I would like to apologize for my actions before it was clearly a mistake I just got a little carried away
I would like to apologize for my actions before it was clearly a mistake I just got a little carried away
I would like to enlist into your regiment how can I do that
How do you enlist recruits into your company as I have never played this game before or recruited a company for this game before so how do you accept recruits into your company
If you haven't played this game before than your best bet is joining a company as a private and learning the ropes. Honestly, no one is going to want to join your company if you have no experience.
I believe Major Stone was asking you which regiment you wanted to be a recruit in. If this is the route you are taking then go to the company thread that you're interested in and apply to that group in the manner that they require you to apply. This is good advice and I believe it's your best option as starting a company and managing all the moving parts is a challenging experience even for someone experienced in War of Rights.
very good
2nd Wisconsin Company I is looking for recurits. Please message me or 1st Lt. Mitchell on the company tool.
Last edited by ANZACMICK; 02-11-2019 at 05:20 AM.
1stMI(K) 2nd LT. Anzacmick