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  1. i would like to extend my offer to this group to form under the 3rd Corps as its whole being for all units to have a home as a untied Company Corps all historical units.. to form a conglomerate where no one is above the other no matter what the side or the uniform as i talked to you at one point and time before i left the 5th SC an had my idea stolen by its commander then used it to get you all into first corps as its original forming was as such for all units big or small to come theatergoer even tho we fight in a game with side that does not mean we most be strictly held to that side only and that working together we can achieve the goals we all set out for ????
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About GeorgiaHound4

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About GeorgiaHound4
Buffalo, New York


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07-19-2019 12:04 PM
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03-04-2021 11:29 PM
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