Yea, I just realized that. To be fair, they also served in the Eastern Theatre toward the end of the war.
Type: Posts; User: Historical Player
Yea, I just realized that. To be fair, they also served in the Eastern Theatre toward the end of the war.
I tried to create the 36th Virginia Company D and there is no 36th in the regiment list. Can this be fixed soon so I can form my company?
Maybe you can use any extra money as starting funds for your next project! I would love to see a whole series of Civil War games from Campfire Games!
Will do sir!
Will you guys support the modding community for War of Rights? I would love to see a Revolutionary War, or WW1 Mod come from this game.
I would have been terrified of sharpshooters during the war!
If you can take a minute and check out my Civil War episode of my Podcast. I talk with a known person in the War of Rights Community about the Civil War....
The obvious problem that comes to mind is trolls who get on and play music or scream in their mics while everyone else is trying to be serious. I wish each regiment had their own courier and send...
Cavalry wasn't really used for fighting as much in the Civil War. They were used to scout out enemy lines and occasionally attacking artillery or sharpshooters.
The first thing I'll do is explore the battlefield and compare it with my pictures from my Antietam trip.
I want to see New Market, Gettysburg, Shilo, Bull Run, and Waynesboro.
36th Virginia shall dominate the battlefield once again!
HAHAHA! I love that!
Plus, I get to do things no one else gets to do. What other public school kid gets to play with a World War 2 Authentic M-1 Grand that was actually used. I named it "Legion."
Thanks so much! I do not plan on enlisting, the army isn't for me.
I am applying to be Med Officer for Charlie Company. This will bump me up to either Corporal, or Sargent.
I don't care, I'm bringing my 36th Virginia Infantry to War of Rights. =D
Hmm, that would be pretty cool, but I would like this to be able to be switched for different events.
I would be tempted to kill all civilians before the other players. Cannon fire into a families morning breakfast.
I am the Colonel of the 36th Virginia Infantry.
So many people woke up that morning without knowing they would never go back to sleep in their tents. They are up in Heaven with God and his Brigade of Angel's. God Bless them all, Union and...
How dare you say that!
I will more than likely donate my hard earned money for the possibility of killing some yanks!
I know I will never forget this! I have finally learned "Column March".