EDIT 30May2023
Type: Posts; User: TawGrey
EDIT 30May2023
3d Arkansas Co. H has formed!
Come and say "hello" / "hallo"
We are fun and casual yet serious and professional -
Veteran & Family Friendly.
Click Here for Steam
Click Here for Discord
Shenendoah Valley "Chosen Men" Regulars Battalion
Or, simply "Shenandoah," or "SV,"
.. is a Veteran & Family Friendly group.
Our focus is to be as professional as possible, and to enjoy...
SV is Shenandoah Valley "Chosen Men" Regulars Battalion.
Currently, we are a small group - still, we join in events in which servers may be full. And, because our members...
A good & fun event, and nice to have something on a Wednesday,
~ TawGrey, CO of Poague's Battery A
A good & fun event, and nice to have something on a Wednesday,
EDIT - no idea how to use the "bells & whistles" of this site or to delete this superflous post lol
Shenandoah Valley "Chosen Men" does have strict requirements,
not specifically by age as much as of "character:"
EU, NA, & AUS time zones are when we have events:
we have members from...
previously mentioned that we were fomring cavalry -
Update - for the present, our Texans are to become our cavalry.
Sign up:
We would like to be considered in joining the "Untold" Campaign
Poague's Battery A
Faction (Union/CSA):
Very easy to see - there is a 2nd something in the compay tool which has every company of that regiment fullly mustered in a single day, and the "naming convention" of the ten names in each of those...
Events Weekends & Weekdays,
and in [EU/NA/AUS] time zones.
Shenandoah Valley "Chosen Men" Regulars
We train as Artillery-Sharpshooters.
Formally we are 3rd Arkansas Company "H."
EDIT - 31 May 2024
As a group we're more than 3 years old!
So far, we are:
3rd Arkansas H
7th Michigan
4th Texas K
Each is founed by natives or those with ancestors from those states.
I played Planetside 2, because my older son looks at alot of games mainly to see what is "out there," because he is a programmer. I got to be Friends with another player there, and watched him also...
When demoted to private - there is certainly plenty more a troll can do. And, not only go to the other side.
As I will always be saying: nothing I know other than having GMs will keep them out.
Between the M1842, M1853, M1841, and Le Mat or Colt Walker - and Sharps ofc...
Think the M1842 for the somewhat mutiple uses of it.
Here is a link to the Artillerist's Manual, authored by John Gibbon {a historic Union general officer that many know very well} which all may download freely.
Also, this site is a online public...
Frankly, I had, in the past, a long long time ago - lol - played a bugle in summer camp...
I was in the school marching band until I graduated high school {secondary school}. And, later, I did...
I take the map illustrations of the blue or red "formation bars" as the future planning for a "left, right, center" sort of convention where three groups of them are drawn onto them that show the...
Speaking to one of the troll problems, some sort of game mechanic that will sanction the arty trolls who shoot the Friendly cannon next to the one they use to shoot it.
Well, I suppose someone could do their own field testing - if they got the money for it?
trailrockordnance - is a site that sells reproduction cannons, carts, and acessories.
Ah ok, was windering what I may be missing there,
Ok, am alright now.
No need to delete that profile.
Still unable to post a new thread, am guessing that there is some sort of time-out?
I did click to the activation e-mail and got a...