Picture of the 14thTN Co.G at our first event in WoR. Was a good one boys. Looking forward to next Saturday.
Type: Posts; User: Captain Snow
Picture of the 14thTN Co.G at our first event in WoR. Was a good one boys. Looking forward to next Saturday.
Welcome to the Confederacy, boys. Good luck!
Nice page. Good luck!
Nice screenshots. Good luck!
Welcome to the home of the
14th Tennessee, Company G!
Is this event still active?
Company name changed from A to G. Pre-existing Company A did not have a company group on the WoR site, so I was completely unaware of their existence. Since it appears I cannot alter the thread...
We are attending large event Sunday, July 8th. Any and all who would like to join our ranks are welcome.
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
Community event this Sunday night. Anyone interested contact me on Steam. 12thVA(Co.A)Snow
Thanks. Look forward to seeing you gentlemen on the battlefield.
Great icons. Will be very useful, thanks.
Company Disbanded
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
Good luck from the 12th Virginia.
I am unable to create new posts. Is this because my profile email doesn't match the one I used to purchase Captain tier? Any help would be appreciated.