View Full Version : Proficiency's and skill's obtained through game play.

02-10-2015, 12:33 AM
Now I'm going to start off by saying this will be sort of a lengthy post, or few posts. I want to fully address many reasons why I think my idea could help improve the amazing game WoR already is and help it grow in it's already well created state. I again just want to say all of this is coming from someone who has been following WoR for about a year now and only hopes to see this game come out as the best it can when released, I just now decided to make an account and try to help out in the community. Also again if this topic was brought up before in a field report or post and I didn't catch it I'm truly sorry; I was under the impression this topic was not brought up.

I my-self have always loved strategic games; I'd say it started when I was about six or seven when I played my fathers command and conquer games. I also have always loved first person shooters and can say I clearly remember playing golden eye for countless hours as a kid. As I grew up I found I had a passion for another genre and area in gaming with that being RPG's. Now I know what you must be thinking; just another random person who likes a lot of games, but I can say you are very wrong. This goes much beyond a simple love for a pass time.

Now that we got that short introduction done I can now go over what I think can help WoR set its self apart from any other online FPS created. WoR is honestly in my own opinion a one of a kind unique game. Other then standalone single player games and mods there is currently not a massive market, if any, for online Civil War Era FPS's but it's because of that that it can help rocket WoR in popularity.

The one thing I think is most important when creating an FPS is re-playability and honestly to me the biggest factor when creating one, amateur opinion of course. When people play online FPS's the highest goal just about any player sets for themselves is simply to get better. Be it practicing over and over again on certain maps or studying your gun inside and out like it was a semester final they simply want to always find ways to get better. Also believe it or not when many people play FPS's they are acting out a persona, an imagine of themselves they cannot create in real life so they fictionally make up in other ways, or filling in the shoes of a person they are acting out to be. This is one of the biggest factors that I have seen almost no FPS try and touch upon and honestly to me it's one of the major factors in making re-playability even more apparent in a game.

When a person is playing an FPS they at times feel very connected to their online persona. After hundreds of hours and countless days spent playing on this one character they feel as if it's someone they have seen every day for the past year and grow to become attached to that game because of this connection between the gamer and the game. When I imagine WoR I imagine it being played out like many other FPS's similar in design in that it tries to create an authentic, enjoyable and AAA title which can not only draw more players into this genre but also attract thousands and thousands of players who already love this type of genre WoR fills, but there is one thing I have yet to see be addressed in any field report or news post with that being how characters proficiency's and skills in battle increase after each fight.

Now if you don't understand what I'm talking about let me give you a simple example. Lets say a new player enters a match and is totally green and doesn't know his front from his back. Now this player will almost have no previous knowledge how to handle his gear or weapon; for instance how to aim correctly or even reload. Lets say because of all of this the player has a 0/100 knowledge base for how to fire and reload correctly, both of them separate scores. Now again lets say this player somehow manages not to die in the first thirty seconds of battle and has managed to fire and reload a total of five times and luckily he hit one player and killed him. Now because this player shot five times and reloaded five times lets say he now has a total of 5/100 knowledge base for both reloading and firing, but oh wait he killed someone as well? Well lets say that every time you reload and fire your gun you gain a 1/100 knowledge base regarding both of these skills, again both separate, and because he killed someone as well he gets an additional +1 on top of his firing ability. Now he has a total of 6/100 for firing and a 5/100 for reloading. Again lets say this guy somehow manages to live battle after battle and kill dozens of players and ran around and used his weapon so much he now has filled the bar at 100/100 by filling this bar what it would do is passively let the player have more control while firing as well as slightly faster reloading times. Now I'm not saying make the reload time half a second, that's stupid, but I'm just proposing that due to the fact this man has reloaded and fired so many times he has begun over time to understand how all these processes work and how to do them more efficiently and effectively thus making them slightly faster. It only makes more sense that a veteran would have more skill and knowledge how to do things on the battle field then someone who is completely green.

This is all a very crude and simple design I'm trying to propose for how passive and accumulated skills obtained in battle should be put in WoR and surly could be explained in much better detail. Like I said before you must understand that one of the biggest factors in creating an FPS is making sure there is a large and massive amount of re-playability for the players to run into when playing a game like this. By giving this sort of design for skills it would only inspire players to keep on playing harder and harder and would only offer players more and more to work for and keep drawing them into this game.

Now don't forget this idea cannot be limited to just those two areas I brought up, firing and reloading. For instance if you practice running day and night it would increase your fitness skill and help you not only run longer while crossing deadly battle fields but also help you with longer and more controlled aiming due to your increased body fitness and lung strength. Also this could go heavily for artillery due to the fact it takes a massive amount of skill and time to properly learn and control how to fire and aim with large artillery pieces.

This again is all an idea just created by a simple amateur but I honestly think that if WoR were to offer a complex system such as this it would not only set it's self aside from mainstream FPS's but help bring in a new more complex character system used in FPS's. I have many other ideas in which I think can help this game and I would love to share them but I rather not go and rant all day long.

Please feel free to comment and explain why this would either be horrible or if you think a system like this would be good.

02-10-2015, 03:56 AM
Interesting read - thanks for posting. :)

Such a system would have to be very finely tuned. It's no good to place a massive amount of a disadvantage on the new players. Them not knowing the maps and general game mechanics/tactics will be tough enough. That being said, we are interested in providing some sort of visual and maybe tiny stat wise difference in there for the veterans to gain.

- Trusty

02-10-2015, 04:54 AM
Interesting read - thanks for posting. :)

Such a system would have to be very finely tuned. It's no good to place a massive amount of a disadvantage on the new players. Them not knowing the maps and general game mechanics/tactics will be tough enough. That being said, we are interested in providing some sort of visual and maybe tiny stat wise difference in there for the veterans to gain.

- Trusty

I am only happy that you took the time to read this all over. I'm sure you must be very busy and while you do some some valid points I want to ask you to read this over and let me yet again try and explain what I was talking about, like I said before this sort of discussion must be detailed and explained very thoroughly.

Being someone who has played FPS and strategic games since I was a child I've always envisioned a game with the perfect blend of strategic battle field planning and FPS elements combined. Ever since I found out about WoR one of the main games that popped into my head, that I still play today, would be one that was released a few years back which being Napoleonic Wars by Paradox. Now while NW progressed in this type of genre I found it lacked in many areas that honestly only limited the amount of exposure it could of gotten.

Like I said before one of the big factors I think is most important when making an FPS is re-playability. When a player logs into FPS they need to be faced with a challenge. It's the constant need to become a better player or do something else that no one else has done that drives many people playing FPS's. Now like I said before a game such as this will face one massive issue in it's life time and that is re-playability. I am well aware of the map sizes and that is a feat in it's own, not to mention the level of detail the team behind WoR is putting into this game, but the mere limited options players are faced with might scare them away. Needless to say I'm not even close to aware of what is all going to be implemented into the game but this serves just as a figure of speech. Now I my-self love games like this and NW, I couldn't care less about the fact not many features are implemented in NW, but you must understand that not every player is a hardcore fan of this type of genre like me and many others. Many players will feel as if there is an emptiness in their goals to keep playing and many people will get discouraged trying to play long term.

By implementing a passive skill based system like I proposed in my first post I firmly believe it will not only prove to players the game truly never ends but it will provide a never ending game in which they could pour countless hours into and never feel like their work is going down the drain. Now you are perfectly correct in the fact a system like this would place a disadvantage on newer players but you have to understand, which I never really clarified, a system like this would take an extremely long time to master and only give small amounts of stat boosts. Which is why I said my example was only a crude and simple one, but perhaps this example will serve as a better explanation.

Lets say a person enters the battlefield and all of his skills are labeled as the type of proficiency you have in each skill. For instant it would read as,

Reloading - 67/100 [Recruit] (+-.00 Reload Reload duration)
Reloading - 348/500 [Experienced] (-1 Second Reload duration)
Reloading - 768/1000 [Veteran] ( -1.5 Second Reload duration).

Now this again serves as only a crude example to what I'm saying but still represents what I meant. A system like this would only provide only small differences and stat boosts and will take a long time to work for but it's these small stat boosts that would drive players to work harder and play more to obtain them. Also the smaller stat boosts like you proposed would not make the game so imbalanced towards newer players.

I know very well something like this would not be easy at all and the team behind WoR is already working harder then ever I'm sure but I want to stress the importance of WoR of being a unique and special game. Like I've said before a game like this has not been made before, to this quality at least, and I believe that WoR has the chance to progress the character and progression system in many FPS's today and really make an impact in the future of this type of genre.

The human race has only proved again and again that their need for self-gain is limitless so something like this would only help the game not only draw players into the never ending battle of becoming better but also attract a more complex gameplay design created by players in-game by players creating the perfect solider they want.

02-10-2015, 05:48 AM
Personally, I don't really see the appeal in working hard in order to achieve an stat boost you wouldn't notice most of the time anyways. We'll be exploring long time rewards such as this very carefully - we want to stay as far away from the instant reward showers games such as Battlefield and Call of Duty pioneered. We don't want the players to play because we're dangling a carrot in front of them. We want them to play because they like the gameplay. That being said, we want to reward the veteran players.

- Trusty

02-10-2015, 01:19 PM
Just an idea to throw out there. But have you guys considered some kind of tutorial for fresh troops? As to help new players grasp the basic controls and concepts of the game? Maybe throw some kind of reward in for completing it?

02-11-2015, 01:29 AM
How about something tactile like a reloading sequence IE a series of key presses that represent the different steps of loading. That way you actually get better and faster with time in game. Not to mention it will be pretty funny to see "new recruits" Fire their ramrod out or double load and go kaboom!.

02-11-2015, 03:19 AM
Chewie;5245']How about something tactile like a reloading sequence IE a series of key presses that represent the different steps of loading. That way you actually get better and faster with time in game. Not to mention it will be pretty funny to see "new recruits" Fire their ramrod out or double load and go kaboom!.

This has been brought up a few times. However, ever played a game where gameplay largely consists of quick time events? It gets boring really fast. :)

- Trusty

02-11-2015, 07:01 AM
Also i can't see any reasons for making the gameplay for new ones harder and for veterans easier as Trusty already mentioned like in CoD or Battlefield where "Veterans" who already have more experience also have better weapons and equipment. If the gameplay itself is not motivating enough, perks/ achievements and maybe ranking will not save the game in terms of long time motivation.

I am very very happy to read that the fellow devs here are aware of this...sub-optimal kind of game design

02-11-2015, 01:42 PM
Yeah quick time is quite annoying I agree i really do not want to see a ranking system at all.

02-11-2015, 04:36 PM
The idea of buffs by rank might cause serious balance problems in a fire fight. A line of mid-leveled players with their bonus would be able to destroy a recruit line as the rate of fire can swing the battle very quickly.

02-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Often a units strength and effectiveness in battle was determined by their ability to stick together and not break. The moment a regiment turned to run is when they suffered the greatest casualties .

02-12-2015, 12:20 AM
I think if properly represented, veterans of the game should have a very slight advantage over those who just started, just like it actually was. Veterans who had fought for three years, and even longer if they had fought in previous U.S wars, definitely knew their way around their weapon and how to survive much more than fresh recruits. Just throwing in my two cents.

02-12-2015, 07:02 AM
But giving players, who already have more experience and more knowledge, even more advantages towards new players is unfair and imbalances the game. Just like i said before, we are still talking about gameplay/ gamedesign...how should a veteran be rewarded ? more stamina, faster reloading skills, better aiming and accuracy ? than how much fun will new players have when the encounter them with maybe drastically disadvantages on those points ?

02-12-2015, 07:16 AM
I agree fully with Soulfly. This is very much an imbalance as there might be group who have been in the game for longer then others. If they all got buff no new line would be able to beat them.

02-13-2015, 02:56 AM
Maybe a slight increase in accuracy and a slight decrease in reloading time? If not accuracy, then at least adjust the reloading time after a certain level, or periodically across multiple levels. Veterans could obviously reload faster than someone who has had minimal experience. I'm not talking cut it in half, but take it down to a reasonable level. Maybe time someone who has been reenacting for several years against someone who has been reenacting for six months or less, and see what you get.

02-13-2015, 03:08 AM
Maybe a slight increase in accuracy and a slight decrease in reloading time? If not accuracy, then at least adjust the reloading time after a certain level, or periodically across multiple levels. Veterans could obviously reload faster than someone who has had minimal experience. I'm not talking cut it in half, but take it down to a reasonable level. Maybe time someone who has been reenacting for several years against someone who has been reenacting for six months or less, and see what you get.

Couldn't agree more about your argument on reloading time. In my experience as a reenactor fresh fish can barely get off 3 rounds a minute while more veteran reenactors can get off 3 shots in 50 seconds or so. Not to mention you take into effect a soldiers first time seeing the elephant he most likely was nervous and fumbled with his cartridges and caps more so than a soldier in his 6th engagement.

02-13-2015, 04:28 AM
Couldn't agree more about your argument on reloading time. In my experience as a reenactor fresh fish can barely get off 3 rounds a minute while more veteran reenactors can get off 3 shots in 50 seconds or so. Not to mention you take into effect a soldiers first time seeing the elephant he most likely was nervous and fumbled with his cartridges and caps more so than a soldier in his 6th engagement.

The issue is this is highly situational. While one person might have been the most nervous the first time he went into action, another may have been so the last time he did. It's common to hear veterans of wars talking about the feeling of it being their turn to get hit the longer they were engaged and as they saw their comrades in arms getting shot to pieces around them.

- Trusty