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Thread: Large Scale Community Event

  1. #1

    USA Lieutenant General

    Kyle422's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Gettysburg, PA

    Large Scale Community Event

    The community would like to announce that there will be a large scale line battle event on Saturday the 24th of March

    The first event (drill) will start at 4:00EST/8:00GMT The second event (line battle) will start at 5:00EST/9:00GMT

    The event is not being hosted by one unit but by the general community commanders

    This will be a semi official event as CG will be recording for a trailer for their use

    This will be a double Rank event all lines must be double ranks no excuse's

    The main focus will be following the script that I will provide below then the Line Battle, but prior to the line battle we are asking for units to volunteer themselves for some short scripted drills for video content

    The Line Battle

    Absolutely no trolling by units or individuals will be tolerated

    Respect the attending units, commanders, and event organizers

    They are all doing this to help make sure we get great footage and have a great time

    Reinforcements must move out of spawn in groups

    Union Commanders
    1st In Command Maj, Stone [42nd PA]

    2nd In Command LTC, Mulcahy [5th NY]

    If you are not one of these two you should NOT be an officer when in the union unless assigned by one of them.

    Script Provided below


    Scene 2 Time setting 11:00 – Text appears: Antietam Creek, September 17th 1862

    1 Close Up of the same union soldier, battle noise appears
    2 Colonel order appears: At the double quiiiick, march!
    3 Camera behind the line, soldiers moving forward out of a treeline
    4 First Person of the union soldier, marching in the second rank of his battalion
    5 Close Up to a rebel line, next to a fence. Officer order: Rise up! Rebel yell appears
    6 Back to the Union line, Officer order: Halt, Fire by Battalion, Ready (officers repeating), Aim (repeat), Fiiiiire! (Some officers repeating the commands of the colonel)
    7 First Person of the union soldier, following the order of the officer.
    8 Switch back to rebel line, close up behind the Line. Seeing the volley in the distance, listen to fence impacts and hopefully some hits.
    9 Back to the union line, camera in front.. soldiers firing at will. Hopefully some casualties from counterfire.
    10 First Person of the union soldier, while reloading his gun. He looks to the right, seeing a company advancing in quick time with bayonets charged.
    11 Close Up of the rebel line, soldiers aiming, officer order appears: “FIRE!”
    12 Close Up of the advancing line, showing the impact of the volley, many casualties
    13 First Person of the union soldier, Order appears: FIX BAYONETS
    14 Close Up of the Union line, fixing bayonets
    15 Close Up of the Rebel line, all with fixed bayonets, order appears: CHAAAARGE!
    16 Quick cut to Union line, order appears: CHAAARGE!
    17 First Person of the Union soldiers, charging to the rebel line
    18 Close Up of a small part of the battlefield, just landscape
    19 Same spot, both lines clashing together with the bayonets, union from the left, rebs from the right. Flagbearers infront .. Soldiers screaming, rebel yell
    20 First Person of the union soldier, he is running towards a rebel soldier, aiming at him and finally shooting.
    21 Death screen fading black


    Union Forces Moving Into Line

    Red Lines Are Where The Confederates Will Be Blue Is Where the Union Will Be

    The Drill

    Everyone is encouraged to assist with this grand undertaking

    The drill volunteers will get on the USA Drill camp 15 mins prior to the first event start time and should only take about 45 mins to complete

    The goal is to have multiple companies formed and do a short march then some very quick fire drills to create great visual opportunities for promotional videos

    Attendees will be placed within their companies and be asked to stick with them for the drill session

    Everyone is asked to respect the designated commanders so we can get the drill finished as quickly as possible

    We will address which units to spawn as at the event but we want to focus on the Union standard Blue uniforms no unique uniforms

    We already have multiple formed companies volunteering for this

    Note all companies that attend this event and have a positive outcome on the event will have their name in a spot of the credits. I will need names of all companies who are going to take part
    Script Provided below


    Scene 1 Time setting 11:00 – Text appears: Near Sharpsburg, September 16th 1862

    1 Drill Camp – Camera showing the US Drill Camp from different point of views
    2 Camera forward to the left side of the camp (drill place), a fully battalion (all same class - mostly 7th Maine) stand in 2 ranks. Officers in front
    3 Close Up of an officer, standing in front of the colonel, saluting
    4 Close Up of soldiers, colonel order appears: “Battalion, Ordeeeeeer…”, 3 officers repeating: “Ordeeeer”, Colonel: “Aaarms!”. The Battalion soldiers pressing F6 and Order arms.
    5 First Person of a union soldier, he is looking left and right, following the orders
    6 Close Up switch to other soldiers, colonel order appears: “Battalion, Parade..” , 3 officers repeating: “Paraaaade”, Colonel: “Rest”. The Battalion soldiers pressing F7 and Resting.
    7 Close Up to main character, a union soldier .. the screen fading out black

    If you have any questions PLEASE post them below

    Original Post provided by the 1st Texas Community
    Last edited by Kyle422; 03-22-2018 at 02:30 AM.

  2. #2

    CSA Lieutenant Colonel

    J.Stockton's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Republic of Texas
    We will see everyone there
    Join Today
    Click Above

  3. #3

    USA General of the Army

    A. P. Hill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    In Maryland State Near to both Antietam and Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry et al.
    Quote Originally Posted by J.Stockton View Post
    We will see everyone there
    At least 150 of us. (server limit.)

  4. #4
    please hit 150!

  5. #5

    USA Major

    Timo420's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Vrijstaat Maastricht
    WE should be able to.
    QM. Timo
    Click Picture To Enlist.

  6. #6
    My 6th Louisiana Tigers & Stonewall Jackson's II Corps will be there in force. I hope to see the whole community rally around this event and help make it an epic line battle.
    Commander of the 6th Louisiana Tigers

  7. #7
    that weird musician will be there AKA Thomas H. Bates

    1st New York Battery A, Empire Battery

  8. #8

    USA Lieutenant Colonel

    MattHolland2017's Avatar
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    Jun 2016
    The 7thMI will be there
    Last edited by MattHolland2017; 03-10-2018 at 04:28 AM.

  9. #9

    CSA Captain

    Vulcarin's Avatar
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    Nov 2017
    Looking forward to this! Everyone rally your troops and lets cap the server.

  10. #10

    CSA Captain

    Dutchconfederate's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    Den Haag / The Hague
    Combination of the Richmond howitzers / Virginia cavalry / 3rd Alabama will hop on together for this event

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