The 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment proudly presents: The 42nd Pennsylvanian Public Weekly Friday Training.
This event shall be hosted every Friday at 19:00 GMT (14:00 EDT) and 20:00 EDT (01:00 GMT).
This training is hosted by members of the 42nd Penn to help give people who might not be in a Company a chance to enjoy some basic training and drilling with an organised unit. If you are a company commander and wish to bring your unit along to this that is perfectly okay. Please be willing though, to follow the commands and orders of those running the training, rank regardless.
The next training is on the 14th December 2018
The event server will be one of the public EU USA Drill Camps
The unit class: 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infatry Regiment. (If full, 1stUSSS or 4thPA Cav.)

Standard Rules and Understandings
All attending members who are not from the 42nd Penn. are to go the standard Private rank unless told otherwise.
Please be prepared for discipline and to listen. We're here in our own time to help provide this experience and we ask that you respect the drill instructors giving up their time willingly to teach you.
Please do not claim to know better than the instructors. If you do not like what is being taught then don't attend or contact an instructor to discuss the matter. Do not begin arguing the small details during the training, do it AFTERWARDS.
Though we strive for authentisicty we are using adapted drill manuals to better suit the game. As a result some orders, drill movements etc. will not be 100% accurate but edited for practicality.
This event is backed by forum mod. Kyle. Anyone coming in to spoil things for others will be dealt with.
If you are a unit looking to attend please fill out bellow so we know you are planning on coming. We do not want to be swamped by a unit we do not expect which could lead to lack of instructors. Independent individuals do not need to fill this out.
Company Name:
Leader's Steam url:
Read the rules?:
Regulars?: (Yes/No)