View Full Version : Unit Commanders Round Table Meeting
06-29-2017, 04:25 PM
Hello All Unit Commanders,
We can all agree that the current state of events in WoR is lacking organization. Over the past weeks I have been speaking with other unit commanders and the common theme I keep hearing is that they would like to attend more structured line battle events. However, as of now it seems to be very difficult to schedule these events because there has not been any open discussion as to when these events should be and how they should be ran. After talking with a few of these commanders, I have decided that the best thing that we can do is have a meeting where all unit commanders can help hammer out the details and have an open conversation about how to get regular events going in WoR. It has been upsetting that every weekend you can try and hop on to the skirmish servers as a unit but there isn't anyone else on to fight against. I would like all unit commanders with active units to meet together and get something planned. We are the alpha community and we are only people who are going to be able to make this work. This is an open invitation to ALL commanders.
The meeting will be held this Sunday July 2 @4:30est. I have already spoken with a few commanders but I would like to give those officers that I was unable to reach an invite. We will be hosting the meeting on the 1st Texas Teamspeak. This is a great opportunity for the community as a whole to open a means of communication between units and get plan of action in place to make the game more enjoyable in its current state.
Also, here are a few conditions about the meeting.
- We request that either the unit commander himself or his second in command attend. If neither is available but you would still like someone from your unit to be there, message me directly and we can work something out.
- If you are having issues with another groups commanders, this meeting is not the time or place for you to fight.
- No more than 2 representatives from each unit.
- There will be Ts moderator there to make sure everything goes smoothly and the discussion stays on track.
If you would like to attend please reply to this thread and also add me on steam
Thank you,
James Stockton
Major, 1st Texas
Co. H
06-29-2017, 04:44 PM
The 2nd Battalion, 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry will be attending.
John Cooley
06-29-2017, 05:15 PM
Ewell's Division will be represented by Division Cavalry Regimental Commander COL Cooley and Division SGM Goad.
We greatly appreciate the Invite, Sir.
Lance Rawlings
06-29-2017, 05:27 PM
The 38th North Carolina Battalion will be there, considering representation now.
J.J. Massey
06-29-2017, 10:09 PM
On behalf of myself and the rest of the 42nd Virginia, we will gladly accept your invitation!
We will be looking forward to the meeting, thanks!
Long Live Dixie!
06-30-2017, 09:47 AM
The Lightning Battalion Will be attending and encourage all who are unsure to do the same.
06-30-2017, 01:26 PM
The 1st New York Battery A Will Be Attending, Sending Captain Thomas H. Bates
06-30-2017, 11:55 PM
the Nords of the 2ndUSSS are interested in the meeting
07-01-2017, 07:34 PM
I would like to represent the 1st Minnesota Co.B during the Meeting
Maximus Decimus Meridius
07-01-2017, 09:59 PM
Maybe The German Volunteers will be also there but it's very very late for us and its sunday :/
Maybe you/we find a better day/time for a meeting
07-02-2017, 12:14 AM
Someone from the 51st NY will try to attend but 4:30 PM EST is rather early.
David Dire
07-02-2017, 01:05 AM
The Colonel of the German Volunteers will attempt to make an appearance for the companies in it. If he cannot, I will be there to represent atleast the 52nd.
07-02-2017, 07:27 AM
Major Stockton, thank you for your personal invitation over a month ago. This has grown into quite the round table as commanders on both sides have come together to come or send their subordinates to the meeting. Shows forward thinking and initiative, salute to you sir. I of course shall be attending representing my 6th Louisiana Tigers Company A, and the glorious Ewell's Division. I wish to bring my right hand man Lieutenant Madden if that is prudent and advantageous to you sir. I hope that all that attend this meeting keep an open mind and are willing to come to terms as far as organized line battles and the way to conduct themselves during these battles. This game has great potential and the community is very friendly and cooperative with one another for the most part. I can only hope the devs will be present and will take to heart some of the ideas that we will all put forward. I also hope that all parties present shall conduct themselves as gentlemen.
07-02-2017, 12:45 PM
The Teamspeak IP is -------------------------
Begin getting on at 4 Est. We will have people waiting to direct you to the correct room.
Please DO NOT join the Ts before the meeting begins.
07-03-2017, 02:31 AM
Howdy, Major Stockton,
Would you be able to debrief the rest of the community on how the meeting went? Thank you very much!
07-03-2017, 10:02 AM
The meeting was a big success, with community leaders from both sides of the war agreeing on several key points. I'm at work so I'll make this shorter than it should be, but feel free to add me on steam for more information. Things we went over:
1. General rules for skirmish events and linebattles
2. The starting foundations of organization for these events, which will be held on Saturday and Sunday, times pending (Because I'm at work and my ADHD is keeping me from remembering the times we worked out,)
3. Several key points and issues were addressed, such as agreeing that Youtubers and other people able to market should be encouraged to participate in these events, agreeing that public players not signed with any unit should be encouraged to join the events, and what should happen if more players than we can handle on one server happen to sign up or show up to an event.
4. Finally, there's a consensus that a second round table should be held at some point to address a few points we were unable to attend to because of time constraints. This first meeting was almost two hours long!
John Cooley
07-03-2017, 11:48 AM
Organized Skirmishes
Saturdays EU 3pm EST - NA 8pm EST
Organized Line Battles
Sundays EU 3pm EST - NA 8pm EST
Personally, I believe a Round Table meeting should be held Monthly or every other Month
07-03-2017, 05:26 PM
Thanks for providing the EU times, Cooley. I couldn't think at work!
07-03-2017, 05:39 PM
Organized Skirmishes
Saturdays EU 3pm EST - NA 8pm EST
Organized Line Battles
Sundays EU 3pm EST - NA 8pm EST
Personally, I believe a Round Table meeting should be held Monthly or every other Month
Hi Cooley.
Is this an EU event at 3PM EST and another later in the evening at 8PM EST or a single event at 3PM (in which case your times are muddled).
John Cooley
07-03-2017, 06:30 PM
8p is North America
let me write it better ... thanks for the insight
Organized Skirmishes
(EU) 3pm EST
(NA) 8pm EST
Organized Line Battles
(EU) 3pm EST
(NA) 8pm EST
- I put all times Eastern, since that seems to be WoR base. Convert as you need.
- There are 2 events each day ... one at 3pm the other at 8 pm to accommodate different time zones.
- They called them EU and NA but really it is set up for anyone to attend any of them ... or all if you wish.
Hope that clears it up
07-04-2017, 12:58 AM
8p is North America
let me write it better ... thanks for the insight
Organized Skirmishes
(EU) 3pm EST
(NA) 8pm EST
Organized Line Battles
(EU) 3pm EST
(NA) 8pm EST
- I put all times Eastern, since that seems to be WoR base. Convert as you need.
- There are 2 events each day ... one at 3pm the other at 8 pm to accommodate different time zones.
- They called them EU and NA but really it is set up for anyone to attend any of them ... or all if you wish.
Hope that clears it up
This is correct.
The Sunday round-table was a success. We had around 35 officers attend from the community and we worked out the above schedule and some basic rules. We will be making a new thread with more details later today so keep your eyes out.
07-04-2017, 06:23 PM
This is correct.
The Sunday round-table was a success. We had around 35 officers attend from the community and we worked out the above schedule and some basic rules. We will be making a new thread with more details later today so keep your eyes out.
Hi ,
Will you guys be making an official thread for the round-table NA & EU events with the times and rules that came from the meeting?
07-04-2017, 08:22 PM
Think it's about time I say my piece on this matter, As everyone who attended the meeting even I had a bit to say although I was drinking heavily *Not an alcoholic it was a Sunday*
As for my opinion on the round table meeting I felt like it was more american based meeting. Most of the larger EU communities such as Myself, Bravescots 42ndPA and Stalin Lighting Battalion all know each other and attended this meeting we all have in mind what kind of style we wanted to play and times and dates. All that meeting for me way to establish a good time and date to host a event and also show my face around the community.
As for Dutchconfederate post on regarding the "Round-table will have it's own events" Kinda imply that the round-table is now a community that will host events such as a for example a main NA one that fine by me but as a EU person I'll have to attend EU event which in the meeting we rarely spoke about
As for the community captains what were picked I felt it was a wrong way to go about it we should of used some form of voting system on who to elect as the community rep
And everyone and anyone should be able to create an event, As for the meetings It was nice to gather all commanders in one place to talk about the upcoming hopeful all of use EU member should get together one day and have a talk
07-04-2017, 11:14 PM
I would like to propose another round table meeting to clear the air and to discuss some the issues that both sides seem to be having with each other, and in keeping with the theme of this being a round table I would like to host this one on my TeamSpeak: . My proposed date/time is Sunday 9th July, 9pm BST/ 4pm EST. The agenda will mostly pertain as to the rules of how to conduct these meetings in future to avoid filibustering and repetition and how each region should manage their events in respect to choosing the "Community Representatives".
07-05-2017, 12:15 AM
I agree with all points, Stalin, though I ask what you mean by "community representatives?" As far as I know, only points of contact were chosen for setting up events.
07-05-2017, 12:25 AM
I agree with all points, Stalin, though I ask what you mean by "community representatives?" As far as I know, only points of contact were chosen for setting up events.
If I am not mistaken, the people assigned by the round table to make events were called this if not it is only a simple error and something that will be discussed.
07-05-2017, 12:52 AM
Fore the sake of clarity I make this post;
For around a month myself and a few other officers kicked around the idea of a community officers meeting. After talking with more unit commanders, it was clear that most people thought it would be a great idea to breathe a little life back into the Alpha Skirmishes. We set the meeting day a week in advance and began spreading the word. On Sunday we had 42 TOTAL officers at the start of the meeting. My goal was to make sure everyone had a chance to kick around some ideas and see what we came up with. For those that could not attend, these where the guidelines I set at the start of the meeting.
1. If someone is speaking, do not shout over them. If you would like to add something either wait till they are finished or post a message in the TS text chat and I would guarantee that you responded next. Note: there were some exceptions where I had to speak over people to keep it moving on track because I wanted the meeting to run no more than an hour and a half.
2. If it seemed that people were in agreement verbally, we would not vote. So if you disagreed you would need to speak up.
3. If it seemed that some officers DID disagree, we would vote and see what everyone thought. After the vote I would ask the people in the minority to speak and let everyone hear their thoughts.
The 3 main things we wanted to discuss during the meeting where what times, what rules, and how to make it all work together.
We opened with settling on having EU friendly time events and NA friendly time events on both Saturday and Sunday. So that means 4 total events on the weekends giving as many people a chance to get into an event. First asked the NA guys to hold any discussion and let the officers with primarily EU groups discuss EU times. These officers came to a concise decision that 3pmEST/8pmBST would be the best time to hold events. Next the NA officers bounced between a few options but settled on a similar NA time of 8pm EST. However during this discussion some people began talking about other things beside the time slots so it took a little longer to finalize.
* At this time a few officers muted there TS
We began to discuss the best way to keep the events organized, and we came up with the idea that a few volunteers come forward and be the Point of Contact for the respective event times. We asked for volunteers, not elected representatives of communities. These volunteer’s jobs would be to receive the message from the units that wanted to attend the event for his assigned time. The point of contact would balance the teams before hand and send reminders when it was time for the events.
*At this time Maj. Stone(Bravescot) had a personal incident come up, that we have already talked about in private, and he had to leave.
We then went over all of the details and covered these key bullet points.
-Saturday & Sunday EU & NA Community Events (Saturday being Skirmish & Sunday being Organized Line Battles)
-Official times for events on both days
-Official Organizers of these events
-Number of men who should be Officers & NCO's
-Double Rank Line battles with a small amount of men as skirmishers
-Maneuvers and Tactics allowed at the Organized line battle events
-Pre-planning before events begin among the Officers to ensure fairness and fun for all who attend
-New commanders for each engagement (map) to allow all a chance to lead
-Reinforcement rates, how many men must be mustered before leaving spawn point to reengage in the fighting
-How to include the men not with a company (Including others in the community without a company)
-How to help advertise War of Rights to those who have yet to get the game (Youtubers...ect,ect.)
-There will be room to modify the specifics of these rules when the attending officers meet before each event
By the time we finished, all of the officers seemed to be in agreement with these guidelines and the meeting was an overall success. The meeting run-time from start to finish was 1hr and 38min.
This meeting was never supposed to be about who ran these events. It was about getting open communication between unit commanders and making it possible to have large events to participate in. The biggest takeaway from Sunday night is that there are large number of people wanting to have some basic organization in this stage of the game and are willing to talk about it. My personal opinion is that if these EU officers want to hold this event, during the EU time, it does not change anything and I am still very happy with the results. In the end, there is still the same amount of events on the weekend, but one of them will ran by these officers and with their own rules they created outside of the round-table.
If anyone would like to dispute any of the statements above there were around 40 officers attending and a few people recorded the event.
07-05-2017, 05:28 PM
Sorry For Being So Late, Im Uploading The Meeting On YouTube Now, 52 Minutes Of Actual Meeting And 20 Minutes Of Us Killing Each Other, Covering 4 Wars And Talking About The EU
07-05-2017, 05:41 PM
Thanks Thomas, we'll all appreciate the clarity it provides.
07-05-2017, 06:28 PM
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