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Thread: Hardcore Double Ranks Event

  1. #1

    Hardcore Double Ranks Event

    Hello and welcome to the double ranks hardcore event!
    The paramount of this event is to get 150 men on the server to perform a stress test. Furthermore, we will also be performing historically accurate formations firing volleys following by a bayonet charge to end it all! Looking forward to seeing all of you guys there!

    What: Hardcore Saturday 150 Man server test on Drill Camp
    When: Saturday, January 20th
    Time: 2:00 EST time - 7:00 PM ,Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
    Server: CSA Drill Camp 6
    Hosts: Vito''Mafia'', Mod Kyle , [1stTX.H] Cpl.McMuffin 6thAL]Maj. Timo Maj. Stone [42ndPA]
    Event Recorders [1stGa B] 2Lt Cody ,Calibrated.Core, [1stTX.F] SgtMaj Saris , Lord John

    As you join in spawn in as a private unit selection will be 3rdArk 6thAL **Please do not go Louisiana zouaves they were not present during the Maryland campaign**

    POE for event **Plan of event**
    2:00 -2:15 Intermission- Getting everyone on the server
    2:15 First Call!
    2:20 Forming the company
    2:25 Company formed
    2:25 Short Drill Parade
    2:35End of Parade
    2:40 Firing Volleys
    2:50 Taps Played
    2:55 Bayonet Charge!
    3:00 End of event Everyone go the skirmish server !

    Rules from my Point of view would be the good set in stone as the following:

    .No Teamkilling
    .No racial slurs of any kind
    .Must use double rank No spacing.
    .Try to use roll play if posable.
    .No killing of a surrendered enemy they are to be taken POW. If they run then well that's up to you what you do next. This is to keep an RP realism in the event
    Last edited by RhettVito; 01-19-2018 at 10:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Reserved! Also, YouTubers needed! If you can record please state below that you can make the event thanks!
    Last edited by RhettVito; 09-03-2017 at 11:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Very nice Vito, shows forward thinking and initiative. However my 6th Louisiana boys will be unable to attend. Perhaps we could change the date to this Sunday or Monday. Even better hold this event on July 4th, which would make it a massive event on the birthday of this beautiful country. Only question I have is will the devs attend and make it an organized line battle, will they be able to kick anyone breaking the rules. They should take the M&B Napoleonic wars servers example and control the community that joins accordingly. Including making sure that the CSA companys wind up on the CSA side and same with the Union. Many questions and things to be hashed out but this is a really great idea! Salute!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by PAIOLETTI View Post
    Very nice Vito, shows forward thinking and initiative. However my 6th Louisiana boys will be unable to attend. Perhaps we could change the date to this Sunday or Monday. Even better hold this event on July 4th, which would make it a massive event on the birthday of this beautiful country. Only question I have is will the devs attend and make it an organized line battle, will they be able to kick anyone breaking the rules. They should take the M&B Napoleonic wars servers example and control the community that joins accordingly. Including making sure that the CSA companys wind up on the CSA side and same with the Union. Many questions and things to be hashed out but this is a really great idea! Salute!
    Next event will be on july the 4th then we will try this one and see if it works out good.

  5. #5

    CSA Lieutenant General

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    Vito, does this last message mean the 6/21 wednesday date is not happening? Id be all in for joining a CSA company for this.
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  6. #6

    CSA Captain

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    ****OP is updated***********
    Last edited by Charles Caldwell; 01-17-2018 at 10:37 AM.
    2nd Virginia 'C' Company

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by dmurray6 View Post
    Vito, does this last message mean the 6/21 Wednesday date is not happening? Id is all in for joining a CSA company for this.
    21st is still a go the next one after this one will be on July 4th

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Caldwell View Post
    It would have to be hardcore for us Europeans... thats midnight for us.
    what would be a good eu time

  9. #9

    CSA Lieutenant General

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettVito View Post
    what would be a good eu time
    On a weekday, you're likely not going to be able to get a US/EU time that is going to satisfy everyone. To even get the EU's to say, 2100 hours would put the US EDT at 1500, even earlier for central, mountain, and pacific time. At 1500 in US EDT, mostly everyone is still on their way home from work, unless they're 12 years old or work a non day-shift job.
    Last edited by dmurray6; 06-20-2017 at 04:28 PM.
    Civil War Ancestors:

  10. #10

    USA Captain

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    I'll try to come along with a few EU guys

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