View Full Version : Large Scale Community Event
03-05-2018, 10:37 PM
The community would like to announce that there will be a large scale line battle event on Saturday the 24th of March
The first event (drill) will start at 4:00EST/8:00GMT The second event (line battle) will start at 5:00EST/9:00GMT
The event is not being hosted by one unit but by the general community commanders
This will be a semi official event as CG will be recording for a trailer for their use
This will be a double Rank event all lines must be double ranks no excuse's
The main focus will be following the script that I will provide below then the Line Battle, but prior to the line battle we are asking for units to volunteer themselves for some short scripted drills for video content
The Line Battle
Absolutely no trolling by units or individuals will be tolerated
Respect the attending units, commanders, and event organizers
They are all doing this to help make sure we get great footage and have a great time
Reinforcements must move out of spawn in groups
Union Commanders
1st In Command Maj, Stone [42nd PA]
2nd In Command LTC, Mulcahy [5th NY]
If you are not one of these two you should NOT be an officer when in the union unless assigned by one of them.
Script Provided below
Scene 2 Time setting 11:00 – Text appears: Antietam Creek, September 17th 1862
1 Close Up of the same union soldier, battle noise appears
2 Colonel order appears: At the double quiiiick, march!
3 Camera behind the line, soldiers moving forward out of a treeline
4 First Person of the union soldier, marching in the second rank of his battalion
5 Close Up to a rebel line, next to a fence. Officer order: Rise up! Rebel yell appears
6 Back to the Union line, Officer order: Halt, Fire by Battalion, Ready (officers repeating), Aim (repeat), Fiiiiire! (Some officers repeating the commands of the colonel)
7 First Person of the union soldier, following the order of the officer.
8 Switch back to rebel line, close up behind the Line. Seeing the volley in the distance, listen to fence impacts and hopefully some hits.
9 Back to the union line, camera in front.. soldiers firing at will. Hopefully some casualties from counterfire.
10 First Person of the union soldier, while reloading his gun. He looks to the right, seeing a company advancing in quick time with bayonets charged.
11 Close Up of the rebel line, soldiers aiming, officer order appears: “FIRE!”
12 Close Up of the advancing line, showing the impact of the volley, many casualties
13 First Person of the union soldier, Order appears: FIX BAYONETS
14 Close Up of the Union line, fixing bayonets
15 Close Up of the Rebel line, all with fixed bayonets, order appears: CHAAAARGE!
16 Quick cut to Union line, order appears: CHAAARGE!
17 First Person of the Union soldiers, charging to the rebel line
18 Close Up of a small part of the battlefield, just landscape
19 Same spot, both lines clashing together with the bayonets, union from the left, rebs from the right. Flagbearers infront .. Soldiers screaming, rebel yell
20 First Person of the union soldier, he is running towards a rebel soldier, aiming at him and finally shooting.
21 Death screen fading black
Union Forces Moving Into Line
Red Lines Are Where The Confederates Will Be Blue Is Where the Union Will Be
The Drill
Everyone is encouraged to assist with this grand undertaking
The drill volunteers will get on the USA Drill camp 15 mins prior to the first event start time and should only take about 45 mins to complete
The goal is to have multiple companies formed and do a short march then some very quick fire drills to create great visual opportunities for promotional videos
Attendees will be placed within their companies and be asked to stick with them for the drill session
Everyone is asked to respect the designated commanders so we can get the drill finished as quickly as possible
We will address which units to spawn as at the event but we want to focus on the Union standard Blue uniforms no unique uniforms
We already have multiple formed companies volunteering for this
Note all companies that attend this event and have a positive outcome on the event will have their name in a spot of the credits. I will need names of all companies who are going to take part
Script Provided below
Scene 1 Time setting 11:00 – Text appears: Near Sharpsburg, September 16th 1862
1 Drill Camp – Camera showing the US Drill Camp from different point of views
2 Camera forward to the left side of the camp (drill place), a fully battalion (all same class - mostly 7th Maine) stand in 2 ranks. Officers in front
3 Close Up of an officer, standing in front of the colonel, saluting
4 Close Up of soldiers, colonel order appears: “Battalion, Ordeeeeeer…”, 3 officers repeating: “Ordeeeer”, Colonel: “Aaarms!”. The Battalion soldiers pressing F6 and Order arms.
5 First Person of a union soldier, he is looking left and right, following the orders
6 Close Up switch to other soldiers, colonel order appears: “Battalion, Parade..” , 3 officers repeating: “Paraaaade”, Colonel: “Rest”. The Battalion soldiers pressing F7 and Resting.
7 Close Up to main character, a union soldier .. the screen fading out black
If you have any questions PLEASE post them below
Original Post provided by the 1st Texas Community
03-05-2018, 10:43 PM
We will see everyone there
A. P. Hill
03-05-2018, 10:53 PM
We will see everyone there
At least 150 of us. :) (server limit.)
03-05-2018, 11:27 PM
please hit 150!
03-05-2018, 11:39 PM
WE should be able to.
03-06-2018, 06:02 PM
My 6th Louisiana Tigers & Stonewall Jackson's II Corps will be there in force. I hope to see the whole community rally around this event and help make it an epic line battle.
03-07-2018, 12:05 AM
that weird musician will be there AKA Thomas H. Bates
03-09-2018, 03:53 AM
The 7thMI will be there
03-09-2018, 01:47 PM
Looking forward to this! Everyone rally your troops and lets cap the server.
03-09-2018, 07:05 PM
Combination of the Richmond howitzers / Virginia cavalry / 3rd Alabama will hop on together for this event
03-09-2018, 07:40 PM
I encourage all companies that want to take part in this to come. Hope to all see you there
- Kyle
03-09-2018, 08:06 PM
I encourage all companies that want to take part in this to come. Hope to all see you there
- Kyle
Campfire will be there (at least some of us). :)
- Trusty
03-09-2018, 09:17 PM
I'd like to join for this event. I'm currently not in a company, waiting to hear back about my application. Can I still join the line battle as a rando? Maybe if there's a company that wouldn't mind having me tag along?
03-09-2018, 10:37 PM
I'd like to join for this event. I'm currently not in a company, waiting to hear back about my application. Can I still join the line battle as a rando? Maybe if there's a company that wouldn't mind having me tag along?
Yes anyone is welcome and we encourage those that are not in companies to attend. If you would like I can give you my units discord so you can hear orders that wont always be given by voice in game. Just message me.
- Kyle
03-10-2018, 03:45 PM
42ndPA are ready to rock for this evening.
03-10-2018, 06:35 PM
Mississippi is Ready for today Gentlemen!
03-10-2018, 09:36 PM
GG tonight lads (3pm) hope to do it again soon.
03-11-2018, 03:00 AM
Damn fine event, the most fun I have ever had in this game.
03-11-2018, 05:00 AM
Damn fine event, the most fun I have ever had in this game.
It's a damn shame I can't say the same for the Union :(.
My thanks to the 1stTXs for taking the helm on this one. All eyes to the future on who will helm the next one.
03-11-2018, 05:46 AM
The EU event went by very good! Now as for the NA event on the union side let's just say it has seen better days. A lot better days and that is being very nice about the experiences of what happened. I have never seen so much trolling. Hats off to 42nd Pennsylvania for maintaining order and discipline in their ranks.
The trolling included
-racial remarks (At one point someone even making Nazi remarks)
-people trolling with soundboards
- Regiments refusing to take orders even though they knew the rules
-Insane amount of intentional team killing.
03-11-2018, 01:50 PM
This moment right here, y'all. (
Indeed! It is now proudly featured on our steam store page: (press read more)
- Trusty
03-11-2018, 05:39 PM
Few screenshots that I got to take
Maximus Decimus Meridius
03-15-2018, 03:29 PM
-racial remarks (At one point someone even making Nazi remarks)
If I would get a cent every time I, my company or The German Volunteers got called ingame Nazis i could buy the next man a dictionary and a history book se he would be able look it up but i give up to teach idiots like them. I give my energy now to far more possible work like travel back in time, discover Aliens and winning the lottery.
03-15-2018, 10:54 PM
If only if only we had private servers, so we did not have to deal with minges, trolls and autistic screeching every damn event we have and could enforce the rules and not just shake our finger towards them, which they want by the way and by explicitly pointing them out and giving them attention.
03-16-2018, 12:55 AM
I've always been of the opinion that trolls and haters need to be locked out to fend for themselves in their own toxic wasteland. I know I have next to zero tolerance for that type of behavior and if we could host and lock servers, the world would be a better place.
03-16-2018, 01:37 AM
I've always been of the opinion that trolls and haters need to be locked out to fend for themselves in their own toxic wasteland. I know I have next to zero tolerance for that type of behavior and if we could host and lock servers, the world would be a better place.
While locked servers is a needed feature it is not something we feel is ready to be introduced with the currenty state of the alpha. It divides the total pool of testers and is likely to give us data not really useful for the open server environment an early access launch would bring. In the long run, it is vital that public play servers thrive as a game consisting of nothing but locked servers is doomed to fail. The public servers provide a space for the more casual players (like completely new players) and is thus also the lifeblood of the companies looking to bolster their ranks.
- Trusty
03-16-2018, 01:23 PM
I understand all this and being in alpha state it's all about testing and reporting. But when the haters are hating and the trollers are trolling I just want someone to have the ability to boot them off a server. I agree on having public and private servers and they both serve their purpose but a few morons can really ruin the experience for the majority of people currently as was evidenced recently on a max effort event. Private servers will be a welcome addition I think when you guys are ready but I trust you of course to know when that time is right.
03-16-2018, 01:59 PM
There was a time when moderators here also had access to the server administration tools but the functionality broke some time back, if I recall. :(
It's frustrating Shiloh, I understand.
03-18-2018, 06:20 AM
I would like to consider the motion this evening that the 8th Virginia, Company F, be bared and/or asked not to attend due to their inability to follow a basic agreed upon rule set during previous community events. (This is refering only to the event on the 24th.)
03-18-2018, 06:29 AM
I would like to table the motion this evening that the 8th Virginia, Company F, be bared and/or asked not to attend due to their inability to follow a basic agreed upon rule set during previous community events.
Myself and the 72nd PA completely agree
03-18-2018, 06:45 AM
I would like to table the motion this evening that the 8th Virginia, Company F, be bared and/or asked not to attend due to their inability to follow a basic agreed upon rule set during previous community events.
Yeah, They refuse to cooperate with us on the confederate side. As much as I'd hate not having someone show or being able to attend they need to either step up to this confrontation or be served a "solution" whatever that may be...
03-18-2018, 01:42 PM
Barring people from entering public areas and finding "solutions" this is starting to sound like Nuremberg back in 1933.
03-18-2018, 02:10 PM
hate go against my friend squiggles but to play devils advocate here we all paid to play in this alpha so trying to tell others how to play the game well some people dont like that very much and did you ever think maybe you werent playing by their rules did you ask them
just because you want people to act or behave a certain way doesnt mean they will and since these are public servers well thats what public means so you have to deal with the fools just like we have been dealing with then for almost a year now and we didnt get any help with them
people like to play how they want to play and yes it is infuriating most of the time but you just have to deal with it
03-18-2018, 02:28 PM
Honestly I treat all the other CSA companies with respect so idk who in my company is calling yall names. My company will play the game how they wanna play it and its not up to II corps to tell us how to play the game we are here to have fun. We are a skirmishing company I trained my men to skirmish and by the looks of it we are damn good at it if we are causing this big of a fuss. We are also a company that likes historical accuracy and there was skirmishers irl. So yankees if you wanna counter us its simple raise a skirmishing company and we can duke it out like the north and south did in the old days. Signed, Captain. Moonman 8th Virginia Company F
03-18-2018, 02:29 PM
Sal is right here.
it is of course unfortunate that you feel they don’t work together with the rest of the community but public servers are for everyone. My suggestion to you would be to ignore their actions.
- Trusty
03-18-2018, 02:31 PM
Personally I'm just looking for a baring from the up coming 24th trailor recording event not all the events. As they're not thread for it, had to use this one. (Looking at you Kyle) Maybe should have been more clear on that one on my end.
03-18-2018, 02:36 PM
Now if its a trailer for the game thats a different story if the devs want it to look a certain way than me and my company will happily abide by those rules.
03-18-2018, 02:47 PM
Now if its a trailer for the game thats a different story if the devs want it to look a certain way than me and my company will happily abide by those rules.
Smashing. In the future btw you can expect the 42ndPA to meat you man for man in skirmishing. Two can play to their historical formations.
03-18-2018, 02:49 PM
Cant wait to meet you on the field 42nd
03-18-2018, 03:07 PM
Also I would like to add that my company does not receive a written ruleset by yankees or confeds alike so maybe if we had a clue what the rules were we would follow them. So how are we gonna follow rules if we never receive them
03-18-2018, 03:47 PM
Read the OP.
03-21-2018, 07:27 PM
FORUM HAS BEEN UPDATED CHECK 1st PAGE FOR THE NEW TIMES/READ THE SCRIPT. This will be mainly a union focused trailer. The Confederate trailer will follow some time after this event.
Also I hope I got the times correct for you EU guys I don't want you all left out
- Kyle
I happy to say the 95th New York will be there and good luck all and see you on the battle field.
03-24-2018, 05:18 PM
8th VA will attend and we will follow the script you have my word
03-24-2018, 05:49 PM
Expect to see some of the us on the field today
03-24-2018, 07:01 PM
There has been a last minute change guys we will now be fighting on the roulette lane map and WILL BE LEAVING THE CAP POINT OUT!
Positions blue is union and red is confederate
03-24-2018, 10:25 PM
I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU. To the companies/community memebers who attended the event, even though there were several difficulties that occurred. I will see too it that credit is given to all companies that attended. I also wanted to give a shout out that it was good to see the level of discipline that, I seen in the event that goes for both unit memebers and the randoms. It showed that you all care about the community and wish to make War Of Rights a successful game. Thank you all once again
- Kyle
03-24-2018, 10:28 PM
Thank you guys for your help.
Sadly, the server crashed before we could record the ending for the trailer. Next time hopefully! :)
03-25-2018, 03:25 AM
Thank you guys for your help.
Sadly, the server crashed before we could record the ending for the trailer. Next time hopefully! :)
We we're also cutting short on time on getting things organised, but with that many new people or non regulars things went rather well !
So a big thank you for the organisation and the people who joined the event and for the discipline in the ranks.
Suggestion : if a practice run could be done (of if regimental leaders go through the procedure with their regs first) that would be great.
--> Maybe get two servers (and cycle close to the map maybe), so if a thing happens we can hop server.
--> Steam announcements should be great to (maybe a day before with a link ...)
03-25-2018, 12:35 PM
I found this event to be very exciting and the very early shots of it are amazing! It was simply breathtaking to me, as I turned around after the charge at the Drill camp and saw the flood of blue...really an eyeopener. So I was pretty stunned by the event and I like to thank the Organizers and officers in command for their brilliant job.
Critizism: Because of the limited sound scape of the ingame voice chat, I think it was not the best idea to have the execution commands not echoed by the respective section commanders. IF this was nessesary because of the video shoot I am NOT arguing at all, but it somehow killed some atmosphere and at least we in Comp. F could rarely hear the executions.
And yes for the most part even the random players who joined the shoot did a very good job, but I could name 2 guys who kinda messed up the lines (and chat box) :)) Other than that still a great experience, THANK YOU!!!!!
03-25-2018, 01:13 PM
Them and us, a devided Alpha community .... Thats hardly what the Alpha testing need's. I fully agreee with Trusty on that one.
And some Companies need to stop being "Posh" about letting other people playing along them ... Embrace new players and share the knowledege about the game ...
03-25-2018, 01:30 PM
Whilst I have remained in the camp of keep the servers open for a while, I must say that when something as important as this trailer comes up and 1/2 the commanders can't get on due to randoms then it becomes a struggle. I have said that private server are the only ones that should be locked, but on an occasion like this a locked server for about an hour would be all that was needed.
03-25-2018, 03:14 PM
Them and us, a devided Alpha community .... Thats hardly what the Alpha testing need's. I fully agreee with Trusty on that one.
And some Companies need to stop being "Posh" about letting other people playing along them ... Embrace new players and share the knowledege about the game ...
@TheRegulator : during drill and event, members of regiments were scattered in the lines and being led by an officer&NCO different of their usual command, new players/not enlisted filled up the ranks nicely and worked to make this event a succes -> lots of things to be proud and positive about (if you compare this to a few months ago and the animo between certain regiments)
@TheRegulator : Can you enlighten what you mean by a divided Alpha community ?
03-25-2018, 03:33 PM
That is very true.
The whole community should be proud of the drill. I am unending greatful for everyone who listened to me and took heed. You were all willing to be placed where you where needed and thought at first it seemed like chaos as we were at the colours the second we rounded to the field the effort you all made to cooperate with myself and Lt. Col. Mulcahy payed off ten fold as we formed in six independent companies of men from across different units and public players.
The area of difficulty was the Skirmish server and getting the needed players into place. We lost a lot of people due to inability to join due to space along with a few other issues. The Skirmish section is where the lock would have been much needed to get the key players and units in before filling the last slots with pubs.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
03-26-2018, 09:32 AM
Re: TheRegulator
I prefer a more optimistic view of yesterday’s event and the community at large.
Company F on the Federal side, which I think was mostly the Germans of the 51st, couldn’t hear half of the commands in-game and had to translate the half they did hear, and yet here they are saying they had fun. On the Confederate side, we had six or seven independent companies deferrring to battalion command without incident or complaint, and several new players learning as they went. Out of seventy something people, we had one boy colonel of a paper company attempting to recruit in-formation and falling out to take screenshots for his company thread (amusingly, in order to suggest greater involvement in the community), and one pub refusing to remove his NCO but otherwise staying out of our way. That’s about it. Not too bad for standing around bored for two hours, much of that preceded by server rotations and crashes to desktop.
I think you mean the Germans of the 52nd NY and 20th NY ;)
of course we had a lot of fun but as Jagdmann stated out it was pretty hard at the end iof the line but the feeling was great. Thanks to the Sgt. Maj. who assisted me because often I couldnt hear the orders to repeat them. I am sorry but I don't know your name.
As "Saurons mouth" for Hinkel at the event who was speaking with him, his own company, the leaders in discord and ingame to the troops, I can say it was a very hard but lovely job. We had some communication problems and server/map problems but it run better than I expected.
During the recording Hinkel changed the Script a bit and had to record some scenes two times which caused some trouble but i think we managed it good and it was needed to react at the actual situation.
It was a great feeling to see how the community worked together to create a nice trailer for the game who we all love.
As a sort of coordinator or something like that I have some suggestions for the next time. Most of them are from Saturday from other commanders but some are mines.
1. Communication: next time the US and CS commander should be in discord because sometimes communication was hard
2. A separated server for the recording:
2.1 with the wished map fixed so no map cycle. Yes it was great to run faster as Usian Bolt but for the most it was annoying to switch around 7 maps and "randoms" who defended the cap point. which leads me to my next point.
2.2 first of all I understand why we dont have locked servers but let me bring some points and "stories" to understand my point of view:
- One thing which I experienced personally was the blaming and and sometimes hateful speech in chat from guys who didnt or didnt want to understand whats going on and its very frustrating to explain a thousand times whats going on, why we stay at spawn while the enemy is capping, get called a bastard, tell guys we try to record a trailer, get called a bastard, try to tell them that we have to change the map, get called a bastard and they wasted their money....
I think no more words are needed.
- My second point was brought by my company members to me. I wasn't in their TS channel since I had to talk with Hinkel and other commanders in discord so my 1st LT lead the in TS. I talked to them after the event and they told me it was a great thing and they loved it but they also told me that hey shamed during the whole thing in the drill camp. To understand why: We were company F which was the closest one to the spawn point at the end of the battalion so everyone filled up into our ranks. My Sergeants and corporals tried to organise a good formation with 2 ranks but often they got ignored, got called to shut up or other bad things. Also it ruined the experience of my members since it looked like we are to bad to perform a solid fire by company. Some guys didnt listen for my commands and listen to company E, some others just stood afk in our ranks. Some of my members were pretty sad about this because I drill them hard and they are proud about what they can perform and wanted to show this to me and the rest of the community. Also it's the 2nd time that something like this happen. Well in the end we had fun and maybe we just have bad luck (or we are to sexy so every newbie get attracted to us :p )
to come on a point: For recordings like this: we need a locked server where only introduced companies are allowed to join. Of course everybody is introduced since we are ONE community but they should join the meetings beforehand get told what is to do, who is in command etc.
I allow me say that the community is willing to do more events like this and record more trailers and scenes because it's SOOOOOO much fun and such a great feeling but a controlled environment for recording purposes in this scale are needed. We discussed it after the recoding in discord shortly. We understand all why CG dont want closed servers but for something like this we need them. Like I said: if you CG can provide it, I think the community would be ready to recreate Gods and Generals and Gettysburg scene by scene for you because then it's easier and it's such a great atmosphere.
I am sorry for my english I hope everybody can understand what I am trying to say.
At the end I want to thank the whole community and everyone who attended for such a productive and great atmosphere. I would say one of my best moments in WoR.
A big thank you to CS troops for just killing the 10 privates in front of me and not me. It was scary to see those 10 falling to ground directly in front of my and my only thought was: "Fuck, i am next" while I looked through this huge gap in our line to the CS formation behind the fence which started reloading to send the next minie volley into our ranks.
03-26-2018, 09:36 AM
@ Captain Paul Frank
A+ comment
03-26-2018, 09:50 AM
The drill was excellent, and all involved must be commended for their patience and dedication.
I think it is most positive that there has been such a large drill, held by many notable luminaries in the community, attended by many fine Gentlemen from both sides of the same coin, largely without hitch. It would be excellent to do something of this nature once a month perhaps in the interests of hospitality and friendly cooperation between units that may not otherwise mix.
As for the communication issue; being in Company 'E' at the time, I will happily attest to the difficulty in hearing and understanding orders so far down the line. Company 'F' must certainly have had a harder time of it, translating to German and inviting the additional trouble of public interlopers who latch on to the first group they see. I am still advocating the implementation of an icon when voice chat is active, it is sorely needed.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
03-26-2018, 10:01 AM
Well, translation was not needed since we drill in english. I just talked German to my NCO's because we needed to coordinate us to coordinate the stream of non company members which filled our ranks.
"Hear nothing" was not that a problem. Yes it was hard but it was realistic and cool to hear the commands rolling down the whole formation. I was sometimes speechless because it was so fantastic. Again a big thank you to the unknown Sgt. Maj. who heard a bit more than me.
Now I can understand much more than before why there was drum and bugle commands and I wished me more than 1 time to have musicians now in game :D
But thanks for your nice words.
Also a thank you for Major Stone for his great leadership of the pack...... I mean battalion. :D
03-26-2018, 10:55 AM
I am still advocating the implementation of an icon when voice chat is active, it is sorely needed.
Ditto, needed should already be implemented :p
- Kyle
03-26-2018, 01:05 PM
The trailer just dropped, with 0 credits being given to anyone...
03-26-2018, 01:13 PM
The trailer just dropped, with 0 credits being given to anyone...
We are aware of it.
The credits will be added into the description for the moment, once I receive the list of companies.
03-26-2018, 03:34 PM
We are aware of it.
The credits will be added into the description for the moment, once I receive the list of companies.
I have that list Hinkel, will send once I get home from work.
- kyle
03-27-2018, 08:35 PM
We are aware of it.
The credits will be added into the description for the moment, once I receive the list of companies.
Has this been followed up Hinkel?
03-28-2018, 12:06 AM
Has this been followed up Hinkel?
Doing so now!
The list has been sent, when list is published and if I missed your company send me a message please
- Kyle
03-28-2018, 10:04 AM
Credits have been given to the participating companies in the video descriptions now - apologies for not getting them in from the start.
Thanks to all who participated. :)
- Trusty
03-28-2018, 10:17 AM
Big props to the community for making that trailer as special as it is. Just wouldn't be possible without yall, keep it up. Here's to many more full community collaborations.
03-28-2018, 11:54 AM
The companies list that were crediting for helping with the trailer as followed. If your company attended and is not on the list let me know.
Confederate Companies
1st Texas Regiment
11th MS Co.F
6th LA The Tigers
8th VA H and F
18th NC A
3rd Ark H
11th MS F
8th FL A
8th SC
21st MS
3rd AL A
38th NC F
25th VA F
8th LA A
The German Volunteers - 20thNY,52ndNY,18thNC,15thSC
Union Companies
42nd Penn., 2nd Btn, Co. E & F
5th NY., Co. A & B
95th NY A and B
51st NY A
69th PA D, I, and K
72nd PA A
28th MA
1st MA B
4th NJ
38th PA G
28th MA
20th NY
8th NJ
21st MA
14th Brooklyn
Maximus Decimus Meridius
03-28-2018, 12:31 PM
20th New York and 18th NC is there two times. ;)
one time under German Volunteers is enough since there is only one 20th and 18th as far as I know ;)
[1stVA.C]Maj. Jones
05-03-2019, 05:23 AM
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