30th of March: 22:00 CET / 21:00 GMT / 16:00 CDT
This event is hosted by the: 3rd Alabama / 6th Alabama / 18th North Carolina
The event server is the available EU Server

- Each Side will be divided into 3 even groups!
2 Lines groups
1 Skirmish group
-The lines groups will be divided as A & B
A= Is always the left flank
B= Is always the right Flank
- The Skirmish group will move in communication and coordination of both Line groups.
- Each group will appoint a messenger to keep the communication flow. We will not ban the use of Teamspeak or Discord because that is an impossible task. We do want everyone that attends to use the appointed messengers as much as possible and try to not use the in-game chat(typed) option to share messages.
- Stick with your group! Each group is now allowed to split up. Each group fights as a company together.
- Skirmishers are allowed to sent scouts. But they are not a fighting force / they are no sharpshooters!
Companies in Attending:
Line A(left flank)
Main company + Company commander - TBA
Units that will fall in - 8th Virginia / 1st Texas
Line B(right flank)
Main company + Company commander - 6th Alabama (Maj. Timo)
Combined Forces - 3rd Alabama (Cpt. Carter) & 18th North Carolina (Cpt. von Winkler) 15th South Carolina(Captain Keller)
Line A(left flank)
Main company + Company commander - 52nd New York (Cpt. Paul Frank)
Line B(right flank)
Main company + Company commander - 95th New York (Major Ross)
Units that will fall in: - 5th New York(Captain Kyle)
Main company + Company commander - 42nd PA (Maj. Stone)
If you are looking to attend, Please comment below so we know you are planning on coming. Individuals do not need to fill this out.
Please feel free to ask questions about the event!