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Thread: 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, Co. A, B ,C, D [EU][SPANISH]

  1. #41

    USA Brigadier General

    Etherton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bravescot View Post
    Tenford please just stop this. I've told you before not to take more than you can fill. You've got Company C with 3 men in it and Companies B, D and E don't even have officers. You were lucky to be given grace of even 3 companies but considering this is the 3rd time you've done this I'm I going to issue you with a final warning about this.

    You will be permitted Companies A, B and C only.
    you cant really do anything about him forming companies lol, he is forming them and is obviously yet to add and update rosters. He wouldnt be making more companies if he didnt have the men lol. Give him time to sort things, seems you arent aware of his numbers
    Last edited by Etherton; 06-22-2016 at 06:07 PM.

  2. #42

    USA General of the Army

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    Quote Originally Posted by Etherton View Post
    you cant really do anything about him forming companies lol, he is forming them and is obviously yet to add and update rosters. He wouldnt be making more companies if he didnt have the men lol. Give him time to sort things, seems you arent aware of his numbers
    I've had enough issues with people claiming more than they can so I'm a little on edge about it. Considering Tenford has, as I said, tried his luck before about claiming way too many companies I acted as I saw necessary. If he does have the numbers then he can show me via steam. I've given him the option to discuss it further with me and I don't doubt that he will.

  3. #43

    USA Brigadier General

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bravescot View Post
    I've had enough issues with people claiming more than they can so I'm a little on edge about it. Considering Tenford has, as I said, tried his luck before about claiming way too many companies I acted as I saw necessary. If he does have the numbers then he can show me via steam. I've given him the option to discuss it further with me and I don't doubt that he will.
    Well people can 'claim' yes and if they fail to deliver then thats a different story, Tenford has the men noted down to have 5 companies and he is still processing more, but he can still form them, if he fails to end up having the men ona roster then thats different but he is able to form Companies A,B,C,D and E. There is no requirement apon forming a company to have to message a forum moderator on steam to prove you can do it, he can form them and should he be unable to run them then you can take action to request him to no longer use it, but you cant say he just cant make them because you have doubts, thats not how things work.

  4. #44

    CSA Major

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    I like how this is allowed;

    But i have here the name of 128 people + the rest im going to recruit this summer and I am only allowed to take 3 companies

  5. #45

    USA General of the Army

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    Quote Originally Posted by Etherton View Post
    Well people can 'claim' yes and if they fail to deliver then thats a different story, Tenford has the men noted down to have 5 companies and he is still processing more, but he can still form them, if he fails to end up having the men ona roster then thats different but he is able to form Companies A,B,C,D and E. There is no requirement apon forming a company to have to message a forum moderator on steam to prove you can do it, he can form them and should he be unable to run them then you can take action to request him to no longer use it, but you cant say he just cant make them because you have doubts, thats not how things work.
    I'm doing this because he's done it before on two different occasions. I wouldn't bother about it otherwise. All I'm asking is simple proof of members and this can all be solved in a matter of minutes.

    I ask please though that you abide by forum rule No. 6 over this decision instead of filling up this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tenford View Post
    I like how this is allowed;

    But i have here the name of 128 people + the rest im going to recruit this summer and I am only allowed to take 3 companies
    That one slipped under my raider, for that I am sorry. It's hard to keep up when I'm the only one doing any leg work. I'll get on him asap.
    Last edited by Bravescot; 06-22-2016 at 07:04 PM.

  6. #46

    USA Brigadier General

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bravescot View Post
    That one slipped under my raider, for that I am sorry. It's hard to keep up when I'm the only one doing any leg work. I'll get on him asap.
    poor Bravescot but i think some forum members help you where they can

    If Tenford can shows a steamgroup or something like that with 1k members there would be no problem when he reserve the hole regiment ^^

    btw good luck to you  02

  7. #47

    CSA Major

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    We have a new website!

  8. #48

    USA Brigadier General

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenford View Post
    We have a new website!
    looks nice. a english version would be nice.

    my spanish is more then rusty ^^  02

  9. #49

    CSA Major

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximus Decimus Meridius View Post
    looks nice. a english version would be nice.

    my spanish is more then rusty ^^
    maybe we translate it to english one day xD

    AANNNND as now Bravescot saw the real people of the battalion in the ts, im taking company D too!

  10. #50

    CSA Corporal

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