Viel Erfolg der Winkler Legion wir sehen uns auf dem Schlachtfeld :D
Type: Posts; User: William
Viel Erfolg der Winkler Legion wir sehen uns auf dem Schlachtfeld :D
Super Thread :D viel erfolg mit der Legion :D
Thanks for that, i agree, same here we are making no events until PW server aswell........beacuse its just useless
Yes, Yes and Yes again!
It´s the servers the Companys pay for so its up to them if they use a password or not.
Like a other post before if you get a car or other tool you can use it aswell as...
Aye but Regiments who behave like monkeys are not invited to our events, and sadly the behaving publics are a little amount, at least by taking orders from Companys on events.
Hallelujah, Thank you Sir!
i couldn't say it better!
I understand what you mean, i can only speak for myself and the most of my Community.
We dont want to lock public players out, but must of us buyed the game because they wanted realism events,...
in my opinion, the only thing is that the melee is better and that you can play as cav and arty, but arty and cav will show up here aswell.
So for me there is no really reason to go back but still...
Wrong Bouard
that should be in a Company Thread or in a thread with screenshots or videos but not on the General board :)
But Still good Video well done
maybe because its a password thread not a arty thread.
Yes, like this Saturday....
The TGV (German Volunteers - a German Community of 4 Companys) tried to make a Event and invited 3 other Companys to our Server.
It was a disaster, we couldn´t balance...
Thanks for all the work you put into that List nice work !
Really nicely done map!
And what a sexy idea!
Ich kann Maximus nur zustimmen,
im Normalfall sind unsere Befehle usw immer in english, nur wenn wir unter uns sind bzw. wenn es etwas schwereres zu erklären gibt.
Damit hatte bis jetzt auch noch...
Nach längerem mal wieder den Thread beleben :D
Thanks Mr Mosby!
Congratulations Mr. Schimmelfennig :)
These are some nice pictures :D
Mr Templar will be in trial period for a month in the Staff with the Rank of a Lieutenant.
- congratulations
Mr Templar will be in trial period for a month in the Staff with the Rank of a Lieutenant.
- congratulations
Dear Mr DarkTemplar,
Thanks for the appliaction, I have read it and i will inform you soon, about my decision.
Legion Command
Dear Mr DarkTemplar,
Thanks for the appliaction, I have read it and i will inform you soon, about my decision.
Legion Command
Vergesst nicht, der Legions Stab sucht immer nach engagierten Offiziere die den Stab unterstützen und bei der Administration helfen.
Don´t forget the Legion Staff always searches for new Officers...
Vergesst nicht, der Legions Stab sucht immer nach engagierten Offiziere die den Stab unterstützen und bei der Administration helfen.
Don´t forget the Legion Staff always searches for new Officers...
Vielleicht finden ja noch mehr den weg in diesen Thread :D