View Full Version : One Idea

11-15-2014, 11:04 PM
Lets liven things up a little bit around here. Everyone place one feature that hasn't been confirmed that they want to see. :D

11-15-2014, 11:40 PM
Gore!...wait was gore announced? Oh, well. Gore!

11-16-2014, 12:15 AM
The guaranteed excitement of shooting 1000 yankees and winning our independence from American federal tyranny!!!!!

11-16-2014, 03:27 AM
Gore!...wait was gore announced? Oh, well. Gore!

Gore has been discussed, but yes, gore is a must.

11-16-2014, 07:30 PM
Hmm, I've heard of this mentioned, but, if medics are implemented what'll happen to a soldier if for instance he gets a bullet in the arm, gets carried to the back, gets his arm lobbed off, then what? I dout think he could easily fire his musket with one arm :P perhaps he is added to a list of wounded rather than dead, raising one sides score?

11-16-2014, 07:44 PM
Hmm, I've heard of this mentioned, but, if medics are implemented what'll happen to a soldier if for instance he gets a bullet in the arm, gets carried to the back, gets his arm lobbed off, then what? I dout think he could easily fire his musket with one arm :P perhaps he is added to a list of wounded rather than dead, raising one sides score?

We have no current plans to include surgeons.

- Trusty

11-16-2014, 11:25 PM
Night fighting

11-17-2014, 01:41 PM
ammunition supply via players, maybe there could be a way to implement movable ammo supply boxes with of course a limited amount of rounds in it.

11-17-2014, 06:19 PM
ammunition supply via players, maybe there could be a way to implement movable ammo supply boxes with of course a limited amount of rounds in it.

What if we had something like supply wagons? And they would be driven to the back of the lines and would supply regiments when needed?

11-17-2014, 08:30 PM
Exactly which regiments are to be implemented into the game.

11-18-2014, 05:56 AM
What if we had something like supply wagons? And they would be driven to the back of the lines and would supply regiments when needed?

I like the idea, even though a wagon full of rounds is maybe a little bit too much than just a few boxes.

11-19-2014, 01:12 AM
I like the idea, even though a wagon full of rounds is maybe a little bit too much than just a few boxes.

Why not? Afraid a shell might come through and set the ammunition aflame? That would do quite a bit of damage, I would imagine....

11-19-2014, 06:16 AM
Why not? Afraid a shell might come through and set the ammunition aflame? That would do quite a bit of damage, I would imagine....

Not afraid, i would be amazed seeing this happen. But i am concerned this could have a huge impact on the balance, since it will be much harder to keep up the fire when the supplies are arriving piece by piece...and not ton by ton. I think it will extend the strategical depth when the commanders need to think about supplies too.

11-20-2014, 01:43 AM
Very interesting. This also encourages armies to target their enemy's supply lines rather than just the enemy themselves. Adds a whole new aspect to the game. Just think about being pinned down in a tree line by multiple regiments firing on you, just to find out that the long awaited supply wagon has been captured by the enemy, forcing you to perform a bayonet charge in a final push to get out of the kill zone... Oh man... Yes please....

11-20-2014, 02:31 AM
Very interesting. This also encourages armies to target their enemy's supply lines rather than just the enemy themselves. Adds a whole new aspect to the game. Just think about being pinned down in a tree line by multiple regiments firing on you, just to find out that the long awaited supply wagon has been captured by the enemy, forcing you to perform a bayonet charge in a final push to get out of the kill zone... Oh man... Yes please....



11-20-2014, 03:35 AM


Pretty much :D

11-20-2014, 11:31 AM
This idea! It is perfect! I would be so happy to see a wagon be blown to little bits and bobs alongside it's driver and anybody close to it. Also a lot of the bullets would go flying off in any direction hitting even more guys!

11-22-2014, 06:40 PM
I think it would be really neat if you could build trenches to defend an area! Perhaps have a engineer class that can lay out blueprints and all the other soldiers can start working on setting it up!

11-24-2014, 07:43 PM
What would be really awesome is the ability for guns to misfire, especially artillery, maybe if the artillery gunners don't clean the barrel first before ramming down the charge, the charge has a small chance to explode destroying the cannon and most likely massacring the entire gunning crew, on the subject of artillery it would be great if artillery was realistic and people had to work as a team to get it loaded. features like being able to hand charges to people for ramming like the gunning teams actually did in this era

11-25-2014, 05:50 AM
What would be really awesome is the ability for guns to misfire, especially artillery, maybe if the artillery gunners don't clean the barrel first before ramming down the charge, the charge has a small chance to explode destroying the cannon and most likely massacring the entire gunning crew, on the subject of artillery it would be great if artillery was realistic and people had to work as a team to get it loaded. features like being able to hand charges to people for ramming like the gunning teams actually did in this era

The gun crew features is planned I believe, but the idea of hot embers still in the bore having a chance of exploding is interesting. If you are under heavy fire and you are in a life or death situation, you can try to load as many rounds as fast as you can without swabbing the bore, however there's a chance that your efforts to get the gun loaded quickly can result in there not being a gun at all and a large piece of metal lodged in your stomach... Cool aspect that could change entire battles.

On the idea of engineers, I'm not quite sure how much I like this. The ability to build trench works should be there, but the need for an engineer is kind of cheesy and stereotypical of every other game. Besides, almost all of the trench building fell to the lowly infantry men and didn't really require any special planning other than an officer telling them where to dig, and a couple of spades. I don't really know where this would play in while being realistic at the same time though, as it could take hours to build some of the larger trenches. It could work like Project Reality for BF2, where the officer kind of deploys a "ghost" trench and then the infantry men grab their spades and basically hit it in a digging animation until it appears.

11-25-2014, 04:20 PM
Obviously the idea of the mussel loaded rifles jamming has been mentioned but will the pistols and breach-loading rifles also have the chance of jamming as the casing would often swell up as the rifle is fired over and over.

11-25-2014, 11:32 PM
Yeah, I was thinking kind of like Napoleonic Era for Mount and Blade where you just had a sapper to support the infantry. I honestly hope you guys do add in something like this because it lets the players come up with more battle plan ideas. For example, if an entire regiment of soldiers are coming to take over an area you are defending or have, just imagine you have a scout come to you as a commander and you evaluate the situation, then decide on digging in and defending your ground. Sappers could prepare the defense and really add in some dynamic gameplay into the game. Just an idea but i really think it would be for the better.

11-26-2014, 01:39 AM
Yeah, I was thinking kind of like Napoleonic Era for Mount and Blade where you just had a sapper to support the infantry. I honestly hope you guys do add in something like this because it lets the players come up with more battle plan ideas. For example, if an entire regiment of soldiers are coming to take over an area you are defending or have, just imagine you have a scout come to you as a commander and you evaluate the situation, then decide on digging in and defending your ground. Sappers could prepare the defense and really add in some dynamic gameplay into the game. Just an idea but i really think it would be for the better.

I don't really think sappers are needed. There weren't really any "sappers" in the Civil War. There were engineers but they were mostly in charge of preparing pontoon bridges and things like that. I think normal soldiers would work. Maybe, make it a requirement for crates of shovels to be sent from a supply depot to allow for the soldiers to dig.

11-26-2014, 09:05 AM
The only thing I feel then engines should be used for is for building battery positions maybe. Have the as a support role to the artillery and as Rithal said have the common soldier dig himself into his position after they have had a request for the shovels.

It shouldn't be anything too fancy if it is implemented as I'd like to see a group of Rebel or Federal infantry try and make something as fancy as a wooden fortified trench. It should be a shallow ditch really maybe about chest high and the only real cover you get in by ducking bellow into the trench.

But I must say I don't fell any kind of entrenchment system should be added as it takes away from the idea of fast flowing skirmish battle and historical accuracy of the bigger battles.

11-26-2014, 04:56 PM
Yep, i'm not saying you should be able to just build a trench out of nowhere but just dig a hole in the ground for infantry in the case of having a long time to set up before the enemy arrives and you happen to be defending. I think it would be best if it took around at least 6 minutes to make and is fairly small being able to hold 5-6 soldiers huddled together, just enough for when you crouch they will be able to see the hat on your head but won't be able to shoot you in the face from a little bit away unless you are standing up of course. I just think it would be cool. I am just envisioning right now having to defend a hill and you are fending off the filthy confederates *cough*cough* then all of a sudden they start retreating then you bayonet rush out of the trenches. Perhaps have it where it takes 3 soldiers working on 1 trench which would take 4 minutes and 1 soldier working on 1 trench would take the whole 6 minutes and make it so you can only make a trench once every 20 minutes so it doesn't get spammed and ruin the map. Just a suggestion anyways that would add more dynamics to tactics and such, but non the less if it gets added or not, thanks for putting your time into this game i truly think its gonna be awesome :D !

11-26-2014, 05:08 PM
Also, what type of shooting stances do you plan on implementing? Such as crouch, prone, perhaps being able to lean right/left to pop your head and gun out to shoot without exposing your entire body, etc.. just curious.

11-26-2014, 09:23 PM
We will be supporting crouching and prone,

11-29-2014, 02:17 AM
Well also what units of what states will be put in?

11-29-2014, 03:40 AM
If you guys would like an approximate list of which all units will be included, without taking out those that were in reserve and/or didn't take part in any of the respective fights, you can look here:
And here:

11-29-2014, 07:44 AM
Thanks.Just wasnt sure what all units of the armies at antietam (ANV,AotP) would be in the game

12-02-2014, 05:42 PM
Perhaps the admin would be able to change the time/weather for the map, kinda like arma, so that there can be foggy/stormy/early morning/night battles

12-03-2014, 12:11 PM
Would be nice if this could have an impact on the character, like hot weather reduces stamina or something like this. But maybe this is already a step too far

12-03-2014, 07:48 PM
Would be nice if this could have an impact on the character, like hot weather reduces stamina or something like this. But maybe this is already a step too far

I like it. Maybe in humid weather there is decreased accuracy or increase the chance of a misfire? I'm not even sure if this was a problem but I'm assuming it could have been. Someone back me up.

12-04-2014, 01:31 AM
In real life, the weather can indeed mess with ballistics, however humidity in and of itself would not have led to misfires, at least not where the percussion cap is concerned. That is one of the reasons why it was such an advancement over the flintlocks from previously. The powder however can get damp, though the cartridge box and short time in the open helps to work against adverse effects from humidity. Were it to be raining, that can definitely affect firing, as damp powder is a nightmare, and trying to load in the rain with a muzzleloader is similarly hard.

12-04-2014, 10:40 PM
In real life, the weather can indeed mess with ballistics, however humidity in and of itself would not have led to misfires, at least not where the percussion cap is concerned. That is one of the reasons why it was such an advancement over the flintlocks from previously. The powder however can get damp, though the cartridge box and short time in the open helps to work against adverse effects from humidity. Were it to be raining, that can definitely affect firing, as damp powder is a nightmare, and trying to load in the rain with a muzzleloader is similarly hard.

Thanks for the info! In this case, if weather patterns or weather settings are planned, will it be planned for rain to have an adverse affect?

01-08-2015, 12:30 AM
I'd like to know whether the maps will allow different movement speeds. Roads will be the quickest to walk on, dense muddy forests the slowest, with a possible effect on stamina. I think working roads are a must because it adds so much more strategy and depth into a game, because in real life, the shortest route isn't always the quickest.

On the topic of marching, In a game it is incredibly hard to maintain the same speed as everyone around you due to a variety of reasons, and this can really mess up formations, and makes it incredibly hard to march in a battle line. I think a dynamic speed modifier could fix this by modifying surrounding players speeds, so stragglers will be sped up a bit and so on, so you don't have to constantly toggle what march speed you are on. The feature would basically help you catch up to surrounding players without changing your marching mode.

01-08-2015, 12:51 AM
Hey there Paul,

We certainly appreciate the suggestions. I will mention however that it seems you are under the impression that this is a mod for Napoleonic Wars. If so, I will stress to say that this is a stand-alone game, and formations will be much easier to deal with in War of Rights.

01-08-2015, 02:17 AM
Thanks for the reply. I definitely do not doubt that this game will be incomparable to NW mods. I just wanted to feed my hunger for knowledge.

01-08-2015, 06:35 AM
Hey there Paul,

If so, I will stress to say that this is a stand-alone game, and formations will be much easier to deal with in War of Rights.

Now you made me curios, may i ask how you are going to achieve this ? ....well i have to wait until another field report, don't i ?

01-08-2015, 06:49 AM
Now you made me curios, may i ask how you are going to achieve this ? ....well i have to wait until another field report, don't i ?

There will be different movement speeds based on what terrain you're at - I can't go further into details now though.

- Trusty

01-08-2015, 07:00 AM
May I ask what is on your head Trusty? It seems like a jar of cherries or preserves. That's out of regulations solider! XD Also, would it be possible to maybe include a mini map that only shows dots for those around you to be able to look at the formation from a top down view to simulate the awareness you would have IRL, that you can't necessarily have in a video game? This could be something similar to the Shacktac Hud mod for Arma 2 and Arma 3.

01-08-2015, 07:21 AM
It's a jar of jam, duh!

There won't be any minimap. The movement controls will allow players a greater degree of awareness than most first person games.

- Trusty

01-09-2015, 03:29 AM
It's a jar of jam, duh!

There won't be any minimap. The movement controls will allow players a greater degree of awareness than most first person games.

- Trusty

I will be interested to know what you come up with. :) In-game VOIP and in game orders shouted by officers and NCO's would help I suppose. Also, the ability for officers and NCO's to hold their sword flat and maintain a straight line whilst advancing would be cool. This is seen in movies like Gettysburg, although I don't know if NCOs and officers actually did this.

01-09-2015, 04:25 AM
Indeed they did SgtRithal. To help direct a company's movements, the officer or NCO could use his sword, holding it horizontal above him to the left or right to show direction of movement if in a column. They might also, when wheeling a company, stand in front of the line with his sword horizontally in front of him to help keep the line straight as they moved.

01-11-2015, 04:39 PM
When everything enters the end phases of development one of the first things I'd love to see it the Devs showing off formation movements using the sword like George just explained.