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Thread: Large Scale Community Event

  1. #21
    WoR-Dev TrustyJam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbsmith7 View Post
    Indeed! It is now proudly featured on our steam store page: (press read more)

    - Trusty

  2. #22

    CSA Captain

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  3. #23

    USA Brigadier General

    Maximus Decimus Meridius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettVito View Post
    -racial remarks (At one point someone even making Nazi remarks)
    If I would get a cent every time I, my company or The German Volunteers got called ingame Nazis i could buy the next man a dictionary and a history book se he would be able look it up but i give up to teach idiots like them. I give my energy now to far more possible work like travel back in time, discover Aliens and winning the lottery.  02

  4. #24
    If only if only we had private servers, so we did not have to deal with minges, trolls and autistic screeching every damn event we have and could enforce the rules and not just shake our finger towards them, which they want by the way and by explicitly pointing them out and giving them attention.

  5. #25

    USA Major

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    I've always been of the opinion that trolls and haters need to be locked out to fend for themselves in their own toxic wasteland. I know I have next to zero tolerance for that type of behavior and if we could host and lock servers, the world would be a better place.

  6. #26
    WoR-Dev TrustyJam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiloh View Post
    I've always been of the opinion that trolls and haters need to be locked out to fend for themselves in their own toxic wasteland. I know I have next to zero tolerance for that type of behavior and if we could host and lock servers, the world would be a better place.
    While locked servers is a needed feature it is not something we feel is ready to be introduced with the currenty state of the alpha. It divides the total pool of testers and is likely to give us data not really useful for the open server environment an early access launch would bring. In the long run, it is vital that public play servers thrive as a game consisting of nothing but locked servers is doomed to fail. The public servers provide a space for the more casual players (like completely new players) and is thus also the lifeblood of the companies looking to bolster their ranks.

    - Trusty

  7. #27

    USA Major

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    I understand all this and being in alpha state it's all about testing and reporting. But when the haters are hating and the trollers are trolling I just want someone to have the ability to boot them off a server. I agree on having public and private servers and they both serve their purpose but a few morons can really ruin the experience for the majority of people currently as was evidenced recently on a max effort event. Private servers will be a welcome addition I think when you guys are ready but I trust you of course to know when that time is right.

  8. #28

    CSA Major

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    There was a time when moderators here also had access to the server administration tools but the functionality broke some time back, if I recall.
    It's frustrating Shiloh, I understand.

  9. #29

    USA General of the Army

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    I would like to consider the motion this evening that the 8th Virginia, Company F, be bared and/or asked not to attend due to their inability to follow a basic agreed upon rule set during previous community events. (This is refering only to the event on the 24th.)
    Last edited by Bravescot; 03-18-2018 at 01:38 PM.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Bravescot View Post
    I would like to table the motion this evening that the 8th Virginia, Company F, be bared and/or asked not to attend due to their inability to follow a basic agreed upon rule set during previous community events.
    Myself and the 72nd PA completely agree

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