Q: What would the minimum specs for this game be?
A: First of all, no requirements have been announced yet as the game is still in development and optimizations will happen.
Second, please don't compare us to ancient engines like Mount and Blade. If you want an idea of scalability and a general level of hardware needed, check out other CRYENGINE games such as the Crysis series, Ryse, Miscreated or Star Citizen.
Example of the Ryse specs
Q: When will the game be released?
A: We have no release date yet. The technical alpha was announced in march, which will be the first play test. There is no starting date for the technical alpha yet
Q: How do I take part in the alpha/beta tests?
A: If you want to take part in the closed tests, you have to pledge for the game. To be able to take part in the closed alpha, you need at least the Captain Rank (69 Dollar).
For the closed beta, you need at least the Sergeant Rank (35 Dollar).
Q: Will there be maps for all battlefields? Can we play all civil war battles in the game?
A: No, War of Rights features the Maryland Campaign of 1862 - with the major battles like Shepherdstown, South Mountain, Harpers Ferry and Antietam.
Q: What about battles like Gettysburg?
A: In the future, we would like to extend to different campaigns of the Civil War. One of it could be the Gettysburg Campaign.