View Full Version : Racism on CSA teams is at an epidemic level

12-15-2018, 02:09 AM
I can barely get through a game without hearing some imbecile yell out racist drivel using some very nasty, explicit language. Can't we have some kind of reporting tool to clean the bad apples out? It's a pain to figure out who yells it out when you're in a crowd of people or if there's a lot going on, so simply "muting them" isn't always easy -- and frankly, these people don't deserve to be playing the game in the first place.

Something needs to be done before a scandal breaks loose in media outlets and shuts this game down.

12-15-2018, 02:28 AM
All I can say is just deal with it, the media is not going to care, no one will shut the game down. Many many games deal with this and no one cares about it because they know the internet will be the internet,

12-15-2018, 07:38 AM
Literally every MP game I have ever played has this issue. From TF2 all the way up to Red Dead Online. The Devs have said there will be server tools coming to help moderate, so calm down.

John Cooley
12-15-2018, 08:40 AM
New People Join ... Stupidity Reigns ... they tire OR become pariah .... they move to another game OR stay put waiting for the next person to Post a thread that validates and advertises their Stupid ... threads boil then get locked ... rinse ... repeat ...
Welcome to EVERY online game that has been, is or ever will be.

Ignore them in-game, on the forums and on the many anti-social media platforms and get back to playing.

Mute that is persistent will be a great addition, imo.

Charles Caldwell
12-15-2018, 09:52 AM
Groan another one..... The DEV's cannot police people's stupidity, but you can with the MUTE function.

12-15-2018, 11:10 AM
Compagny leaders can see into it that humor is ok, but not at cost of peoples feelings. I noticed indeed some comments in game from players about slaves and more. In open servers with randoms it is at worse. The serious compagny servers however can make a difference if leaders set out rules and such about these things. My confederate compagny Jeff Davis legion F a cavalry platoon (that is recently started by me) will not tollerate talk about these things. We fight the fight in our role play to fight off invading Union soldiers who "took our jobs!"


That is also raising our spirits and no need for racism talk to have fun, ain't I right?

We all try to have fun in a game and feel the tention of the battle field.

12-15-2018, 11:46 AM
I can barely get through a game without hearing some imbecile yell out racist drivel using some very nasty, explicit language. Can't we have some kind of reporting tool to clean the bad apples out? It's a pain to figure out who yells it out when you're in a crowd of people or if there's a lot going on, so simply "muting them" isn't always easy -- and frankly, these people don't deserve to be playing the game in the first place.

Something needs to be done before a scandal breaks loose in media outlets and shuts this game down.

I think you are wildly over-reacting Ransurias. There is not much to be done about it right now, mute and move on to the best of your ability. Proper administration tools are currently going through internal testing and will be made available soon. I suggest that you play on private servers, or with established companies, as neither of these will tolerate racism.

This was always going to be largely inavoidable on wider Early Access release through Steam, there are many bad apples out there who find their pleasure in being confrontational and abrasive. The same discussion points appear in other games that feature potentially sensitive material; Rising Storm 2: Vietnam for example routinely hosts racial slurs over VOIP, the solution is to play on active private servers that has an engaged administration team. Folk who engage in racist drivel are swiftly rooted out and banned on a permanent basis. I rarely hear such things now on the 40-1 servers, they have a zero tolerance policy and it works.

I am sorry that you have encountered these people, it should not be considered as a reflection upon the established community. They do not have a place amongst us here and will soon find themselves lacking in servers to play once the administration tools are out. For now, please be patient with the developers and use the mute button.

12-15-2018, 12:31 PM
Dear Ransurias,

As Capt.Digby already pointed out, the already established community doesn't really dab into any form of racism.
Maybe some people are misguided in seeing a civil war game and a confederate flag and thinking they are joining the KKK.

Most regiments (and country laws) address certain behavior, not saying all are angels or people aren't balancing on the edge sometimes.
Adress these people and talk to them, if that doesn't help -> mute -> doesn't help -> inform officers/CG.

On the other hand being to serious or political correct might also be an issue, another thing to avoid is downplaying history (the world and it's vision on things does change throughout the centuries though).
Sure in Rising storm it's fun to provoke the other faction and vice versa, it's still in fun … even if that war was hell for all parties involved. (be praised this is all but a game & entertainment)

12-16-2018, 07:09 AM
In short.don't rise to their bait.......Racism is born out of sheer ignorance so pity them.

Making an issue of this will only make matters worse IMHO.

12-17-2018, 12:48 AM
It's a player problem, the same issue when the same players play the union team. I haven't dealt with this many players on a server in a 3D voice environment before but there is a lot of chatter of all sorts of random stuff of course. If you could momentarily tap into all voice channels and listen in it would be total havoc, which is good because people are communicating but some are trolling it.

I've got a lot of projects otherwise I'd probably seek and compile recordings and link them with steamIDs and maybe make a compilation video on the offenders. It's pretty easy to do that, find who they are in game spectate and then Alt-shift - View Players And look up their profile. And steamIDfinder.com gives you their steamID. I suspect many are the same players, I'm starting to recognize voices.

I find that players typically will stop things like that when they decide there's value to reputation and want to be a more useful member of the community, or try to. It's different when you are trying to be in an organization or run one. None of this is ever going to go fully away due to the political landscape.

12-17-2018, 06:34 AM

12-17-2018, 07:23 AM
Just mute who you don't want to hear. It is that simple. We do not need anyone to be the "thought police". In every online game people talk like that. It's not just limited to games where you can play as antebellum southerners.

12-17-2018, 09:16 AM
Just mute who you don't want to hear. It is that simple. We do not need anyone to be the "thought police". In every online game people talk like that. It's not just limited to games where you can play as antebellum southerners.

The thought police have been notified of your heresy...

Muting will help a little, but here's hoping the admin tools being built will also aid us, haven't seen the new kick ban in action yet.

12-17-2018, 09:18 AM
... haven't seen the new kick ban in action yet.

I saw it last night, seems to work fine.

12-17-2018, 11:10 AM
As someone from the deep south (Southern Louisiana) I can assure you that the idiocy displayed is not usual for the average person encountered down here. Even in the 1860's it was not as common as you'd think. The people in this game you find acting this way are the 12-16yo kids who think this is an outlet for that type of talk or behavior.. can even hear them trying not to laugh as they speak while they do their horrible impression of a southern accent.

They will grow bored pretty quickly and all you can do is ask politely for them to drop the act and you just mute them when they continue. But this is the internet and if your skin is so thin that you can't ignore some child's horrible attempt at being cool then you probably shouldn't play video games online.

12-17-2018, 11:45 AM
As someone from the deep south (Southern Louisiana) I can assure you that the idiocy displayed is not usual for the average person encountered down here. Even in the 1860's it was not as common as you'd think. The people in this game you find acting this way are the 12-16yo kids who think this is an outlet for that type of talk or behavior.. can even hear them trying not to laugh as they speak while they do their horrible impression of a southern accent.

Those making the racist remarks to be fair do not in many cases even sound american let alone southern, I just think people are using it as an excuse.

Accent wise I always laugh because any time someone does a bad southern accent I picture Charlie Mccory from "The searchers" (1956) and the infamous "unhaynd mah feeeaaancy!" line.

12-31-2018, 04:13 AM
You have free rein to mute anyone you dont want to listen to. The devs already did their part.

Charles Caldwell
12-31-2018, 07:52 AM
'Mute' is your friend..... I use for Music, Racism or plain Stupidity!

12-31-2018, 08:12 AM
You have free rein to mute anyone you dont want to listen to. The devs already did their part.

Not completely. It’s very difficult to identify the offenders as there’s so many players talking at once and you have to spin around around and press T to see them. It’s very much hit and miss.

They should make the speaker symbol light up next to players’ names when you press Tab. This would make it easier.

Ramirez Nicholas J.
12-31-2018, 04:18 PM
"internet is cruel and you cannot refine it" -butchered line from someone who may or may not be Sherman.

12-31-2018, 06:11 PM
Not completely. It’s very difficult to identify the offenders as there’s so many players talking at once and you have to spin around around and press T to see them. It’s very much hit and miss.

They should make the speaker symbol light up next to players’ names when you press Tab. This would make it easier.

They should make people's names change color or increase in size when they are talking and just get rid of the speaker symbol.

01-03-2019, 04:17 PM
Not completely. It’s very difficult to identify the offenders as there’s so many players talking at once and you have to spin around around and press T to see them. It’s very much hit and miss.

They should make the speaker symbol light up next to players’ names when you press Tab. This would make it easier.

Piggybacking off of this... it's currently difficult/nearly impossible to stream the game because of this. Someone else saying such slurs will get your Twitch/Youtube banned. This is going to be a big problem for game growth as the December Patch issues are fixed and the game continues through Alpha...

Ramirez Nicholas J.
01-03-2019, 05:02 PM
Piggybacking off of this... it's currently difficult/nearly impossible to stream the game because of this. Someone else saying such slurs will get your Twitch/Youtube banned. This is going to be a big problem for game growth as the December Patch issues are fixed and the game continues through Alpha...

What are you talking about? General Cody streams live every week on youtube....

01-03-2019, 05:09 PM
Just what I've been told by people whom I know want to stream, but are too afraid to.

01-04-2019, 07:52 AM
Just what I've been told by people whom I know want to stream, but are too afraid to.

The people you know are cowards, then. Calibrated.Core livestreams with the 1st Texas all the time. I've heard more people complain about racism than I've heard actual racism, and its by a large margin.

01-04-2019, 11:28 AM
Who cares about you tubers or streamers period. The game is excellent. There's Battle Field 5 and Call of Duty WW2 for snowflakes [who are triggered by everything like a confederate flag and everyone who does not fit there false narrative of life] that don't want anything adult or historical. If a game is good it doesn't live or die dependant on wanna be celebrities via you tube or twitch.

01-04-2019, 04:15 PM
Just what I've been told by people whom I know want to stream, but are too afraid to.

Didn't stop AngryJoe, an enormous streamer, hasn't stopped Calibrated.Core, hasn't stopped General Cody or the other streamers we have in the community.

A. P. Hill
01-04-2019, 04:52 PM
Just what I've been told by people whom I know want to stream, but are too afraid to.

You may want to avoid those "sources of information" in the future, it appears they're lying to you.

LTC Philip A. Work
01-04-2019, 05:01 PM
Would you look at that, posted today.


01-04-2019, 08:57 PM
Would you look at that, posted today.



Ramirez Nicholas J.
01-04-2019, 11:26 PM
Would you look at that, posted today.


Myth destroyed! :cool: ;)


01-05-2019, 02:30 PM
So friendly around here...

I told you what people I knew were afraid of. Not what they told me had happened to them. Also these videos don't seem to have the original concern (I didn't watch every second of them, so I may have missed it) of if the slur is heard your account can be banned.

But thanks for letting me know they were wrong in such a friendly way. Great group of guys, you are.

Doesn't change the OP about the enormous amounts of racism.

01-05-2019, 03:22 PM
So friendly around here...

I told you what people I knew were afraid of. Not what they told me had happened to them. Also these videos don't seem to have the original concern (I didn't watch every second of them, so I may have missed it) of if the slur is heard your account can be banned.

But thanks for letting me know they were wrong in such a friendly way. Great group of guys, you are.

Doesn't change the OP about the enormous amounts of racism.

And we're telling you why to not be afraid of it. Too many people here, even if they are a few, are afraid of all of this stuff. People do this on the internet, always will, no stopping them. Trying to put barrier, censors, stuff like that will not help at all and in fact just encourage more creative ways to get around it.

01-05-2019, 03:29 PM
So friendly around here...

I told you what people I knew were afraid of. Not what they told me had happened to them. Also these videos don't seem to have the original concern (I didn't watch every second of them, so I may have missed it) of if the slur is heard your account can be banned.

But thanks for letting me know they were wrong in such a friendly way. Great group of guys, you are.

Doesn't change the OP about the enormous amounts of racism.

Shut up with that passive-aggressive white knight bullshit. Did we hurt your feelings with our mild banter? Did we make you feel uncomfortable with our facts and solid evidence contrary to OP's stated opinion? I'm sorry, how deeply horrifying this experience must have been for you.

01-05-2019, 03:43 PM
Enough now folks.

01-09-2019, 08:05 PM
In reference to what practically everyone else said...

This is common; we are playing a game that was set during a time in American history where racism reigned in the both factions, North & South. The term [Racist] is so overused/abused today, so it is easy to see how someones expressed belief(s) can be viewed as "Racist" rather than a racial observation.

I think implementing a mute option for specific users is a very functional, practical tool that will benefit both parties -- Those that enjoy hollering will be able to do so without disrupting those that are easily offended, or are uncomfortable with certain political, or racial beliefs. In essence it caters to both sides.

That's my take on this topic.

01-10-2019, 06:51 PM
In reference to what practically everyone else said...

This is common; we are playing a game that was set during a time in American history where racism reigned in the both factions, North & South. The term [Racist] is so overused/abused today, so it is easy to see how someones expressed belief(s) can be viewed as "Racist" rather than a racial observation.

Err, no. Spamming “kill the nigger lovers” on VOiP is hardly offering a “racial observation”.

Campfire Games has said no racism in their game is permissable. No ifs or buts or historical qualification.

Their product, their rules. End of story.

01-10-2019, 09:52 PM
Err, no. Spamming “kill the nigger lovers” on VOiP is hardly offering a “racial observation”.

Campfire Games has said no racism in their game is permissable. No ifs or buts or historical qualification.

Their product, their rules. End of story.

Nobody spams "kill the nigger lovers," though. This whole "racism in my csa adventure" issue is entirely self-made and is nothing short of virtue signalling. This game has less racism than a Halo 2 lobby.

01-10-2019, 09:53 PM
@Quaker - Where in my statement did I refute that there was racism? As for the saying "Kill the nigger lovers" I have never come across anyone that has said this in-game.

01-11-2019, 12:15 AM
I know we have had people in my company that had been doing racist stuff and we just shoot it down when it starts as we don't tolerate that kinda stuff!

John Cooley
01-11-2019, 01:59 PM
Sadly, if you continue to shine a light on these particular cockroaches they don't scurry away but rather they dance gleefully.

EVERY SINGLE TIME we get a new crop of players these mental midgets do this to see how much angst they can cause.
Stop giving them attention and they will soon tire and move on.
The Community has done a fine job, each time, ignoring and ostracizing them into silence and while some game mechanics are helpful it is the Community that shuts them up and sends them into hibernation and other games.
UNTIL someone starts, yet another, of these threads that reward their bad behavior and reinforce their pattern of Stir, Enjoy, Hibernate, Return when a new batch of recruits arrive, Rinse, Repeat.

This is NOT exclusive to this game nor is it solely based on the views of the time period.
Every game has these trolls and they will go elsewhere if we simply stop resurrecting these threads and handle this at Community and Company Level.
Even IF a unit decides to recruit all these idiots ... THAT Company will soon find itself persona non grata ... just like their players.

Mute, Blacklist, Ignore and Play alongside those who act properly ... problem solved.

01-12-2019, 12:45 AM
Sadly, if you continue to shine a light on these particular cockroaches they don't scurry away but rather they dance gleefully.

EVERY SINGLE TIME we get a new crop of players these mental midgets do this to see how much angst they can cause.
Stop giving them attention and they will soon tire and move on.
The Community has done a fine job, each time, ignoring and ostracizing them into silence and while some game mechanics are helpful it is the Community that shuts them up and sends them into hibernation and other games.
UNTIL someone starts, yet another, of these threads that reward their bad behavior and reinforce their pattern of Stir, Enjoy, Hibernate, Return when a new batch of recruits arrive, Rinse, Repeat.

This is NOT exclusive to this game nor is it solely based on the views of the time period.
Every game has these trolls and they will go elsewhere if we simply stop resurrecting these threads and handle this at Community and Company Level.
Even IF a unit decides to recruit all these idiots ... THAT Company will soon find itself persona non grata ... just like their players.

Mute, Blacklist, Ignore and Play alongside those who act properly ... problem solved.

Well said! Couldn't agree more!

01-12-2019, 05:30 AM
Well put @Cooley - I think it's safe to say that this thread has served its purpose! ;)

Alex the Martyr
01-12-2019, 04:44 PM
As a gamer and someone who is pretty damn liberal I can say that the racism in this game feels oddly appropriate. Playing on CSA half the teams got a southern accent, RPing and spouting racist nonsense but I expect that and a part of me fucking loves it! One surprise was how into the game emotionally people get and how alive and current the feelings from the Civil War seem. It's an emotional experiance to play this game and after a charge sometimes have tears in my eyes coupled with yelling crys of victory. If you hate the racism so much play Union and follow general Shermans advice in that we should of burned the south to the ground when we had the chance ;)

01-12-2019, 11:28 PM
...and follow general Shermans advice in that we should of burned the south to the ground when we had the chance ;)

That's a lot of edge there.

01-13-2019, 01:34 AM
That's a lot of edge there.


Alex the Martyr
01-13-2019, 07:17 PM
Triggered much? CSA snowflakes can dish it out but can't take it! Just a jest lads nothing more, at ease soldier.

01-13-2019, 08:27 PM
Always the little boys who post edgy shit, get called out on it, and then claim "I'M JUST KIDDING, ARE YOU TRIGGERED?" Lmao, look my dude; if you can't handle the banter then don't banter.


01-23-2019, 03:23 PM
New player here. Don't have thin skin but I don't want to hear the hard R, n-bomb every 2 minutes while playing CSA. If the answer from the devs to the racism is to suggest we mute people, then it needs to be easier to identify the person who is acting like a moron, because I personally can't tell who is talking most of the time because I have to hit 'T' and then spin around and identify which of my teammates was talking and then hope they are still speaking. If more than one person is talking at a time, then this is pretty much impossible.

I don't really want to recommend this game to friends unless there's a way to address this. Would probably behoove the devs to do something about it if they want to attract a more mature crowd to the game.

01-23-2019, 03:24 PM
The TAB menu now also shows who is speaking.

01-23-2019, 03:34 PM
Cool didn't know that. Hopefully that helps with identifying these people. Thanks.

A. P. Hill
01-23-2019, 09:23 PM



01-23-2019, 10:07 PM



It be like that sometimes.

01-23-2019, 10:42 PM
corporatewookie, just have to say I think you were playing with us last night toward the end. I will admit it was bad. It seemed all the window licker trolls were on at the same time. I can assure you you rarely hear it during the day and never during events.

You will start to notice the same people just doing it for a reaction or to feel edgy. Truth is those people don't last, the more they are ignored the less they have to feed on. I wouldn't let people who aren't going to stay around long term ruin a game you will enjoy.

01-24-2019, 01:16 AM
Yep I was playing last night and over the past weekend as well. Definitely not gonna let it ruin the game for me, as I'm having a blast with it so far. Especially now that I know how to identify the people who need to be muted.

Lord Drax
01-24-2019, 06:27 AM
Mute or play on a server with diligent admins. Problem solved...

Baron Bacon
01-25-2019, 10:51 AM
By the power of mute i will silence the cancer!

01-27-2019, 04:45 AM
I know that as soon i hear a squeaky underage voice, i need to mute them. (And why do they always take the NCO role)

01-27-2019, 07:07 AM
Because they think it gives them power.

John Cooley
01-27-2019, 12:04 PM
If only children nowadays were taught the difference between Power and Control but ...
I know it is a pipe dream ... we don't even teach them Actual History instead of Social Justice History.

Meh ... Mute and Move On is the best option.
Now if we can just get a Mute Button in real life we would be golden.

A. P. Hill
01-27-2019, 03:01 PM
... we don't even teach them Actual History instead of Social Justice History. ...

Also known as Revisionist History.

The things that were didn't actually happen. You should believe this instead of that.


01-29-2019, 06:40 PM
Also known as Revisionist History.

The things that were didn't actually happen. You should believe this instead of that.


So the South won? :confused:

A. P. Hill
01-29-2019, 10:00 PM
So the South won? :confused:

Not really sure how you come to that conclusion. But to blatantly state that every southerner was a slave owner and hated blacks is a complete and false lie per the period history, so when educations systems make that statement they're going for the revisionist history aspect. (Just one example.)

thomas aagaard
01-30-2019, 01:21 AM
Not really sure how you come to that conclusion. But to blatantly state that every southerner was a slave owner and hated blacks is a complete and false lie per the period history, so when educations systems make that statement they're going for the revisionist history aspect. (Just one example.)
Well the correct statement would be that about 30% of all households in the CSA owned slaves.

01-30-2019, 04:40 AM
Well the correct statement would be that about 30% of all households in the CSA owned slaves.

Which still means that 70% of Southern households didn't.

John Cooley
01-30-2019, 08:37 AM
And at the risk of beating this subject to death ... ONCE AGAIN ...

There were 451,021 slaves counted in the 1860 census in states and territories that would make up the UNION during the Civil War.
Twenty years earlier, in the 1840 census, there were 355,777 slaves counted and in 1850 ... 415,510.

90 percent of the total number of enslaved Africans transported to the New World who were imported to Brazil and the Caribbean ... NOT the US.
Over 1 million slaves were transported to the New World before a single one reached the US.
7.5 percent of all free blacks in the United States, in 1830, owned slaves.
33 percent of South Carolina’s enslaved labor force, early in the 1700s, was made up of American Indians.

Can we all just agree that it is an abhorrent practice that none of us can truly understand because we were not raised in that culture or time period?
Seems a more prudent course than calling only one small segment of the world's slave owning population ... evil racists.
Hell, the US didn't even need to bear the rigors of slave importation because European countries brought them to the New World.

Play the WAR GAME!
This is NOT a social justice game ... stop bringing stupid trash into what could possibly be one of the best efforts to create a Civil War Battle game ... to date.

02-07-2019, 11:46 AM
Which still means that 70% of Southern households didn't.

True but a misleading statement. Just becasue they didn't have the wealth or means to own slaves doesn't mean they wouldn't own them if they could.

I encourage all here to read McPherson's Battle Cry of Freedom. Goes into excrutiating detail on the politics, economics and feelings towards slavery. To say the Civil War wasn't about slavery is like saying WWII wasn't about facism.

Does that make every southerner a racist...no. Plenty in the north and south and west thought of any non whites as beneath them.

02-07-2019, 01:29 PM
True but a misleading statement. Just becasue they didn't have the wealth or means to own slaves doesn't mean they wouldn't own them if they could.

That is not an argument but nonsense, pretty much the same value of an argument like "All Germans were nazis and hated Jews".....

02-07-2019, 04:13 PM
True but a misleading statement. Just becasue they didn't have the wealth or means to own slaves doesn't mean they wouldn't own them if they could.

I encourage all here to read McPherson's Battle Cry of Freedom. Goes into excrutiating detail on the politics, economics and feelings towards slavery. To say the Civil War wasn't about slavery is like saying WWII wasn't about facism.

Does that make every southerner a racist...no. Plenty in the north and south and west thought of any non whites as beneath them.

If you did read that book, then I'd suggest you re-read it because the authors conclusion is that the main reason for fighting it, on both sides, was actually freedom, in addition you should probably note that abolitionists wanted an end to slavery, not racism. The American Civil War did not have one single cause, it's much more complex than that. The reasons that northerners & southerners enlisted to fight in the war were also complex and varied, hence you get men born in the south staying loyal to the Union, and men born in the north fighting for the Confederacy.

Players who yell racist slogans in WoR are not really racists, they're just fools looking for attention, put them on ignore, don't give them the attention they want, and they'll jog along to another game.

02-07-2019, 04:30 PM
That is not an argument but nonsense, pretty much the same value of an argument like "All Germans were nazis and hated Jews".....

You're analogy doesn't make sense. My statement was that its wrong to say the Civil War was not about slavery based on the fact a majority of southerners didn't own slaves.

Did "all" southerners believe in the institution of slavery...no. Did "most" believe in it....yes. Have a read at the Declarations of Secession. Or Stephen's "African Slavery, The Cornerstone of the Southern Confederacy". I don't know about you but that pretty much sums it up. Although who listens to Vice presidents.

Or when near the end of the war when the South initiated the idea of black regiments many argued that if they are given such status and freedom for serving that nulifies what they were fighting for. Some good quotes "One politician asked, “What did we go to war for, if not to protect our property?” Another suggested, “If slaves will make good soldiers, our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Lee weighed in on the issue and asked the Confederate government for help. “We must decide whether slavery shall be extinguished by our enemies and the slaves be used against us, or use them ourselves.” Lee asked that the slaves be freed as a condition of fighting, but the bill that passed the Confederate Congress on March 13, 1865,did not stipulate freedom for those who served."

Many believed slavery to be ordained by God since its condoned in the Bible and if God wished to end slavery he would do so. Famously Lee and Jackson fall into that category.

Were all Germans nazis....no. it was a politial party not an institution.

02-07-2019, 04:31 PM
This thread is about player behavior in-game - not a historical discussion on slavery.

please keep it on-topic.

- Trusty

02-07-2019, 04:54 PM
True that, Trusty.

Played Insurgency Sandstorm last night and a guy was yelling the N word for a full half hour.

No escaping idiots.

02-07-2019, 06:06 PM
Can we please let this thread die. 8 pages In and no new ground has been broken. It's the Internet, people are going to say all kinds of things. The devs don't need to be the thought police when they have much more important things to worry about. Acting like this is some unique problem to a game that you can play as 19th century southerners is silly. And theres people here pretending it is just so they can feel all high and mighty. Just mute who you don't want to hear.

02-08-2019, 12:56 AM

04-19-2021, 02:34 AM
Yeah. Some of it I've seen is pretty bad. Some player run servers will ban for it, but the best thing to do is mute them. Pretty cringe... 12561