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Thread: ♦ The German Volunteers [EU/NA] ♦

  1. #1

    ♦ The German Volunteers ♦

    Wer sind wir

    Die "German Volunteers" sind ein deutschsprachiger Community-Verbund, bestehend aus Companys aller Truppengattungen und mit Einheiten aus beiden Lagern der kämpfenden Fraktionen.
    Unser Ziel ist es eine gut organisierte aber dennoch auf Spielspaß ausgerichtete Community aufzubauen, welche deutschsprachigen Spielern die Möglichkeit bietet eine zu ihnen passende Company zu finden, oder einfach War of Rights aus der Perspektive einer eingespielten Einheit zu erleben. Viele unsere Companys basieren deshalb auf historischen Vorbildern deutscher Einheiten was sich aus Spitznamen wie "The German Volunteers","Sigels Rifles" oder "German Rangers" ableiten lässt. Organisiert sind wir als loser Verbund der beteiligten Einheiten die gemeinsam in und an der gemeinsamen Community arbeiten und sich gegenseitig unterstützen. Dabei ist jede einzelne Einheit absolut unabhängig und allen anderen gleichgestellt. Regelmäßige Treffen der Companys ermöglichen es uns sich weiter auszutausch und für die Community relevante Entscheidungen auf demokratischer Basis zu treffen. Sollte War of Rights mal nicht im Mittelpunkt stehen, präsentieren wir uns als waschechter Gamingclan wo alle gängigen Spieletitel zu finden sind.

    Neben unseren Bestehenden Einheiten sind wir auch gerne Bereit neu gegründete Companys in unseren Verbund aufzunehmen und ihnen, falls gewünscht, Starthilfe in allen relevanten Belangen zu geben,
    sowie sie an allen unserer Aktionen teilhaben zu lassen.

    About us:

    The German Volunteers is a community of likeminded German companies for the game War of Rights fighting for both Factions,
    which will strife to provide a fun gaming experience for anyone interested in the German participation in the US Civil War.
    All participating companies are either historically mostly german companies, are german based communities
    or have a general interest in building a community around the german side of the Civil War.

    Our Goal is to build a gaming community around these common factors, and to build a Website and Teamspeak for common use.
    We are a loose federation without a rigid rank structure and treat each participating company as equal among all others.
    The community guidelines and rules to be determined and layed out are our overarching way of organising the community,
    with each company being allowed complete freedom in treating internal affairs.

    Was können dir die "German Volunteers" bieten:
    Eigenen Community TeamSpeak & Discord.
    Eine Website mit angeschlossenem Forum.
    Regelmäßige Events mit europäischer oder amerikanischer Beteiligung.
    Eine freundliche und aufgeschlossene Community in deutscher Sprache.
    Mehr als fast 3 Jahre Erfahrung.
    Ein hohes know-how über die deutsche Beteiligung im Bürgerkrieg.
    Einheitlicher Drill mit historischen Formationen, basierend auf einem von der Community erstellten Drillbook.
    Kontakte in die internationale Community von War of Rights.

    Wie kann man uns beitreten
    Wenn ihr eine Company seid und Interesse habt euch den "German Volunteers" anzuschließen, dann kontaktiert einen unsere Company-Kommandeure und wir werden uns so schnell wie möglich bei euch melden.

    How to Join:

    Any companies who wish to be part of this community and feel like our approach is for them,
    please contact our Legion Commander or one of the company leaders specified below.

    If you are a player and are interested in joining the community,
    please head over to the threads of the individal member companies
    or contact the Company Commanders linked below for information on how to join them!

    We are also still searching for capable and reliable officers to join our Legion Staff!
    If you want to take part in shaping our community and help in organization and administration,
    please contact our Legion Commander Willhelm von Steinhausen.

    Brigade Commander:
    Captain Philip P. Slaughter
    head of the Community
    responsible for external affairs

    Brigade Executive Officer:
    2nd LieutenantTim
    2nd in Command - external affairs
    Event Admin

    Brigade Adjutant:
    Captain Paul Frank
    responsible for internal affairs
    Event Admin

    Participating Communities:

    Company A - 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment "The German Volunteers"

    Legion Commander: Captain Lemuel D. Todd (Lemuel)

    56th Virginia Infantry - Company A - "Mecklenburg Guards"

    Company Commander: Captain Philip P. Slaughter

    United States of America (USA) - 1 Members

    Confederate States of America (CSA) 3 Members

    Associations (USA)

    Associations (CSA)
    Alabama´s German Legion

    Infantry Companies
    Company A - 52nd New York Volunteer Infantry "German Rangers"

    Infantry Companies
    Company A - 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment "The German Volunteers"
    Company G - 8th Alabama Volunteer Infantry "German Fusileers"
    Company A - 56th Virginia Infantry "Mecklenburg Guards"

    Artillery Batteries
    Battery A - 1st New York Heavy Artillery Battalion, "Baden Artillery"

    Artillery Batteries
    Battery A - Hardaway's Battery
    Cavalry Companies

    Cavalry Companies


    52nd New York Volunteer Infantry

    18th North Carolina Infantry

    Steinwallen Besuche

    52nd New York Volunteer Infantry

    18th North Carolina Infantry

    Last edited by The German Volunteers; 01-05-2024 at 10:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Hinkel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

  3. #3

    CSA Private

    Diversey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Good luck

  4. #4

    USA Captain

    zerosius's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Thank you!

    Cpt. William Hexamer
    Battery Commander

    Battery A, 1st New Jersey Light Artillery
    The German Volunteers

  5. #5

    USA Brigadier General

    Maximus Decimus Meridius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinkel View Post

    Looks like you are happy

    Quote Originally Posted by Diversey View Post
    Good luck
    Thank you  02

  6. #6

    CSA Captain

    Sir Doctor Professor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Gulfport, Mississippi
    If you guys are willing to admit an additional unit we'd be interested in joining (our forum page and contact details can be found by clicking my signature image).
    Captain William Clark Falkner
    2nd Mississippi
    Company F

    "I'll tell you what war is about, you've got to kill people, and when you've killed enough they stop fighting." - Curtis LeMay
    "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." - Napoleon I
    "Cowards die many times before their actual deaths." - Julius Caesar

  7. #7

    The German Volunteers are proud to announce our new member company to lead our german volunteers into battle on horse!

    The Company I - 1st New York Cavalry Regiment "Lincoln" under the command of Captain Kiwi!
    Last edited by The German Volunteers; 05-20-2016 at 10:28 PM.

  8. #8

    USA Captain

    Grant97's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Good luck!
    Last edited by Grant97; 05-27-2016 at 05:55 PM.

  9. #9

    USA Brigadier General

    Maximus Decimus Meridius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    i think somebody should update this.........
    ZEROSIUS????  02

  10. #10

    USA Major

    Relativ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    localhost |
    I guess you'll need another update

    Second Lieutenant Paul Schüttner, Commander of the 18th NY Sharpshooter Section

    Enlist now!

    18th New York Infantry Regiment ("New York State Rifles")

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