View Full Version : Battlefield Salvage - Scavenging

11-13-2015, 02:18 PM
To be historically accurate, will our characters be able to scavenge anything from the battlefield, to suppliment their own supplies/equipment? If I see a dead soldier with a full ammo pouch, a pistol...or a pack, or bedroll if mine is missing, will I be able to have my character pick up the item(s) to 1) add to my supplies, and 2) keep the enemy from using them against us?

Just wondering.


A. P. Hill
11-13-2015, 02:40 PM
Would be ultra realistic.

11-13-2015, 03:22 PM
That would be amazing

Theodor Schmidt
11-13-2015, 03:24 PM
You should be able to scavenge weapons, bandages and ammunition.

Bandages and ammunition is pretty easy, just you will need to limit the amount person.

Weapons, not so. You should be limited to 1 firearm and 1 melee weapon. You should also lose 'skill' with unfamiliar weapons. Cavalry men should not be able to use a musket effectively, enlisted should not be too good with a pistol etc etc. This will be useful to stop people looting more advanced weapons if historically they wouldn't have them, like you see in North & South.

A. P. Hill
11-13-2015, 03:59 PM
If they loot "advanced weapons", they are useful until you run out of advanced ammunition. Since it most likely wasn't provided by the quartermaster.

Theodor Schmidt
11-13-2015, 11:13 PM
If they loot "advanced weapons", they are useful until you run out of advanced ammunition. Since it most likely wasn't provided by the quartermaster.

yes that too, my only concern is that with multiple respawns you'll end up with alot of extra stuff lying around.

A. P. Hill
11-13-2015, 11:15 PM
Fire wood was at a premium sometimes. ;)

Patrick Kurtz
11-14-2015, 02:36 AM
That would be so great.

11-14-2015, 08:26 PM
I just imagine an advance, where a Johnny Reb is cut down before he can fire his latest reload. As my character steps over him, I pick up his weapon, discharge it toward the Confederate lines (hopefully successfully hitting an enemy) then drop it and continue the advance. My weapon is still ready to go, and there's one fewer enemy to worry about. And what soldier wouldn't want a pistol tucked into his belt (or holster), to cover himself in case of an enemy approaching while he and others in his platoon are in the middle of reloading?


11-14-2015, 11:48 PM
The whole 'camp life' is likely to not be in the game so thinking about scavenging bed rolls and cooking pots is perhaps going too far into it.

I think that looting ammo shouldn't just be a tap to pick up but instead take a few seconds of holding down a key just to see if and how much ammo they have so as to simulate your guy fumbling through their pockets

A. P. Hill
11-15-2015, 01:01 AM
...I think that looting ammo shouldn't just be a tap to pick up but instead take a few seconds of holding down a key just to see if and how much ammo they have so as to simulate your guy fumbling through their pockets

Good idea Sir!

William F. Randolph
11-15-2015, 02:16 AM
Very good idea a nice animation would be in order for that!

11-15-2015, 12:04 PM
To be historically accurate, will our characters be able to scavenge anything from the battlefield, to suppliment their own supplies/equipment? If I see a dead soldier with a full ammo pouch, a pistol...or a pack, or bedroll if mine is missing, will I be able to have my character pick up the item(s) to 1) add to my supplies, and 2) keep the enemy from using them against us?

Just wondering.


Thats a really nice idea i need to say

11-15-2015, 09:04 PM
The whole 'camp life' is likely to not be in the game so thinking about scavenging bed rolls and cooking pots is perhaps going too far into it.

I think that looting ammo shouldn't just be a tap to pick up but instead take a few seconds of holding down a key just to see if and how much ammo they have so as to simulate your guy fumbling through their pockets

Except that wasn't carried in soldiers' pockets. I'd just grab their cartridge box and percussion cap box and go. Inventory it later.


11-16-2015, 04:20 AM
I personally don't see why this mechanic wouldn't be great, and wouldn't fit in with the game and atmosphere well! :D

11-16-2015, 08:48 PM
Just don't try to do it while under fire unless you are out of ammo and about to be killed otherwise. :)


11-16-2015, 08:50 PM
Something that would be cool, but should not be put it, would be if you were able to pick a memento for your guy like a picture or a watch. Other players could do it. You could then loot one another and build a memento stash of other people's stuff xD

11-17-2015, 05:17 AM
Something that would be cool, but should not be put it, would be if you were able to pick a memento for your guy like a picture or a watch. Other players could do it. You could then loot one another and build a memento stash of other people's stuff xD

You're cruel, you know that? Heh heh...

Then, the next morning, after the battle; you know there would be a couple guys like this...

"Pssst... Wanna buy a watch?"



11-18-2015, 07:08 AM
Well i remember that it has been said, that a player will be able to pick up weapons from friend or foe and i dont see a problem here. As a "dogface" i would be happy to pick up a revolver before getting into close quarters ;)

11-21-2015, 02:54 PM
Something that would be cool, but should not be put it, would be if you were able to pick a memento for your guy like a picture or a watch. Other players could do it. You could then loot one another and build a memento stash of other people's stuff xDI would love that. Pictures, recruitment papers, even readable diaries?

12-10-2015, 06:39 AM
Thats a cool idea. Might be a bit hard to do for every soldier, but maybe looting someone important like a Colonel might get you a pocket watch or something fancy like that as a trophy.

12-10-2015, 10:37 AM
Thats a cool idea. Might be a bit hard to do for every soldier, but maybe looting someone important like a Colonel might get you a pocket watch or something fancy like that as a trophy.

nice like in steam a inventory if you get like a card or something if you do something special like a loooong range shot or if you kill a person with Brigade general tier that you get like a "pocket watch" if you killed him ^^

:P would be cool a trophy and things killed 100, 500 and 1000 men like "Musket" in bronze Silber gold or "Bayonet" for melee kills :P and so on

Maximus Decimus Meridius
12-10-2015, 10:50 AM
But that would be cool to collect some stuff and store it in your own tent or sth like that.

Jeffrey Miller
01-04-2016, 06:43 AM
I hope since there will be a camp in-game that we can have our own tent that we can customize, like having a tin type of our girl back home and so on.

Jeffrey Miller
01-04-2016, 06:52 AM
Maybe an old fruit jar we can drink our liquor from :)

Jeffrey Miller
01-04-2016, 06:53 AM
nice like in steam a inventory if you get like a card or something if you do something special like a loooong range shot or if you kill a person with Brigade general tier that you get like a "pocket watch" if you killed him ^^

:P would be cool a trophy and things killed 100, 500 and 1000 men like "Musket" in bronze Silber gold or "Bayonet" for melee kills :P and so on

Love it! Just what I was thinking earlier. Some reward for an astounding event.

01-04-2016, 08:07 AM
Watch the triple post there buddy.

01-04-2016, 09:13 AM
The whole 'camp life' is likely to not be in the game so thinking about scavenging bed rolls and cooking pots is perhaps going too far into it.

I think that looting ammo shouldn't just be a tap to pick up but instead take a few seconds of holding down a key just to see if and how much ammo they have so as to simulate your guy fumbling through their pockets

Yeh, it's a nice idea on paper but in practice it might detract from Gameplay. From a point of view of realism, wouldn't soldiers have been encouraged to hold on to their own equipment and only scavenge stuff well after a battle had finished? If such mechanics were implemented I could see people just going round swapping Weapons constantly which might actually be counter to what the devs intend.

Something that would be cool, but should not be put it, would be if you were able to pick a memento for your guy like a picture or a watch. Other players could do it. You could then loot one another and build a memento stash of other people's stuff xD

That would be kind of cool, or if after a Battle your character would randomly get an item like this (The better your team performed or the bigger the scale of the victory determining how many/how good the items you'd get would be).

Like say if during a round you Hit an Officer, the item you'd get would be an 'Officer tier' memento.

01-04-2016, 06:47 PM
while we're at it we can make it like cs:go so you can sell the different tier mementos for different prices on steam

01-04-2016, 07:17 PM
while we're at it we can make it like cs:go so you can sell the different tier mementos for different prices on steam

Cs:go and WoR. 2 things that never need to be alike

01-04-2016, 07:17 PM
The Rebs will be all over Dunker Church scavaging for shoes

01-04-2016, 07:29 PM
while we're at it we can make it like cs:go so you can sell the different tier mementos for different prices on steam

Please never associate these two game together again. It made me cry

01-04-2016, 08:53 PM
cs:go have cracked some really essential codes in which any game can learn an take notes from. Although the games is not directly comparable, we know how successful skins are, or said in the grand scheme "cosmetic personal items". This could be things you unlock after playing/buying, and instead of gun skins it could be everything from the option of religious necklaces, hat decorations and captured enemy equipment like kepis, belts, canteens and other enemy clothing. In this game you could also take a new path with veterans getting to stand a bit out from the fresh regiments or something in that direction, having the uniforms getting dirtier, dustier and more ragged after the amount of battles you take part in (of cours having it optional and have the change go slow).
Im also hoping (believing) that this game will rely most on the skill of teamplay, but also not forget to have a learning curve for the individual soldiers performance alone in the group.

In the comparison, the personal items is not a must have, but do not underestimate its power to bind people that little extra to their character and the game. Im not a cs:go fanboy at all, but it might be comparable in serten ways. Most important is that cs:go has got individual skill as a good base, but have teamplay as the gamechanger, which I hope WoR go for.

Sorry if I have mentioned some of this in a similar thread long time ago, but it might be to some kind of help, althought from my view point its nothing more then speculations and ideas until otherwise confirmed :D

01-04-2016, 09:59 PM
It was supposed to be a joke but now that Josy Wales posted I guess we could have something like personal items

01-04-2016, 10:26 PM
What have I done?!

01-04-2016, 10:50 PM
You caused a trans-cs:go person to come out.

01-04-2016, 11:37 PM
What have I done?!
You should be both ashamed and proud. I think...

cs:go.... please no... *writhes on the floor in pain*

01-04-2016, 11:48 PM
I don't know how I should feel! *curls up in ball as brain give up*

Jeffrey Miller
01-04-2016, 11:58 PM
Watch the triple post there buddy.

Sorry I got a little too excited!

01-05-2016, 12:45 AM
I don't get it with people and cs:go. What is the appeal? I don't have any other game I regret buying more than that one. The controls are wonky, the community is filled with trash-talking 10-year olds, it's basically call of duty on the PC.

01-05-2016, 01:05 AM
yeah my friend convinced me to buy it too. worst decision of my life

01-05-2016, 02:46 AM
cs:go have cracked some really essential codes in which any game can learn an take notes from.

Yeh, because that's what he was saying, make it a CS clone? lol.

Elitism in Gaming really irks me especially in FPS', I started out playing un-realistic FPS' then over timed moved to more realistic ones which I think is what happens with most people that are into these Games. So to then jump on the Band-wagon of saying 'Yeh, those Games are so terrible' as if it buffs your 'Credentials' as a Player is just Short sighted.

At the end of the day no matter how realistic WOR tries to be and how arcadey something like CS:GO is, they're both FPS' so parallels can be drawn between the two. To ignore what works and what doesn't in other Games will likely lead to time needlessly being wasted in development, they should extrapolate what they can from other Games and fine tune it to what they want to make in WOR.

"WOR will have a respawn system? COD Clone!!! And you're telling me it'll have projectile Weapons? Then it's an obvious CS clone!!!"

01-07-2016, 10:20 PM
I'm not saying it's a bad game to buff my "Credentials", but because I genuinely think it's one of the worst games I've ever played. On another note, I never was into FPS games, until I discovered there were ones that tried to be realistic. R21, you do raise a fair point however, and many people may think that, however I am not one of them. Whatever shenanigans that CS:GO is trying to make money from, they're working. That's really all I have to say: Terrible game, but they're doing something right. I'm not entirely sure what it is(I've actually played that little of the game) but someone here ought to know. R21 is definitely right in saying the devs shouldn't ignore what works and what doesn't in other games.