The Battle of Antietam Sunday September 17th EU & NA EVENT
155th Anniversary EU Event 4pm EST NA Event 8pm EST
On September 17th 1862, the Battle of Antietam was fought. It was the bloodiest day in American history with 22,000 casulties in just one day of fighting. However the battles outcome was rather inconclusive. General Robert E. Lee led his brave Confederates into Maryland, taking the war to the north for the first time. Union Commander General McClellan, who had a vastly larger and one of the best supplied armies in American history faced down his foe in Sharpsburg, Maryland, along Antietam Creek. Although the Confederates pushed back many Union advances, they were forced to retreat back into Virginia. McClellan could claim victory but, it was undoubtedly a pyric one. After the battle President Lincoln unveiled the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves of their bonds for ever more.
This month on the 17th will be the 155th anniversary of this epic battle. Ironically on the same day as i hold my Sunday Community Events. I shall hold two events on the great day of carnage. First at 4pm EST focused for EU players, the next at my regularly scheduled 8pm EST for the NA players. However both EU & NA Companies are welcome to attend both battles. Commanders, please let me know if your companies will be attending and how many men you can muster into the field for the event. I shall organize the events accordingly.
I do ask however that all who attend do so with good intentions, and plan to work together as a team. Commanders and they're subbordinates are expected to act as men of honor, and represent their companies accordingly. We hold this event to honor all those who bravely fought and died during this great struggle. We shall represent those noble men with pride and valor. I would also like to take this time to thank all those who have attended the Sunday community events for the last two months. All sides have conducted themselves well, and kept this great community together and have helped promote War of Rights to those who have yet to get the game. Recently we have been able to hold USA VS CSA events, so that both federals and rebels can fight with pride and represent their beliefs of freedom and states rights! May god bless all of you, America, and all those who we honor with this event that risked and threw down their lives for the principles of freedom and justice.
Below are a few of the latest Sunday Events that I personally organize and lead. Special thanks to Calibrated Core, Captain Cody of the 42nd Virginia (Ewell's Division) & Sgt. Saris of the 1st TX Regiment. Make sure to show your support to these wonderful guys and click that SUBSCRIBE button!