Nurse of 16 years. I took a job until I find the job. I ironically work on a surg/onc floor. In TX we are hurting for onc nurses. Chordie Guitar Chords and Lyrics IntenseDebate - MonicaMechling
Hey i need some help as i bought corporal and than i raised my pledge Hey i need some help as i bought corporal and than i raised my pledge to captain and i never got a email about the game or nothing all i want to do is play this game for a week now and no one will respond to help me like what is going on? this makes me feel like i should have not bought this game if the support cant help its customers.
Hello Dev. Not sure if you can help and please bare with me. I just wanted to ask if these uniforms from South Carolina, (Principally the Charleston rifles and "Union Light") Would be present or customisable at full release? Shamelessly they are the prettiest civil war era uniforms I've seen for the CSA and couldn't think of a better uniform to cut a dash with (brown fur hat and green fringes really does it for me). Many thanks, Semaj