View Full Version : Sharpshooters and Trees/ a few things I don't want to make other posts about

09-18-2015, 02:38 AM
Okay this might be a long post but bear with me. ( all of these suggestions should not be forced into the first release unless you want to)

Firstly,I think sharpshooters should have the unique option of climbing up into trees. Maybe just have an option where if you are playing as a member of a sharpshooter regiment, if you stand in front of a tree and press T or something you get on a tree.

Also, you have mentioned that you want to have VOIP in the game. If you want to make the game realistic you should make it so if you yell loud enough the other team's players will be able to hear you. This would give people a reason to not yell at the top of their lungs " Chaaaaaaarge" because the enemy would here you and kill most of the chargers. If you add ambient noises like birds cawing or the wind then maybe people will make signals. Just imagine, Sharpshooters hiding in the forest. A Yankee regiment walks up the road and doesn't see the sharpshooters. The leader of said sharpshooters goes "Caw Cawk , Caw Cawk" and every one springs up and starts shooting. I dare you to say that would't be fun.

Finally, a question. Will going prone be a thing. If it is going to be, then the reload time should be around 45 seconds instead of the regular 20 so people don't abuse it.

P.S. I am very hyped

09-18-2015, 03:31 AM
Yeah they have said before that they intend to bring the standard elements of the average fps into the game so that could mean going prone might be in the game. Of course to reload a soldier would have to either roll on his back or side so naturally it would take longer. :)

09-18-2015, 08:37 AM
I think proning and reloading in prone would be okay if the weapons are no muzzle-loaders. If the sharpshooterweapons would be a breechloader than it makes sense. Like the Henry Rifle which is loaded from the back.

09-18-2015, 10:24 AM
I think proning and reloading in prone would be okay if the weapons are no muzzle-loaders. If the sharpshooterweapons would be a breechloader than it makes sense. Like the Henry Rifle which is loaded from the back.

reloading a muzzle loader while being prone is possible too, though its a "little" bit more difficult. Having sharpshooters in the trees would be somehow interesting, like them acting as recons.

09-18-2015, 03:05 PM
I would like to see OPEN VOIP, meaning that both sides will hear what each other are saying if they are close enough. This would make utilizing animal sounds for engagements, or code words more frequently used and make the gameplay that much more tactical.

09-18-2015, 03:10 PM
I would like to see OPEN VOIP, meaning that both sides will hear what each other are saying if they are close enough. This would make utilizing animal sounds for engagements, or code words more frequently used and make the gameplay that much more tactical.

So would we. Us implementing it hugely depends on the amount of extra added load on the server though.

- Trusty

09-18-2015, 03:19 PM
How does one reload in a tree?

09-18-2015, 09:30 PM
Chewie;10163']How does one reload in a tree?

Find a nice divide in the main trunk to stand on then rest your rifle butt on the tree like it was the ground. Seems possible although it would take longer.

09-19-2015, 05:17 AM
very carfuly

09-19-2015, 09:48 AM
What about direct communication that u can hear someone close to you. Commanding channel for officers. maybe side channel for everyone like in Arma

09-19-2015, 11:12 AM
What about direct communication that u can hear someone close to you. Commanding channel for officers. maybe side channel for everyone like in Arma

Problem will be, that most groups are using own team speak channels. So it does not matter, if you are close or far away :(
But for public play, it will definatly be an idea :)

09-19-2015, 12:59 PM
how do we communicate with other regiments that not in TS.Atleast Team chat required.

09-19-2015, 07:12 PM
Project reality is a good example of a game with great VOIP and the community is like this one. ( open to teamwork) I dont think that if you have a great VOIP system people will want to use TS

11-17-2015, 12:44 AM
In responce to the prone loading and firing: I have shot and loaded both an Enfield and a Sharps Rifle from prone, and the breechloading Sharps was definately easier to handle. However, loading a muzzleloader from the ground is not only possible, but part of the drill for the day. It is not easy, but it was expected that even a line infantryman could do it, should the need arise.

In regards to firing from trees: Again, something that was both possible and done on occasion. However, a smart sharpshooter would only fire from a tree at a valuable target, and only if it was a sure shot, because falling is always a danger, especially while being shot at, and because it is nearly impossible to reload a muzzleloader from a tree, and also very difficult to reload a breech-loader in a tree. The target rifles deployed by a heavy team may need to be cleaned every shot to ensure accuracy. Doing that in a tree? Forget about it.

11-17-2015, 05:39 AM
The problem with being able to hear the enemy in the game, according to Squad and Project Reality folks, is that it encourages players not to use the in-game VOIP and instead use Teamspeak to avoid the enemy overhearing them. They also suggest when people know the enemy can hear them they tend to abuse the voice chat.

While being able to hear the enemy sounds great on paper, in practicality it has problems.

11-18-2015, 01:59 PM
Well, I suppose you could make it so that when you use the PTT key in TS, it turns the VOIP on as well so that even though you're on TS and with your teammates it will still transmit in-game. Some sort of extension in the game that recognizes TS is running in the background and knows when it's transmitting so that it's activated in-game as well and changing your keybind or using no-key won't affect it.

11-21-2015, 05:15 PM
I don't know if i'd like to see people climbing trees as it sounds like a bit of a gimmicky feature, but I would love to see Foliage reacting to Gunfire (like branches falling off trees and bushes) I think that's something that'd really add to the atmosphere:


that kind of thing but for Bullets/Artillery exploding. Imagine having a line in a Forest, getting shelled and seeing branches etc flying everywhere, woudl really add to the atmosphere imo.

12-13-2015, 12:25 PM
climbing trees should be for sharpshooters only, and prone would only be possible if ordered by commanders though I guess it's not 100% realistic...

12-14-2015, 05:23 AM
For the VOIP i reckon it should be like Arma, the closer you are you can hear it. the Further you are the less you can hear it maybe just like mumbling or something

Maximus Decimus Meridius
12-14-2015, 09:25 AM
About the discussion for ingame VOIP read this thread. We collected the best ideas and discussed the pros and cons


12-15-2015, 03:07 AM
it would be pretty cool to have a team-mate required to help you from the ground. You fire in the tree and pass your rifle down to your buddy and he hands you a loaded one.

Jeffrey Miller
01-04-2016, 07:06 AM
Chewie;10163']How does one reload in a tree?

You have to take a different branch when doing it. I will leaf that up to your imagination.

01-14-2016, 05:40 AM
So would we. Us implementing it hugely depends on the amount of extra added load on the server though.

- Trusty

Possibly a way to cheat it would be for only the Officers and Generals to have VOIP. I'm not sure exactly how servers work but something like that may lighten server traffic and would be practical. The soldiers could then just have the option for predetermined commands/responses.

01-14-2016, 06:30 AM
Chewie;10163']How does one reload in a tree?

Very precariously I imagine. And open VOIP should be in. It works really well in Squad.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
01-14-2016, 11:18 AM
but the VoIP is not topic here ;)

01-14-2016, 02:34 PM
Trees seem to be a bit too much trouble for their worth... There would have to be certain trees they could get into and then how would one get from the bottom to the top, reload, and get back down again without a painfully long development of the animation? Then at the same time, people will just look for "the sniper trees" to see if anyone is in them.

Just sounds like a lot of work to me. Work better served elsewhere to get this game rolling and into working condition.

Prone, however sounds like a fantastic idea. The extended reload time is not only good for gameplay, but also realistic. One can load properly from their side.

I'll post my concerns about VOIP in that other thread.

01-14-2016, 02:36 PM
Project reality is a good example of a game with great VOIP and the community is like this one. ( open to teamwork) I dont think that if you have a great VOIP system people will want to use TS

+1 PR has a good communication system.

Even though there's ts3 for regiments there must have atleast a communication system that regiment can talk with each other

01-14-2016, 02:55 PM
I love how people turn their noses up at suggestions like Gatling Guns but don't see how impractical and stupid something like climbing trees would be in terms of Game-play.

I don't see it happening, unless they modeled specific trees with specific Animations tied to them for this but then people would just look for those trees knowing they'd be the only climbable ones. I'd much prefer to see them put that effort into proning and Fortifications.

Edit: Didn't notice Landree had said basically the same thing about trees

01-20-2016, 05:45 PM
Really ACW sharpshooters should not be lone gunmen like how we imagine today's modern day snipers. There were cases where, when on the picket line, sharpshooters climbed up in a tree and took pot shots at people, however probably not often in the midst of a full scale battle.

In the ACW sharpshooters were basically professional skirmishers, so to speak, who received extensive training in skirmish drill. This was especially true with sharpshooter units like Berdan's 1st USSS, 1st North Carolina SS Btn., etc. They were usually designated skirmishers for their brigade, and therefore were always the ones to be deployed in skirmish line. In that role they harassed the enemy to the brigade's front, scouted the advance, covered the retreat or the flank, or manned the picket line in between battles.

A. P. Hill
01-20-2016, 06:28 PM
Today's modern snipers are never lone gunmen, they're called sniper teams for a reason. Usually a spotter and a gunman. And at times they alternate positions.