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Thread: We know tyranny and she hates us

  1. #1

    CSA Lieutenant General

    Hatchmo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    South Carolina

    We know tyranny and she hates us

    Courtesy of the W.F.Jenkins Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #690

    O Free men, remember who you are. Remember who your fathers were. Remember that for our sake they did make war, that their children might escape the grips of tyranny. The odds that stood against them were never questioned; they were accepted. They left their families at home with only a promise, that they would give their lives to drive back the invaders of their homes and fire sides. And so they took the field and tyranny knew her enemy. Your fathers despised tyranny and tyranny hated your fathers. Because tyranny knew that no force on earth could subjugated the will of free men and for the first time since the revolution, tyranny was afraid. Tyranny came to recognize the colors flown by your fathers and still she hates them to this day and with good reason. She knows the sons of those she killed have not forgotten and today they are once again gaining the strength necessary to take the field yet again. To share in the great sacrifice made before by their fathers and this, tyranny cannot stand. She has used the influences of history and hatred to divide our people. But no longer. Now we can see. We are no longer blind. We know our enemy too well. She wears many disguises but always strives for the same thing. Her happiness is the total subjugation of all free men. I cannot speak for all free men, only for myself. Every man must decide for himself. Either you’re the one hanging on the cross or the on driving the nails. Do you really remember Jesus Christ’s words in Matthew 10:34? “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace but a sword.” We bow no longer to the feet of despotism. I will carry my cross…
    Last edited by Hatchmo; 06-21-2017 at 09:53 PM.
    Col. Hatcher
    Adjutant, Drayton's Brigade

    In Memoriam of my Confederate Ancestors:

    Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest, Major William H. Forrest, Lt. Col. Aaron Forrest, Col. Jeffrey Forrest, Lt. Col. Jesse Forrest, Captain James M. Cathey, Harrison Haynes, Harper Haynes, Jopseh Martin, William G. Hatcher, John A. Hatcher, John J. Hatcher, D. Wesley Hatcher, James L. Hatcher

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