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Thread: 55th New York Volunteer Infantry - Compagny A "Gardes de Lafayette"

  1. #1

    55th New York Volunteer Infantry - Compagny A "Gardes de Lafayette"

    Hello everyone !

    I will be working on the thread soon in september
    Last edited by Baptiste Caralot; 08-22-2016 at 10:29 PM.

  2. #2

    CSA Captain

    yoyo8346's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    A small correction: Lafayette is one word.

  3. #3

    USA Captain

    FakeMessiah27's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    Best of luck!

  4. #4

    USA Brigadier General

    michaelsmithern's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Statesville, North Carolina
    Good Luck my Dudes

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyo8346 View Post
    A small correction: Lafayette is one word.
    Hello, did you correct it ? I know how it was often written, but I can assure you in French it's "La Fayette", so it's highly possible that's the original colonel Régis de Trobriand was writing it like that.

    Thank you everyone !

  6. #6

    CSA Captain

    yoyo8346's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baptiste Caralot View Post
    Hello, did you correct it ? I know how it was often written, but I can assure you in French it's "La Fayette", so it's highly possible that's the original colonel Régis de Trobriand was writing it like that.

    Thank you everyone !
    Odd, because I've been to La Galerie Lafayette in Paris, and it was spelled in word word. Either way, good luck to you

  7. #7

    USA Captain

    Lyman Trumbull's Avatar
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    Best of luck from the 66th!

  8. #8

    USA Captain

    Grant97's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Welcome! Good luck to all of you

  9. #9
    thanks fot this
    Last edited by Becky44; 04-22-2024 at 12:00 PM.

  10. #10
    The New York Volunteer Infantry - Company A "Gardes de Lafayette" holds a distinguished place in American military history, embodying the spirit of unity and valor. Their legacy of service resonates through the ages, inspiring patriotism and courage. Additionally, their story serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring our veterans and their service. Perhaps while staying in university apartments USC, one can immerse oneself in the rich tapestry of their experiences and draw inspiration from their indomitable spirit. Moreover, their commitment to preserving freedom and democracy is a testament to their unwavering dedication. As we reflect on their contributions, it's essential to recognize the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers. In exploring their history, one can find a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

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