- Age
- 57
About William G. Overend
- Biography:
- Born in 1836 in London, England. He came to California by the Panama route and did some mining at Forest Hill and in Virginia City, finally settling in San Francisco. He was a man of good education and of some artistic talent as a painter and sketcher, doing some work for Harper's Weekly and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Magazine. During the civil war he did some military service on this coast, being a Lieutenant in the Second California Cavalry, serving for a time as Acting Assisting Adjutant-General on Governor Low's staff, and at another time as Quartermaster of his regiment. Saw much action in this period in the Snake War.
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General Information
- Last Activity
- 07-26-2018 09:27 AM
- Join Date
- 05-23-2017
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- 0
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