Awesome news :D
Type: Posts; User: Rithal
Awesome news :D
Nice. Really cool that this is still being developed. At this point I'm looking forward to the mods more than new Total War games.
Either hitting "R" to continue the reload when an on screen prompt appears or hitting "1, 2" and "3" in the correct order could work well for this system. Something like this would do a lot to...
Anyone heard when the alpha will be out? I bought the $30 tier a few months back and haven't heard a date other than early 2018.
The same team (or at least some of the team) is in the process of making a Civil War mod including a campaign map for Shogun 2. Might be worth a look. Its on the Steam workshop.
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of battles represented in the scenarios. Although it seems like some of the units lack the uniqueness that's present in the ETW mod.
It's out. Download can be found here:
The American Civil War mod for Napoleon Total War will be updating tomorrow to 2.0. It will feature 43 historically accurate battlefields.
Check it out:...
I play guitar and mess around with the banjo and keyboard.
Yes... :)
It definitely was very cool.
Welcome to the forum! :)
We had about 5 million more people in Middle Tennessee for the eclipse. I drove about 30 miles and got 100% totality. It was pretty interesting but the traffic was ungodly.
Off-topic posts have been removed. Company threads are for the discussion and formation of companies. They're not here for everyone to chime in and provide their personal opinion on the matter. If...
I may be stating the obvious but the article is satirical I do believe. :)
It does bring up the discussion of applying the values of today to people of the past. Whether or not that's right will...
Welcome to Archer's Brigade. The 14th Tennessee will make a proud addition to the division.
Looking forward to working with you. Add me on Steam when you get a chance. (My Steam name is "Rithal")
I'm not sure about the practicality of having a field hospital so close to the front lines. :)
I'm also from Tennessee, so I can see why you might be interested in having a soldier on both sides. The same character in the company tool can not be in a company on both sides at the same time,...
As others have said, make sure to use the search function to see if your suggestion or question has already been brought up in another thread. Only make a new thread when its necessary.
Apparently in the Supreme Court case Nix v. Hedden, tomatoes and any other grown crops that are grown and eaten in a manner of a vegetable (including potatoes) are to be legally taxed and sold as...
I'll have to agree with Trusty on this. I don't have a whole lot of play time compared to some others, but nearly every time I'm on there's someone at least attempting to organize a line and most...
Several bayonet stabs from someone in a regiment that's not "elite" will make you just as dead as several bayonet stabs from a regiment that is "elite." :)
Interesting suggestion, but like you said I could easily something like this being abused. :)
Try to verify your cache in Steam if you haven't done so already. If you need help with that, refer to this article:
If verifying...
Moved to Off Topic. :)
Well a major difference between Squad's placeables and the use of trenches in the ground, is one involves the modification of the actual terrain. That being the construction of trenches. I'm not sure...
Welcome to our new Chief of Staff. :)