based off of Hardee's Rifle & Light Infantry Tactics. Enjoy, and let me know if you see any errors or have any questions. Mind you there are a few things that I did not include, but this gives you more than what is typically done when skirmishing anyway.

General Principles of Skirmishing

When executing skirmish drill, it is important to realize that the precision involved with regular company drill, or “in closed ranks,” should not be adhered to. Hardee’s states that using precision in skirmish drill interferes with the prompt execution of said maneuvers.

When a company is sent out as a skirmish line in front of a battalion or larger, their movements should be based off what the battalion is doing. A reserve company may be placed between the battalion and the skirmish line in order to support the skirmishers and replace them if needed. It is noted that even the reserves should find cover and take it whenever possible.

Skirmishers can carry their firearm as they please, with no regulation.

Historically, the movements of skirmishers are commanded by bugle, though obviously, this may not be feasible in War of Rights.

There are two ways to deploy skirmishers: on a file (forward), or by the flank (side). When skirmishing, it is crucial to subdivide the company into platoons, sections, and comrades in battle. A company can be deployed forward on its right, left, center, or any other named file; or on its right or left flank.

When cover presents itself, TAKE IT. When deployed, it is typical that there be approximately 5-10 paces between each skirmisher, going with the lesser when on open ground.

To Deploy Forward as Skirmishers

When acting as an individual company and not with a regimental line, it is beneficial to deploy only one platoon as skirmishers and hold the other platoon in reserve. Of course, in many occasions, it can also be beneficial to deploy the entire company. Both methods hold the same principles, the only difference is how many men you have.

1. First platoon (or second), as skirmishers. 2. On the left (right, or center) file, take intervals. 3. MARCH (or double quick, MARCH)

As soon as this command is given, the 2nd Lt. and 3rd Lt. will place themselves two paces behind the first platoon, and the 5th Sgt. will place himself in front of the first platoon’s center. The 4th Sgt. will place himself on the left of the first platoon. The Captain will indicate to the 4th Sgt. where he wished him to direct. The 1st Lt. will place himself in front of the second platoon and command:

1. Second platoon, backward 2. MARCH

The 1st Lt. will have the second platoon march backwards three paces, and then halt. The 2nd Sgt. will place himself on the left of the platoon, and the 3rd Sgt. on the right.
At the command MARCH, the left comrades in battle (the group of four that have the left file in it) will march straight ahead, guided by the 4th Sgt., to the spot designated by the Captain. The comrades in battle will march at an angle, at the double quick, until there is approximately 20 paces between each comrades in battle. Once the proper spacing it reached, each comrades in battle will come onto line with the comrade in battle containing the left file. The right guide will arrive with the last group of four.

Once the line is reached and every group of four is on line, the Captain will command the skirmishers to halt. At the command halt, each group if four will automatically deploy as skirmishers. Any group not on line when the halt is given will run onto line and conform to the command. If fired open before the line is set, each group of fire can be deployed individually.

How to Deploy as Comrades in Battle: When a group of four men is told to halt after being sent out as skirmishers, they deploy using the following maneuvers:

1. The front rank, number 2 man remains in his place.
2. The rear rank, number 2 man goes to the left 5 paces on steps forward onto line.
3. The front rank, number 1 man extends right 10 paces.
4. The rear rank, number 1 man comes onto line and extends 5 paces.

The end result should have, from right to left observing from behind the line: rear rank 2, front rank 2, rear rank 1, front rank 1 as its order on line; with each man having 5 paces separation.

As soon as the line is set, the NCO’s accompanying the line will fall back behind it ten paces.

Again, if there is cover, TAKE IT. Regularity in alignment should yield to the important advantage of cover.

While the line is formed, the 1st Lt. will take the second platoon approximately 150 paces behind the skirmish line, holding that distance until further instructed. The Captain will place himself 80 paces behind the skirmish line with a bugler and four men from the reserve platoon.

When deploying off the right file, it is the same as the left, but inverted. The rightmost group will go straight, and the groups to the left will march at an angle. When deploying by the center file, the group with the center file will go straight, and the groups on either side will march out at an angle.

A Note on Bayonets for Skirmishing

Regular troops carry their bayonets in their scabbards, likewise with skirmishers. Bayonets are to be fixed only as the Captain desires.

To Deploy on the Right or Left Flank

Deploying on a flank is surprisingly simple, especially in light of deploying by a file. You can deploy on either the left flank or right flank. The command is as follows:

1. Second (or first) platoon, as skirmishers. 2. By the right (or left) flank, take intervals. 3. MARCH

At the first command, the 1st and 3rd Lt’s. will place themselves two paces behind the second platoon, and the 5th Sgt. would place himself in front of the second platoon, and the 3rd Sgt. will place himself on the right of the second platoon. The Captain will withdraw the first platoon 3 paces and halt them.

At the command MARCH, the entire platoon but the far left comrades in battle will face to the right and begin marching. As soon as there is enough room to their right, the leftmost group will deploy. The second group, front rank number 2 man, will count 20 paces. Once the 20 paces are reached, he will call out “deploy!” and the group will face to the line and deploy. Once this is heard, the third group will begin counting, and so on.

Once the line is set, prescribe to the postings of the deploying on a file example.

You can even deploy on both flanks at the same time:

1. Second platoon, as skirmishers. 2. By the right and left flanks, take intervals. 3. MARCH

Use the same officer postings as previously used. At the command MARCH, the right section will face to the right, and the left section to the left. The comrades in battle on the right of the left section will stay stationary, and the spacing will be based off their position. The 1st and 3rd Lt’s. will guide the left section, and the 3rd and 2nd Sgt’s. will guide the right section. It is their job to ensure correct spacing.

Extending and Closing Intervals

The following command is used to extend a set line of skirmishers:

1. By the left (or right) flank, ___ paces extend intervals. 2. MARCH

At this command, the right group will stand fast while all the other groups face to the left. Each group should still have 5 paces between each man. Remember that extending is simply extending the separation between groups, not individual men.
You use the same command to close intervals, replacing “extend” with “close.”


Rallying is the term used to bring skirmishers back into either groups of four, individual sections, into platoons, as one company, or on a group, section, platoon or company.

When a line is disturbed by scattered cavalry, the Captain should order bayonets to be fixed. If charged by cavalry, the Captain will command:

Rally by fours!

At this command, each four man group will return to each other as they would be in a battle line, each guarding with bayonet a different direction. If the Captain deems the groups of four to be too weak against the opposing force, the command will be given to:

Rally by sections!

The men will run as groups back together to form their separate sections and resume guarding with bayonets. Each section will form a square around the officers, with each section facing a different direction. If this is still insufficient, the command will be given:

Rally by platoons! or Rally on the reserve!

I find that the manual has the best explanation for rallying:

“Rally by sections.
132. At this command, the chiefs of sections will move rapidly on the centre group of their respective sections, or on any other interior group whose position might offer a shelter, or other particular advantage; the skirmishers will collect rapidly at a run on this group, and without distinction of numbers. The men composing the group on which the formation is made, will immediately form square, as heretofore explained, and elevate their pieces, the bayonets uppermost, in order to indicate the point on which the rally is to be made. The other skirmishers, as they arrive, will occupy and fill the open angular spaces between these four men, and successively rally around this first nucleus, and in such manner as to form rapidly a company circle. The skirmishers will take as they arrive, the position of charge bayonet, the point of the bayonet more elevated, and will cock their pieces in this position. The movement concluded, the two exterior ranks will fire as occasion may offer, and load without moving the feet.
133. The captain will move rapidly with his guard, wherever he may judge his presence most necessary.
134. The officers and sergeants will be particular to observe that the rally is made in silence, and with promptitude and order; that some pieces in each of their subdivisions be at all times loaded, and that the fire is directed on those points only where it will be most effective.
135. If the reserve should be threatened, it will form into a circle around its chief.
136. If the captain, or commander of a line of skirmishers formed of many platoons, should judge that the rally by section does not offer sufficient resistance, he will cause the rally by platoons to be executed, and for this purpose, will command:
Rally by platoons.
137. This movement will be executed according to the same principles, and by the same means, as the rally by sections. The chiefs of platoon will conform to what has been prescribed for the chiefs of section.
138. The captain wishing to rally the skirmishers on the reserve, will command:
Rally on the reserve.
139. At this command, the captain will move briskly on the reserve; the officer who commands it will take immediate steps to form square; for this purpose, he will cause the half sections on the flanks to be thrown perpendicularly to the rear; he will order the men to come to a ready.
140. The skirmishers of each section, taking the run, will form rapidly into groups, and upon that man of each group who is nearest the centre of the section. These groups will direct themselves diagonally towards each other, and in such manner as to form into sections with the greatest possible rapidity while moving to the rear; the officers and sergeants will see that this formation is made in proper order, and the chiefs will direct their sections upon the reserve, taking care to unmask it to the right and left. As the skirmishers arrive, they will continue and complete the formation of the square begun by the reserve, closing in rapidly upon the latter, without regard to their places in line; they will come to a ready without command, and fire upon the enemy; which will also be done by the reserve as soon as it is unmasked by the skirmishers.
141. If a section should be closely pressed by cavalry while retreating its chief will command halt; at this command, the men will form rapidly into a compact circle around the officer, who will re-form his section and resume the march, the moment he can do so with safety.
142. The formation of the square in a prompt and efficient manner, requires coolness and activity on the part of both officers and sergeants.”
Skirmishers can also rally on the battalion, forming to them.

Firing as Skirmishers

When acting as skirmishers, the command to commence fire! will be given. However, there is a little more to it than just firing at will. Each file partner must work with each other to ensure that one of them is loaded or at least nearly loaded at all times. So, when the command is given to commence firing, the front rank man will fire and begin reloading. Once he is loaded, he will let his file partner know, who will then take a shot, reload, and inform the front rank man he is ready. This goes on until a cease fire is called.

To Advance or Retreat as Skirmishers

To advance when in a skirmish line, the command is given:

1. Skirmishers 2. Rise. 3. Skirmish in advance. 4. MARCH

At this command, the file partner that is loaded will bound forward a few paces and fire when his partner is ready, then his partner will bound ahead of him a few paces and continue the process. The same principles are true for retreating, but the command would be:

1. Skirmishers 2. Rise. 3. Skirmish in retreat. 4. MARCH

Mighty fine work my good sir!


Lance Rawlings
01-07-2017, 08:37 PM
Mighty fine work my good sir!


Thank you, much appreciated!

Lance Rawlings
01-10-2017, 04:17 PM
I'd like to welcome Frederick to the 38th North Carolina! Frederick is a good reenacting friend of mine in real life, so it was awesome to see him on War of Rights (like I've been telling him to do for over a year...;) ).

Get ready to whoop some yankees boys! We've got some greatly trained boys here and a drum on its way courtesy of the 5th AL.

Always looking for fine recruits to help fill the battalion's ranks, be there any more brave men interested.

01-13-2017, 12:07 AM
Age: 33
Steam Name & Link: DogOfSpades...just type it in
Historical Name: Nathan David
What Access do you have Alpha
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:word of mouth
Reason for Application: To advance history and its understanding
Location: New York Area
Microphone?: Yeah Buddy
Discord?: Yeah Buddy
Teamspeak?: Wack
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Turn Based Hex Gaming, History Channel Civil War Bull Run, Scourge of War, Civil War General's 2, Battle Ground 2 Gettysburg Talonsoft, Waterloo Battleground 3, Battleground 5 Antietam, Battleground 7 Bull Run, Age Of Rifles SSI, SID, American History, Civil War General History & Unit History , WW2 History, WW2 European & Pacific Deployments and Study',s Army Air Corps History, Air Corps Tactics & Deployments, 5th Air Corps History, South West Pacific Area WW2 Focus 389th bs 312th bg (L) & 65th 43rd "Roaring 20's" & "Lucky Dicers" History and the advancement of history and its general understanding, mechanics and principles.

Lance Rawlings
01-13-2017, 12:23 AM
Age: 33
Steam Name & Link: DogOfSpades...just type it in
Historical Name: Nathan David
What Access do you have Alpha
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:word of mouth
Reason for Application: To advance history and its understanding
Location: New York Area
Microphone?: Yeah Buddy
Discord?: Yeah Buddy
Teamspeak?: Wack
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Turn Based Hex Gaming, History Channel Civil War Bull Run, Scourge of War, Civil War General's 2, Battle Ground 2 Gettysburg Talonsoft, Waterloo Battleground 3, Battleground 5 Antietam, Battleground 7 Bull Run, Age Of Rifles SSI, SID, American History, Civil War General History & Unit History , WW2 History, WW2 European & Pacific Deployments and Study',s Army Air Corps History, Air Corps Tactics & Deployments, 5th Air Corps History, South West Pacific Area WW2 Focus 389th bs 312th bg (L) & 65th 43rd "Roaring 20's" & "Lucky Dicers" History and the advancement of history and its general understanding, mechanics and principles.

Hey Dog! Welcome to the 38th!

Lance Rawlings
01-13-2017, 07:18 PM
I'd like to welcome Fordo to the 38th North Carolina!

Lance Rawlings
01-21-2017, 03:07 AM
Great drill tonight fellas! We'll do a lot of the same stuff tomorrow for the mass community event. See you there, 5pm EST.

A. P. Hill
01-21-2017, 02:48 PM
Congrats to the 38th!

I hope that all the units of the Light Division will take a page from their book and strive for their excellence and example.

Well Done Guys! Keep up the good work!



Lance Rawlings
01-21-2017, 11:00 PM
Congrats to the 38th!

I hope that all the units of the Light Division will take a page from their book and strive for their excellence and example.

Well Done Guys! Keep up the good work!



We are most honored, sir. Thank you for your compliments. They are beyond what I ever could have hoped. We have some great guys and we have a great time at it! :)

Lance Rawlings
01-27-2017, 08:48 PM
I'd like to welcome Jonathon Reblican to the 38th NC! Watch out, Union Boys.

02-07-2017, 08:26 PM
Steam Name & Link:hero06brine (its my sons account)
Historical Name:Willam Thomas
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc):Captain pledge
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:i was born in N.C so i figure thats where i would go
Reason for Application:what to lean the ins and out of the game as far as ranks and lines.
Discord?:can aquire
Teamspeak?:can aquire
Experience (gaming or reenacting) just getting back into pc gaming in my down time i play mostly xbox1 fps and csgo at the moment

Lance Rawlings
02-07-2017, 10:24 PM
Steam Name & Link:hero06brine (its my sons account)
Historical Name:Willam Thomas
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc):Captain pledge
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:i was born in N.C so i figure thats where i would go
Reason for Application:what to lean the ins and out of the game as far as ranks and lines.
Discord?:can aquire
Teamspeak?:can aquire
Experience (gaming or reenacting) just getting back into pc gaming in my down time i play mostly xbox1 fps and csgo at the moment

Accepted! Welcome to the 38th NC! I will searched that name on Steam and didn't get any results. Would you mind sending a link?

02-07-2017, 10:32 PM
Will do

02-07-2017, 10:42 PM
Try http://steamcommunity.com/id/hero06brine

Lance Rawlings
02-08-2017, 06:32 PM
Try http://steamcommunity.com/id/hero06brine Got it, thanks!

A. P. Hill
02-08-2017, 10:48 PM
Congrats to the 38th NC!

The Light Division is proud of your outfit. :)

Lance Rawlings
02-09-2017, 04:58 AM
Congrats to the 38th NC!

The Light Division is proud of your outfit. :)

It's an honor, sir!

Lance Rawlings
02-22-2017, 01:59 PM
Attention Men of the 38th!

We will be having our next drill tomorrow (Thursday) at 8pm EST. This is a max attendance battalion event, so please show in force. We will be evaluating and searching for a new 1st Sgt, as former 1st Sgt. Kenah requested a lower rank due to real life circumstances. Please inform a company officer if you will be unable to attend. See you there!

02-22-2017, 02:43 PM
Pleasure meeting some of your company the other night. I was on as Jayrod. Very nice group of people.

Lance Rawlings
02-24-2017, 03:33 PM
Pleasure meeting some of your company the other night. I was on as Jayrod. Very nice group of people.

Thank you!

Hiram Lee
03-01-2017, 02:36 PM
Steam Name & Link: Overton Hood http://steamcommunity.com/id/PatKelly
Historical Name: Overton Hood
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): alpha
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:i joined the light division then met the capt. also vishnu was a good leader and i remembered what unit he was in
Reason for Application:to make it official/ kinda like puttin a ring on it
Experience (gaming or reenacting):1st Tx cpl/chaplain 42nd Va sgt/chaplain 26th va major 4th us 2nd lt 69th New York Sgt 12th Tx Dismounted cavalry reenactors

Lance Rawlings
03-01-2017, 03:29 PM
Steam Name & Link: Overton Hood http://steamcommunity.com/id/PatKelly
Historical Name: Overton Hood
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): alpha
How did you find out about the 38th NC?:i joined the light division then met the capt. also vishnu was a good leader and i remembered what unit he was in
Reason for Application:to make it official/ kinda like puttin a ring on it
Experience (gaming or reenacting):1st Tx cpl/chaplain 42nd Va sgt/chaplain 26th va major 4th us 2nd lt 69th New York Sgt 12th Tx Dismounted cavalry reenactors

Accepted and welcome to the 38th North Carolina!

Lance Rawlings
03-03-2017, 03:07 PM
Congratulations to Cpl. Vishnu on his promotion to 1st Sgt, Cpl. DogofSpades on his promotion to 2nd Sgt, and Cpl. J. S. Ray on his promotion to 3rd Sgt.

A. P. Hill
03-03-2017, 05:32 PM
Congratulations gentlemen!

Lance Rawlings
03-07-2017, 11:51 PM
Thank you, sir!

03-09-2017, 11:13 AM
New Recruit Application

Age: 24
Steam Name & Link: Jeeperswerewolf, http://steamcommunity.com/id/jeeperswerewolf/
Historical Name: James Salinas
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): All
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: From previous drillings with this Company.
Reason for Application: Wanting to defend my new homeland, I want to enlist in this 38th North Carolina Company K.
Location: Wisconsin
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Got almost 200 hours into War of Rights, attended multiple drills on both the union and confederacy side.

03-10-2017, 02:45 PM
Age: 48
Steam Name & Link: aragon et despertaferro
Historical Name: Carlos Echegaray (name of Spanish Carlist Officer that fought with CSA)
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc):A (captain)
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: WAR OF RIGHTS FORUM
Reason for Application: I think your company will have good playing level.
Location: Spain
Microphone?: yes
Discord?: n/a
Teamspeak?: yes

03-10-2017, 06:01 PM
Age: 48
Steam Name & Link: aragon et despertaferro
Historical Name: Carlos Echegaray (name of Spanish Carlist Officer that fought with CSA)
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc):A (captain)
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: WAR OF RIGHTS FORUM
Reason for Application: I think your company will have good playing level
Location: Spain
Microphone?: yes
Discord?: n/a
Teamspeak?: yes

Accepted and welcome to the 38th North Carolina!

03-10-2017, 06:26 PM
Welcome Aboard!! Its an honor to have you with us.

Lance Rawlings
03-10-2017, 07:36 PM
Welcome both of you to the 38th NC Co K!

03-11-2017, 08:35 AM
The best group of Soldiers and friends in the whole army.

A. P. Hill
03-11-2017, 01:37 PM
38th looking strong! :)

Keep up the good work North Carolina!

Jordon Brooker
03-11-2017, 07:52 PM
Joined you guys for Drill today. Stirling work guys.

03-11-2017, 10:35 PM
Thank you Sir!! It was good fun and great practice.

Lance Rawlings
03-15-2017, 07:13 PM
I'll see y'all tomorrow (Thursday) at 8pm EST for some good ole fashioned drilling!

Lance Rawlings
03-23-2017, 07:24 PM
Welcome all new recruits to the 38th NC! Drill is tonight at 8pm EST, see y'all there. Anyone is welcome.

Lance Rawlings
03-27-2017, 04:22 PM
I wanted to officially welcome the recruits that came in these past few days by name:

Pvt. Riko Travis
Pvt. Ian Peplow
Pvt. John
Pvt.. Friendly
Pvt. Paddy Kearny
Pvt. Kenneth Lee Schlegel
Pvt. Bobby Bro
Pvt. James Smith
Pvt. Dusty Elk
Pvt. Rudate Wilkerson
Pvt. Micah P. Austin
Pvt. Matthew Barkins
Pvt. William Shelfington
Pvt. Thomas T. G.
Pvt. Smith H Anderson
Pvt. Niels Nielson

Welcome to the 38th North Carolina!

Lance Rawlings
04-12-2017, 01:37 PM
Reminder! Drill tomorrow at 8pm EST. See you there!

05-04-2017, 06:31 PM
Thanks for the add. To Arms!!

Lance Rawlings
05-04-2017, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the add. To Arms!!

Of course! To Arms indeed!

05-11-2017, 01:33 AM
Age: 23
Steam Name & Link: zwood http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198290531540/
Historical Name: Zachariah Walsh
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): I will have access to the Technial Alpha. Should be purchasing the game in about two-three weeks.
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: Checking the forums.
Reason for Application: I enjoy teamwork, as well as working with others in a large force to achieve a common goal. I also want to represent a regiment from home state in this game. I had ancestors fight in the 26th, and I' very sure I had one serve in the 38th, I'll have to check on that one.
Location: Wilkesboro, NC
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Yes
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Gaming experience wise I've been apart of a few milsim groups in the Red Orchestra series, and I've also lead and commanded several squadrons and fighter groups in the flight simulator Aces High. I've been around my fair share of following orders, working with others, and working together. I personally am not a fan of the lone wolf style.

05-13-2017, 06:13 AM
- Accepted -

Welcome to the 38th North Carolina Company K

Please submit your enlistment papers on our company page once able.


05-13-2017, 01:27 PM
- Accepted -

Welcome to the 38th North Carolina Company K

Please submit your enlistment papers on our company page once able.


Submitted sir.

Lance Rawlings
05-18-2017, 12:04 AM
Skirmishes are here boys! Pack your knapsacks, roll your blankets, and move out!


Lance Rawlings
05-22-2017, 04:20 AM
Welcome all new members of the 38th! Be sure to join the Steam group to keep with with event scheduling and other company/battalion announcements!

05-22-2017, 07:05 AM
There are lots of good men here, including Mr Rawlings himself. I look forward immensely to our next foray together on the fields of Maryland.


05-22-2017, 06:31 PM
Age: 25
Steam Name & Link: PlayerLive & http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198249172312
Historical Name: Elijah Lipton
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): Alpha
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: The Forums.
Reason for Application: I had played in a Milsim unit before in Arma 3, the teamwork and gameplay there gave the impression of you being apart of something bigger on the game's battlefield. I hope to be an active contributing member to the 38th.
Location: Edmonton, AB
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Not at moment but can be attained
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Did a stint in a Milsim unit for Arma 3, this would be my first experience in a Line Infantry style game.

Lance Rawlings
05-22-2017, 10:30 PM
Age: 25
Steam Name & Link: PlayerLive & http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198249172312
Historical Name: Elijah Lipton
What Access do you have (Alpha, Beta, etc): Alpha
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: The Forums.
Reason for Application: I had played in a Milsim unit before in Arma 3, the teamwork and gameplay there gave the impression of you being apart of something bigger on the game's battlefield. I hope to be an active contributing member to the 38th.
Location: Edmonton, AB
Microphone?: Yes
Discord?: Not at moment but can be attained
Teamspeak?: Yes
Experience (gaming or reenacting): Did a stint in a Milsim unit for Arma 3, this would be my first experience in a Line Infantry style game.

Accepted, welcome to the 38th! I will add you on Steam momentarily. Feel free to add any other officers and fellow members of the 38th!

05-23-2017, 03:19 PM
Glad to finally have skirmishes here! We can finally whoop up on the Yankees and fight'em till they turn tail to Washington!

Deo Vindice

Lance Rawlings
05-25-2017, 06:28 PM
I'd like to welcome all new recruits to the 38th North Carolina!




Castor Troy



Also a reminder that drill is tonight at 8pm EST! Hop on Discord and we'll figure out what server we want to use there.

Lance Rawlings
05-30-2017, 01:23 AM
Hey Men of the 38th! Don't forget to join our Steam Group and Discord! If you need links message me through Steam.

06-01-2017, 01:59 AM
are you guys recruiting officers? i have been active in the leadership role for the conferadates lately and would love to join a regiment that actually wants to play and work together. if not its ok but i would love to work my way up otherwise.

Lance Rawlings
06-01-2017, 02:15 AM
are you guys recruiting officers? i have been active in the leadership role for the conferadates lately and would love to join a regiment that actually wants to play and work together. if not its ok but i would love to work my way up otherwise.

Hey man,

Company K is not currently recruiting officers, however Company H in our battalion could possibly use some. PM me on Steam for details.

06-01-2017, 02:22 AM
i added you, formless nut

Lance Rawlings
06-01-2017, 03:31 AM
i added you, formless nut


06-03-2017, 09:29 PM
When does Co.K get online for a "Company night" if you will? I've tried to find mention of it around our pages but haven't found one yet.

06-04-2017, 04:39 PM
When does Co.K get online for a "Company night" if you will? I've tried to find mention of it around our pages but haven't found one yet.

Hey Baker we should have a Sunday service tonight at 8PM EST, where you should be able to meet myself and a couple of the other guys including the officers.

Our training night is every Thursday at 8PM EST as well.

06-04-2017, 04:51 PM
Awesome! Thanks see yall then

A. P. Hill
06-04-2017, 05:41 PM
Huzzah For the 38th NC!


06-04-2017, 06:44 PM
Huzzah For the 38th NC!


Look forward to seeing you on the field general. We are that you shall be visiting our camp soon. We shall not disappoint!

Lance Rawlings
06-06-2017, 03:04 PM
Now that drill camps are back we will start our drilling in one of them, and then move into a skirmish server to put our drill to the test!

Lance Rawlings
06-16-2017, 03:45 AM
Great drill, skirmishing, and epic line battles gents!! Can't wait to see some of them screenshots!

06-16-2017, 09:23 PM
Great drill, skirmishing, and epic line battles gents!! Can't wait to see some of them screenshots!

Indeed Captain.

06-16-2017, 11:32 PM
Forum Name:Cash63
Historical NameJefferson Cash
Reason for Application: as a civil war enthusiast and a member of the sons of confederate veterans I want to be with a group that shares the same passion as i do
Pledge Tier (Opt.):
Location:Waynesboro Va
Discord #?:yes
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting):As far as playing games like world of rights no I have no experience. However I have knowledge of the civil war and the weapons and slang and know some basic officer commands

Lance Rawlings
06-20-2017, 04:21 PM
I'd like to announce the creation of the 38th NC company A "Spartan Band"!!!!!

06-20-2017, 10:13 PM
Excellent Lance!

Lance Rawlings
06-29-2017, 04:25 PM
Just a reminder that drill for all members and friends of the 38th is tonight at 8pm EST. See you there!

A. P. Hill
06-29-2017, 05:09 PM
I'd like to announce the creation of the 38th NC company A "Spartan Band"!!!!!


I look forward to seeing them in action. :)

PLUS, I'll be looking to see their company show up in these here forums so I can link them.

(Yeah, I know, hurry up and get that new system!)

Lance Rawlings
06-30-2017, 06:54 PM

I look forward to seeing them in action. :)

PLUS, I'll be looking to see their company show up in these here forums so I can link them.

(Yeah, I know, hurry up and get that new system!)

Haha I know, right. I don't know that we'll make a forum thread for each one. We've basically been operating out of this one, and even then mainly the Steam Group.

But oh, I hope they add the regiment tool soon.

07-06-2017, 07:03 PM
Forum Name:Catfish
Historical Name:Garrison
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: From the Company Tool.
Reason for Application:My ancestor fought in the 14th NC Co.F. There hasn't been made a company yet so I wish to join the 38th NC.
Location: North Georgia
Microphone? : yes
Discord?: no
Teamspeak 3?:yes
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting):role playing games.
Which company in the 38th NC battalion is your preferred choice, if any?: No preference.

Lance Rawlings
07-06-2017, 10:22 PM
Forum Name:Catfish
Historical Name:Garrison
How did you find out about the 38th NC?: From the Company Tool.
Reason for Application:My ancestor fought in the 14th NC Co.F. There hasn't been made a company yet so I wish to join the 38th NC.
Location: North Georgia
Microphone? : yes
Discord?: no
Teamspeak 3?:yes
Experience (specific gaming or reenacting):role playing games.
Which company in the 38th NC battalion is your preferred choice, if any?: No preference.

Have you filled out the application on the Steam Group yet? We are conducting applications through there now ;) That's awesome about your ancestors.

07-09-2017, 06:49 PM
Requested by OP (Lance).

Lance Rawlings
07-09-2017, 08:45 PM
Requested by OP (Lance).

Thanks, Jim! I appreciate it. This makes everything so much simpler. ;)

Lance Rawlings
07-10-2017, 09:32 PM
Sgt. Dog will be hosting a drill tonight at 8pm EST if anyone is interested. See ya then!

Lance Rawlings
07-18-2017, 01:55 AM
Great job tonight gents! I've seen a lot of improvement these past months. Thanks to Sgt. DogofSpades for consistently and devotedly leading several voluntary drills like the one tonight. Keep sharp boys, the yanks will never feel a thing.

07-18-2017, 05:53 PM
Great job tonight gents! I've seen a lot of improvement these past months. Thanks to Sgt. DogofSpades for consistently and devotedly leading several voluntary drills like the one tonight. Keep sharp boys, the yanks will never feel a thing.

I was present on the drill camp server helping the 50th GA with a promotion ceremony when I witnessed the precision that was the 38th NC drill. Very impressive! Kudo's Cpt. Rawlings

Lance Rawlings
07-18-2017, 07:12 PM
I was present on the drill camp server helping the 50th GA with a promotion ceremony when I witnessed the precision that was the 38th NC drill. Very impressive! Kudo's Cpt. Rawlings

Thank you for your compliments, but the kudo's goes to those men, not me!

Here's a video from last night, thanks to Calibrated.Core:


Lance Rawlings
07-24-2017, 10:57 PM
Sgt. Dog is hosting a voluntary drill tonight at 8pm EST for all who wish to participate and continue to develop their skills in Hardee's Rifle & Light Infantry Tactics.

Lance Rawlings
07-26-2017, 11:51 AM
Hey gents! If you want the latest updates for the 38th, join our Steam Group and also subscribe to this thread!

Lance Rawlings
08-05-2017, 01:32 PM
Awesome drill last Thursday! Big shout out to the 1st TX for coming in and being willing to practice battalion level firing drills. Can't wait to see what happens next Thursday at 8pm EST, so BE THERE! ;)

I'm going to put up a few screenshots I took from the drill Thursday on Steam momentarily.

A. P. Hill
08-05-2017, 02:08 PM
Huzzah! to the 38th NC!

Lance Rawlings
08-25-2017, 04:26 PM
Great drill last night, gentlemen! Once again a huge shoutout to the 1st TX for joining in and making things even more enjoyable.


Lance Rawlings
08-31-2017, 02:30 AM
Just a reminder that if you wish to apply for the 38th NC battalion, go fill out our application at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/38thNorthCarolinaCompanyK/discussions/0/350542683211325346/

See y'all on the field!

Lance Rawlings
10-31-2017, 02:00 AM
After quite a long furlough, just wanted to mention we're still alive!

A. P. Hill
10-31-2017, 12:24 PM
Good to hear!

Welcome back.

02-10-2018, 03:44 PM
Any news from Lance? I have not seen him here since last year. :(

Lance Rawlings
01-03-2019, 12:49 AM
Y'all miss me? ;)

01-03-2019, 01:03 AM
No! Noooooo! You’re dead...I saw you die!

01-03-2019, 08:17 AM
Sweet mother mercy, Lance returns.

A. P. Hill
01-03-2019, 12:18 PM
Welcome back Captain.

Or is that still Major?

Nigel Walsh
01-03-2020, 03:24 AM
Good luck, guys!

Lance Rawlings
02-06-2021, 06:53 PM
Guess who's back, boys.

02-07-2021, 09:55 AM
Welcome back Captain Rawlings. :)

Lance Rawlings
02-09-2021, 07:19 PM
Welcome back Captain Rawlings. :)

Thank you sir.