View Full Version : Event: The untold civil war campaign 1862-1865
Foley Sturm
11-03-2020, 10:10 PM
The untold civil war campaign 1862-1865
As a Unit we have already participated in many events and got to know many different ideas in the course of time. Now we want to start our own projekt for an saturday event and want to invite the whole War of Rights community to join and to support us. We would like to focus in the European event times.
With our event we want to create something special. Its not only a battle, we will create a goal. Each battle will affect the progress in our campaign and will affect the outcome of the campaign.
The Campaign is a board game that we will play in the Tabletop Simulator before our skirmish-battles are played in War of Rights. It representes the military situation in the American Civil War form 1862 to 1865.
Minor battles, raids and gurillia warfare are part of the campaign itself, but major battles which heavely influence the outcome of the war will be deceided by the results of several skirmishes. The Units are playing as a team in the Tabletop and decide together how they want to react on the map.
You can also only participate in the War of Rights event, if you dont want to be at the Tabletop.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! :)
19:30 CET | 1.30 pm EST | 5.30 pm GMT - Tabletop meeting
21:00 CET | 3:00 pm EST | 7:00pm GMT - balancing meeting
21:30 CET | 3:30 pm EST | 7:30pm GMT -battle start
Date: every Saturday
1. Disciplined and sociable behavior.
2. Communication will be limited to the in-game voice chat and the use of messengers between units.
3. We will play 2 maps.
4. The Teams have 5 minutes on the map before the fight begins to form up and prepare themselves.
5. It is not allowed to fire into the spawn areas.
6. With this event, we want to offer you the opportunity to create an intensive
and historical battle experience, in which you can use artillery-supported line battles from the US Civil War
as authentic as possible.
7. The servername and password will be shared in a steam chatgroup.
8. You are allowed to deploy 1 scout team per line. It consist out of 2 men. They are not allowed to fight or to capture the cap point.
rules for the Lineinfantry
1. Fight in formation in one or preferred in two ranks.
2. Reinforcing your unit from the main spawn is allowed in small groups (minimum of 3 men), they are not allowed to fight until they arrived at their unit. (If you dont reach 3 men after 2 minutes, you are allowed to move out)
rules for the Artillery
1. A gun team consists of at least 3, you are not allowed to use(fire) the cannon alone.
2. Reloading or moving the cannons is not allowed until minute 40:00 of the Round Time.
rules for the Skirmishers
1. A Skirmisher group consist out of 5-10 men.
2. They have to be in a recognizable formation.
3. No ramboing.
Sign up:
Faction (Union/CSA):
Time zone (NA/EU):
Commanding officer (with link):
Number of attendance (valued):
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):
We have an artillery section (yes/no):
I have read the rules and accept (yes):
Attending Units:
TB - 20th New York
83rd PVI
open Slot
22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
21st North Carolina Regiment
Poague's Battery A
open Slot
open Slot
Foley Sturm
12-13-2020, 03:08 PM
Registration is now open
If you have any questions let us know. :)
12-13-2020, 07:26 PM
Unit: 5th Ohio Company A
Faction: Union
Time zone: EU; CET
Commanding officer: F.Harson:
Number of attendance: 7-10
Preferred role: skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section: no
I have read the rules and accept: yes
McLovin Fett
12-17-2020, 10:34 PM
Question, is this kinda based off of the Grand Campaign/Land & Liberty that parts of the community are doing but with a Realistic twist? I think it's kinda cool
Jack Stone
12-18-2020, 04:53 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 10-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
12-18-2020, 04:53 PM
Its a Tabletop game which we created. The battles are played in War of Rights. In these battles we will try to have more formations and a slower gameplay to keep it more realistic. ;)
12-18-2020, 07:45 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Foley Sturm
01-09-2021, 11:14 PM
Today we started our Event and had a lot of fun. We had two very hard battles. The first battle took place on Burnsides Bridge. After a fight of 45 minutes the CSA decided the battle for himself. 249 Men died or are lost in battle. But the Union didnt give up and attacked the CSA again at Pry Ford. The field was taken 3 times by both teams. At the end of the battle the Union took the field and pushed the CSA back.
A thanks to all attending Units and men. (22nd Virgina Co.B, 21st North Carolina Regiment, 5th Ohio Co.A, TB-20th New York)
You can now sign up for the next week.
Foley Sturm
01-09-2021, 11:17 PM
Unit: 20th New York Turner Battailon
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Maj. Max Weber
Number of attendance (valued): around 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
01-09-2021, 11:23 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: F.Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 8-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Line with skirmisher as a option
We have an artillery section : no
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
01-09-2021, 11:32 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 10-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
01-09-2021, 11:46 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Foley Sturm
01-14-2021, 11:06 PM
A small rule update:
2. Reinforcing your unit from the main spawn is allowed in small groups (minimum of 3 men), they are not allowed to fight until they arrived at their unit. (If you dont reach 3 men after 2 minutes, you are allowed to move out)
Foley Sturm
01-18-2021, 12:53 PM
Yesterday we had our second event evening. We had the seconde stage of the first big battle in our campaign. The CSA defended East woods Skirmish and Bloody Lane. The result of the event was a 1:1. A big thanks to all attending units, see you next week.
You can now sign up for the next week!
Jack Stone
01-18-2021, 12:55 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 10-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
01-20-2021, 04:40 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
01-22-2021, 08:42 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: F.Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 7-11
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Line with skirmisher as a option
We have an artillery section : no
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
01-23-2021, 06:26 PM
Unit: 20th New York Turner Battailon
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Maj. Max Weber
Number of attendance (valued): around 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
01-27-2021, 09:04 AM
Last Saturday we had 2 Battles the first one was the last battlepart of the first big battle of the campaign. The battle took place on nicodemus hill. After a long and very hard fight (the cap point was 2minutes in overtime) was lost for the CSA. The result is that the Union won the first big battle in the campaign. The second match was a fun round, so we decided to mix up the teams. The Union defended the main road of pry house.
A big thanks to all attending Units and men.
You are interested in joining in with your unit or have questions? Feel free to ask us! ;)
The sign ups for the next week are open.
Jack Stone
01-27-2021, 10:11 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 10-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
01-28-2021, 08:37 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
01-29-2021, 09:55 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei
Number of attendance (valued): 7-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Line with skirmisher as a option
We have an artillery section : no
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
02-03-2021, 02:04 PM
Sign ups are open
Jack Stone
02-03-2021, 02:06 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 10-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
02-05-2021, 06:45 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Foley Sturm
02-09-2021, 01:48 PM
On the campaign map is one CSA unit attacking the Northern Army of Mississippi. Last Saturday we played the Day 2 of the second battle. We had a hard fight on roulett lane. The Union hold the field. After that the CSA attacked the Union at Hills Countercharge. The Union was pushed back after a massive artillery strike and a charge.
Sign ups or the next week are open!
Jack Stone
02-09-2021, 02:09 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 13-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
02-10-2021, 02:18 AM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Foley Sturm
02-13-2021, 04:38 PM
Unit: 20th New York Turner Battailon
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Maj. Max Weber
Number of attendance (valued): around 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
02-13-2021, 05:41 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: F.Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 6-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Line with skirmisher as a option
We have an artillery section : no
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
02-15-2021, 08:14 PM
Sign ups are open
Jack Stone
02-15-2021, 08:22 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 13-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
02-15-2021, 08:25 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Foley Sturm
02-18-2021, 02:59 PM
Unit: 20th New York Turner Battailon
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Maj. Max Weber
Number of attendance (valued): around 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line & Arty
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
02-20-2021, 06:19 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: F.Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 7-9
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Line with skirmisher as a option
We have an artillery section : Yes (optional, but not planned)
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
02-24-2021, 04:13 PM
Sign ups are open
Jack Stone
02-24-2021, 04:20 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
02-25-2021, 01:12 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
02-26-2021, 11:35 AM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei
Number of attendance (valued): 4-8
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers
We have an artillery section : Yes (optional)
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
02-27-2021, 10:52 AM
Unit: 20th New York Turner Battailon
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Maj. Max Weber
Number of attendance (valued): around 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line & Arty
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
03-02-2021, 05:13 PM
Last Saturday we hit the 60 Players in our Event. Thank you guys for participating! :)
The had the 2nd part of the siege battle on the last Saturday.(Union Team: 22nd VA and 21st NC CSA Team: 8th Oh and 20thNY) The Union attacked the CSA in the theire Camp at the Boliviar Heights. This map was won by the Union. The second skirmish took place on the washington street, after very bloody street fights the Union got pushed back by the confederacy. The Union decided after this battle to cancel the attack but stays in the siege.
Sign ups are now open!
Jack Stone
03-02-2021, 05:44 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 13-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
03-02-2021, 11:36 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
03-06-2021, 04:52 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 6-7
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
James Klark
03-12-2021, 11:01 PM
Sign ups are open ^^
Jack Stone
03-12-2021, 11:39 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
03-13-2021, 04:01 AM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
03-13-2021, 04:46 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 9-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line with Skirmishoption
We have an artillery section : Yes (optional)
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
03-13-2021, 06:54 PM
Unit: 20th New York Turner Battailon
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Maj. Max Weber
Number of attendance (valued): around 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line & Arty
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
03-17-2021, 08:04 PM
Sign ups are open. You can also contact us over Discord.
03-19-2021, 07:02 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Jack Stone
03-19-2021, 09:37 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): skrimish with line as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
03-20-2021, 01:10 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson (Flihei)
Number of attendance (valued): 4-8
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
03-23-2021, 02:46 PM
Sign ups are open
Jack Stone
03-23-2021, 06:30 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
03-24-2021, 11:21 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
03-27-2021, 02:59 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei (Harson)
Number of attendance (valued): 7-10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Foley Sturm
04-01-2021, 11:41 PM
Sign ups are open
04-01-2021, 11:42 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
04-02-2021, 12:03 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson (Flihei)
Number of attendance (valued): 5-10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
04-02-2021, 01:30 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
04-04-2021, 10:44 PM
Sign ups are open
04-07-2021, 07:01 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
04-10-2021, 11:55 AM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson (Flihei)
Number of attendance (valued): 5-8
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
04-12-2021, 01:28 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes 4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
04-17-2021, 02:56 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
04-17-2021, 04:22 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson (Flihei)
Number of attendance (valued): 5-7
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
04-21-2021, 11:12 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Jack Stone
04-23-2021, 01:05 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Company B
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
04-28-2021, 02:40 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
04-30-2021, 06:11 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
04-30-2021, 10:00 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson (Flihei)
Number of attendance (valued): 6-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
05-06-2021, 08:21 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
05-08-2021, 06:23 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson (Flihei)
Number of attendance (valued): 6-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers/Artillery
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
05-15-2021, 04:42 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
05-15-2021, 07:32 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
05-21-2021, 08:56 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Jack Stone
05-22-2021, 02:35 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
05-24-2021, 06:36 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Harson
Number of attendance (valued): 6-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
05-27-2021, 08:01 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/3
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
05-28-2021, 08:09 AM
Unit: Cooper's "Corn" Brigade or CB
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): NA and EU
Commanding officer (with link): Brig Gen Skeletor, Col Iron Duke, Lt Col Painter (83rd PVI), Lt Col Preacher (PA Cav), Capt Chicken (111thPVI)
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line with skirmishers in attendance
We have an artillery section (yes/no): Yes (NYLA)
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
05-28-2021, 09:34 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
06-02-2021, 07:26 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
06-02-2021, 08:40 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
06-03-2021, 07:55 PM
Unit: Cooper's Brigade aka CB
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): NA and EU
Commanding officer (with link): Brig Gen Skeletor (Brigade Command), Col Iron Duke (111th PVI), Lt Col Painter (83rd PVI), Lt Col Preacher (PA Cav)
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line with skirmishers in attendance
We have an artillery section (yes/no): Yes (NYLA)
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
06-08-2021, 11:02 PM
Unit: Cooper's Brigade aka CB
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): NA and EU
Commanding officer (with link): Brig Gen Skeletor (Brigade Command), Col Iron Duke (111th PVI), Lt Col Painter (83rd PVI), Lt Col Preacher (PA Cav)
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line with skirmishers in attendance
We have an artillery section (yes/no): Yes (NYLA)
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
Jack Stone
06-10-2021, 03:11 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
06-12-2021, 05:05 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-13
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
06-14-2021, 08:24 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
06-18-2021, 03:46 AM
nit: CB (PA Cav Sqn, 111th PVI, 83rd PVI, 1st NYLA)
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): NA
Commanding officer (with link): BrigGen Iron Duke, LtCol Preacher, Maj Chicken, Capt
Number of attendance (valued): 12-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line with skirmishers in attendance
We have an artillery section (yes/no): Yes (NYLA)
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
06-18-2021, 11:22 AM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
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06-19-2021, 04:43 PM
Unit:21th North Carolina Regiment
Faction: CSA
Time Zone: NA/EU
Commanding officer: CA-[21st.NC(A)]Col.Vaesen
Number of attendance: 10-13
Preferred role: skirmish with line as option
We have Attilery section: Yes numbers: 6
I Have read the Rules and Accept: Yes
Jack Stone
06-22-2021, 11:33 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/3
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
06-25-2021, 01:48 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
06-29-2021, 11:32 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/3
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
07-01-2021, 05:25 PM
nit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
07-04-2021, 07:16 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/3
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
07-10-2021, 05:34 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
07-14-2021, 01:40 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
07-16-2021, 09:54 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
07-21-2021, 04:35 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
07-23-2021, 06:57 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
07-26-2021, 07:57 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
07-31-2021, 03:19 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
07-31-2021, 03:22 PM
Faction (Union/CSA): USA/CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): NA/EU
Commanding officer (with link):
Number of attendance (valued): 5-10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirm, then line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): If numbers permit
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
Jack Stone
08-04-2021, 12:28 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
08-06-2021, 03:39 AM
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA/USA
Time zone (NA/EU): NA/EU
Commanding officer (with link): preacher#0001
Number of attendance (valued): 9-13
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Counter Battery infantry
We have an artillery section (yes/no): If numbers permit
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
08-06-2021, 12:53 PM
Unit: 5thOhio Company A
Faction: USA
Time zone: EU
Commanding officer: Flihei, Dreat
Number of attendance (valued): 6-14
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmishers with Artillery as option
We have an artillery section : Yes
I have read the rules and accept : yes
Jack Stone
08-11-2021, 06:12 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
08-12-2021, 01:52 PM
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA/USA
Time zone (NA/EU): NA/EU
Commanding officer (with link): preacher#0001
Number of attendance (valued): 9-13
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): "Skirmishers"
We have an artillery section (yes/no): If numbers permit
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
Jack Stone
08-20-2021, 06:48 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
08-26-2021, 11:23 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
09-01-2021, 07:11 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 11-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
09-08-2021, 01:10 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 11-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
09-14-2021, 03:04 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Underdog
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
09-19-2021, 10:12 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
09-21-2021, 05:46 PM
Unit: Coopers Brigade (CB)
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Commanding Officer (with @): @CB[111PA] Capt. Foam @Lieutenant. Iron Duke @CB[111PA]Sgt.Chair
Number of attendance (valued): 10-15
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line Section but Skirmishing as a option
We have an artillery section (yes/no): no
I have read the rules and accepted (yes): yes
Jack Stone
09-28-2021, 05:56 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
10-02-2021, 03:57 PM
Unit: 17th Michigan "stonewall regiment"
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Commanding Officer (with @): @VI-[17thMI]LtCol.Istuldragev
Number of attendance (valued): 8-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirm
We have an artillery section (yes/no): no
I have read the rules and accepted (yes): Yes
Unit: 5thOhio
Faction (Union/CSA): USA
Commanding officer (with @): @Major Harson [5thOhio]
Number of attendance (valued): 9-10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirmishers
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): no
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
10-04-2021, 10:55 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
10-12-2021, 11:50 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
10-16-2021, 06:38 PM
Unit: Coopers Brigade (CB)
Faction (Union/CSA): USA
Commanding officer (with @): @CB[111PA] Capt. Foam @CB-[111thPA] 1stLt Iron Duke @CB[111PA]1stSgt.Chair
Number of attendance (valued): 9-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirmishers
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): no
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Unit: 17th Michigan "stonewall regiment"
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Commanding Officer (with @): @VI-[17thMI]LtCol.Istuldragev @VI-[17thMI] Maj.Tusimo
Number of attendance (valued): 8-12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirm
We have an artillery section (yes/no): no
I have read the rules and accepted (yes): Yes
Jack Stone
10-19-2021, 09:30 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 12-16
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
10-19-2021, 03:30 PM
Unit: 6th U.S. Regulars Company D
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link):
Number of attendance (valued): 3-4
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirmishers
We have an artillery section (yes/no): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
Foley Sturm
10-25-2021, 06:37 PM
After reworking a few things of our campaign, we are happy to announce that our campaign will start the 2nd season at the next saturday! :)
Jack Stone
10-26-2021, 05:06 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
11-02-2021, 05:41 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
11-10-2021, 01:51 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 18-21
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
11-15-2021, 04:00 AM
Sign up:
We would like to be considered in joining the "Untold" Campaign
Poague's Battery A
Faction (Union/CSA):
Time zone (NA/EU):
Commanding officer (with link):
Number of attendance (valued):
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):
We may participate and add our numbers to any formation.
We have an artillery section (yes/no):
I have read the rules and accept (yes)
Foley Sturm
11-16-2021, 12:20 PM
Welcome to our campaign Poagues Battery! Please join our event discord so that you dont miss anything :)
Jack Stone
11-16-2021, 08:44 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
11-23-2021, 02:38 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
11-30-2021, 08:00 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
12-07-2021, 01:11 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Foley Sturm
12-11-2021, 06:38 PM
Unit: 20th New York , 5th Ohio, 22nd Virginia
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Unit: Coopers Brigade (CB)
Faction (Union/CSA): USA
Commanding officer (with @): @CB[111PA] Capt. Foam @CB[111thPA] 1stLt Iron Duke @CB[111PA]1stSgt.Chair
Number of attendance (valued): 8-10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Skirmish
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): no
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Unit: I corps (14th Bkln, 4th RI)
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Commanding officer (with @): @I-4thRI(B)Capt. Redbeard @I-[14thBK] Maj. Silver
Number of attendance (valued): 15-22 (will have updated numbers closer to the event)
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with a small group of skirms
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/2-3
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Unit: 15th Wisconsin
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Commanding Officer (with @): @VI-[15thWI]Cpt Lucian
Number of attendance (valued): 7-11
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): no
I have read the rules and accepted (yes): Yes
Unit: 17th Michigan "stonewall regiment"
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Commanding Officer (with @): @VI-[17thMI] Col. Istuldragev
Number of attendance (valued): 7-10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): yes (we can convert if necessary)
I have read the rules and accepted (yes): Yes
Unit: 44th Alabama
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Commanding officer (with @): @[44thAL(Co.A)]1stLt Ringo,j
Number of attendance (valued): 12
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): no
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
12-14-2021, 11:07 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 15-19
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
01-05-2022, 08:35 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 15-19
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
01-11-2022, 06:29 AM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 13-17
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
01-19-2022, 01:05 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
01-19-2022, 10:43 PM
Unit: 7th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Co. G
Faction (Union/CSA): USA
Commanding officer (with @): @7thIN | Cpt. Dikmeister @7thIN | 2nd Lt. Dutch
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Line
We have an artillery section (yes/no): No
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
01-20-2022, 05:00 PM
Unit: 5th U.S. Cavalry & 2d U.S. Artillery, Horse Battery A "Tidball's Battery"
Faction (Union/CSA): Union
Time zone (NA/EU): NA & EU
Commanding officer (with link): Capt. Johnson Jewbacca#5907
Number of attendance (valued): 15 - 20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): Cavalry (Skirmishers) or Line
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): Yes (unaware if coming though) 3-5
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
Jack Stone
01-24-2022, 05:20 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 15-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
01-31-2022, 09:30 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 15-19
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
02-03-2022, 04:37 PM
Jack Stone
02-09-2022, 06:43 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 15-19
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
02-16-2022, 05:30 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
02-23-2022, 01:36 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
03-02-2022, 02:02 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
03-09-2022, 03:07 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
03-15-2022, 05:44 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
03-22-2022, 12:46 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
03-29-2022, 06:31 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
04-05-2022, 07:04 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
04-13-2022, 10:41 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
04-19-2022, 04:21 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
04-26-2022, 03:48 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
05-04-2022, 03:35 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 16-20
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
05-21-2022, 01:16 PM
Unit: Peach Corps
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Commanding officer: @[13thGA] Cpt. Rollo @[13thGA] Cpt. That1Guy @24thGA(B) CPT Cronk @pearl
Number of attendance (valued): 25-45
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/5-15
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
05-25-2022, 06:34 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
Jack Stone
06-10-2022, 10:08 PM
Unit: 22nd Virginia Comp. B & Brown´s Battery
Faction (Union/CSA): CSA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding officer (with link): Captain Jack Stone
Number of attendance (valued): 14-18
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers): line with skirmish as option
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): yes/4
I have read the rules and accept (yes): yes
06-14-2022, 12:16 PM
Unit: 1stMA.S.S.
Faction (Union/CSA): USA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding Officer: 2ndLt.Shas'ol
Number of attendance (valued): 5 - 10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmshers
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): no
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
06-17-2022, 07:11 PM
Unit: 71st Pennsylvania
Faction: USA
Time zone: NA (EST)
Commanding officer:
Number of attendance: 5-10
Preferred role: Skirmishers
We have an artillery section: no
I have read the rules and accept: yes
06-25-2022, 07:09 AM
Unit: 1stMA.S.S.
Faction (Union/CSA): USA
Time zone (NA/EU): EU
Commanding Officer: 2ndLt.Shas'ol
Number of attendance (valued): 5 - 10
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers):Skirmshers
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers): no
I have read the rules and accept (yes): Yes
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