View Full Version : Percussion Hammer

12-01-2016, 03:18 PM
I can duplicate this fairly consistently.
Obtain a rifle, spam LMB/RMB (in no particular order) and the hammer will trigger with much emphasis and force. This will occur both before and after reloading the rifle, in both melee and ready stance.

12-01-2016, 03:47 PM
I can duplicate this fairly consistently.
Obtain a rifle, spam LMB/RMB (in no particular order) and the hammer will trigger with much emphasis and force. This will occur both before and after reloading the rifle, in both melee and ready stance.

The hammer currently gets cocked when entering the aim position (we know it's supposed to be when entering the ready - might fix it in the future) so if you spam aim and fire aim and fire that is the cause of it.

- Trusty

12-01-2016, 04:29 PM
Right, but you don't have to enter the aim position - it occurs whilst the rifle is lowered at the hip in melee mode. There's no action to the half-cock on the hammer.