So after some time I'm guessing this forum isn't used by the greater community or the development team.
Type: Posts; User: Charles Caldwell
So after some time I'm guessing this forum isn't used by the greater community or the development team.
Nice idea
Hi all
Ive been away from the game for some time. Hows the state of play, I jumped in last night to see visually the game has come a long way, it's awesome in fact, but was shocked at the lack of...
It has for sure, joined the 4th and enjoying it again. So perhaps a tweaked USER.CFG may work?
I fully appreciate the 'feel' you are trying to achieve in-game, but is there any way to saturate the colours more in-game? Or could it be an option graphically later in development?
Troup's Battery is mustering again!
Good stuff, thanks for the reply!
Is this STILL an issue after so many patches? Has there been any fixes or workarounds?
I tried all night to join a NON full server, even empty servers and I'm still receiving 'Server full' notifications... excellent connection speed, verified files, restarted system, steam and game...
Thanks will do
I understand its a 5 min job to implement. ;)
I would back these changes 100%....small problem though, the Devs dont take too kindly to any form of criticism of their current system. In their defence though they have built a fantastic...
Good luck boys!
Huge patch, but yet no real substance.... I must stop getting excited when I see these updates, its not good for my health.
I'll hold you to that! ;)
True I was, but then we hardly scrapped together a handful of the 42nd some nights, I had hoped with all the recruits since then you guys fielded better teams. As for two time zones, 2100 hours...
Battalion strength: 70
- Officers - 2
- NCOs - 6
- Enlisted men - 60
70 is pretty large (if its up to date) considering 100 in the max currently!
Which is ironic coming from one of the largest Companies in the game!!! ;)
Nice, thank you. Sadly Im at work but best of luck!
Surely its a blessing in disguise, I mean, who wants recruits who play once and then join the first Company that offers recruitment.
Think of it as a form of filtering, the wheat from the chaff!
Sorry are we playing the same game?
Agreed +1
Nope you are right, you never say Mil Sim, thats left hanging in the following, and for the reader to interpret!
With LEAD rounds?
PS: Nice avoidance btw ;)
I much appreciate the new feature, thank you, but I cant believe 'Veteran' players endorsed less player freedom on the battlefield (with tighter 'line' controls) and also agreeing to finally putting...