God. Fucking kill me now. I really hope we have a lot of Mavericks on December 19th.
Type: Posts; User: Pvt.Scott
God. Fucking kill me now. I really hope we have a lot of Mavericks on December 19th.
Welp. Better make my opinion heard here.
Anyway, I am still pretty pissed at the election. But, I really don't feel like getting to a massive debate.
But, I will always believe that Hillary...
:( I don't watch enough football. Green Bay is my favorite team. But, I don't get it. :(
Well, there wasn't drugs back then, so, he wasn't on that.
Who do you think will win the Major League Baseball World Series?
For me it's either the LA Dodgers or Toronto.
This is my new favorite song. :cool:
Hey! You're just like me! Like to write stories and other things, but is bad at it! I also like to make short stories and other projects like that. But I usually give up at some point. I also though...
I don't understand why people and himself call him a good businessman. Having 4 bankruptcies doesn't make you a good business man.
Too lazy. I will go hunting though after I post this. But im also watching Anime. And I don't understand Japanese.
Well, this shows that Donald Trump is a lying Hypocrite. And he is a failure as a business man. So him fixing the economy will make it worse. I honestly am amazed at how many people in this country...
Oh. That ships sailed long, long, long ago.
I hope you like this failure of a being.
Now that we have the company tool. Join us! If only they had the Rufus Dawes avatar. :(
Just register and sign up today!
Commanded by Rufus Dawes. Not that other guy btw.
Okay. I can not reply to anyone's post because everyone brings up different points. Here is my thoughts summed up.
I hate Donald Trump, I would cry out in joy at his death if he died before the...
also genuis!
Hey guys, look! It's youtube's new logo!
No. We cant can we.
I want a game kind of like "Naval Action" except you can build and design your own ships and sail with them. All these wonderful ideas!
Apparently, Yesterday was also the day when Operation Market Garden also took place.
It was then. 2 days later. LocJope was found dead in his chair. The murderer left the note reading "Its Bravescot, not BraveScot, Faggot." Then Bravescot was never seen again. Urban Legend says if...
Hi BraveScot! :D