War Of Rights Community Steam Group Event!
Drill Captain: Glen Ford
Drill 1st Sergeant: Gondorian
Drill 2nd Sergeant: Capt. Cooper
Caster: Lord_John
Caster: Chadman
Caster: Malakith Skadi
Caster: WarriorOfSparta
Caster: DiplexHeated
Caster: LionHeart
Caster: Pixelated Apollo
Head of the WoR community steam group: KIff
War Of Rights Community is proud to host the best stream of events on "War of Rights" With much work, planning, and dedication, we are able to present everyone with a chance to take part in mock skirmishes and drill. Feel free to join the steam group to stay tuned on our event announcements & giveaways. Thank you for choosing "War Of Rights Community Event Hosting" see you on the battlefield!
To The Colors!
If you would like to step out of line and follow the Drill/ Mock-Skirmish, please contact "Glen Ford". He will give you the okay. This is just so that the event can stay as organised as possible while maintaining a realistic feel. We don't want to have fifteen regulars observing two feet away from training.
Event Time: 2pm Est, to 3:30pm Est. ( 7GMT until 8:30GMT)
Start heading to the server from about 1:30 est (6:30 GMT) just to receive instructions for the event
in a attempt to make the event more engaging and to give YOU more one on one time with our proficient staff I Glen Ford have come up with a new take on events. previously each event was one massive squad that would take ages to organise and to do anything. that changes today- we will break down into 4 squads one on each station.
1. Drill
2. Marching
3. Firing
4. Melee
these stations will rotate throughout the event so everyone can get a feel for the game
Finally at the end of the event I will bring all the squads together for one big squad of drilling perfect for your screenshots and videos.
Good luck. see you on the battlefield
Glen Ford