View Full Version : 25-03-2018 Thirty-Ninth Field Report: Harper’s Ferry & Update 100 released

Fancy Sweetroll
03-25-2018, 05:46 PM
Field Report 39:Harper’s Ferry & Update 100 released posted 25-03-2018 CLICK TO VIEW (https://warofrights.com/Fieldreport39)

A. P. Hill
03-25-2018, 06:02 PM
Sweet! :)

03-25-2018, 06:15 PM
For the confederacy I suggest getting 3 volunteers & a steam locomotive filled with some kind of explosive stuff * .... ride it into town and ... battle's over. (first evacuating all civ's and offering a chance to surrender)

Well since nitroglycerine is out of the question, I've spoken to some Swedish fellow called Alfred Nobel and he gave me some ideas (I did tell him it's for mining though)

03-25-2018, 07:00 PM
I have a feeling I fell into finding this gem of a game at the right time. Very pleased with my purchase to be apart of the Alpha release.

03-25-2018, 07:30 PM
For the confederacy I suggest getting 3 volunteers & a steam locomotive filled with some kind of explosive stuff * .... ride it into town and ... battle's over. (first evacuating all civ's and offering a chance to surrender)

Well since nitroglycerine is out of the question, I've spoken to some Swedish fellow called Alfred Nobel and he gave me some ideas (I did tell him it's for mining though)

Like this?



03-26-2018, 09:16 PM
Decided to take a look at WoR at the right time! Those screenshots from the town can easily be mistaken for actual photos,specially the river and mountains at background. Guess now I have a rig to handle the game at medium settings. Can't wait to try it.

03-27-2018, 02:37 PM
I see we can enter John Brown's Fort.

03-27-2018, 03:23 PM
Another superb update: great progress; well done the development team! :)

03-28-2018, 12:31 AM
I have a feeling I fell into finding this gem of a game at the right time. Very pleased with my purchase to be apart of the Alpha release.

It's certainly a gem by my reckoning, and yes you picked a good time. I'm fairly new myself, have been playing about a month now, and have no regrets. One warning: if you're Confed, Harper's Ferry is a bloodbath. If you're Yankee, it's a turkey-shoot. Map looks amazing though, and they've already made some adjustments, though a large weekend server will tell if it's enough. Work in progress, the team will get t right, no worries here.

The game as it is now, though, is great fun already, especially if you've found a good squad to enjoy it with. Friday through Sunday seem to be peak times, 8EST if you're NA (which you seem to be). Can't speak for peak European times, as I'm rarely on during those times.

Best of luck to you in the field, Dnalur, and welcome to a great community and great game!

03-29-2018, 05:39 AM
This map is incredible. It's so accurate you guys have done a great job.

I have a suggestion for a fight there, the cemetary on top of the hill would be a fun alt scenario.

08-30-2018, 09:29 PM
I took an American road trip this summer, visiting various Civil War sights such as Gettysburg, Antietan, Manassas, Richmond and even Harper’s Ferry. The history there is great, and you guys nailed the map.