I would like to organize another line/skirmishers event with eu and na players for Antietam map, I would like to make it for 6pm est on Friday 27th April(I feel it's a good time because once eu players start leaving the na's will start trickling in and we would have a constant long event). I know it's a little short notice but I've yet to see any others up here getting scheduled for the near future, if we don't get enough I will schedule it for the following Friday on the 4th of May. I also wouldn't mind people who are experienced in organizing events to help me out, will be the same structure, right and left wing for each side with a skirmisher group for each....so all regiment leaders or company staff's let me know if your interested in getting this together and I will update this thread accordingly.
- Warboy
CSA SIDE - 6th LA, 1st GA
Some rules/recommandations
1. Each company will appoint messengers to communicate between the other groups(companies)
2. No rambo's / Lone wolfs
3. When you died you will move out with at least 4 guys and fall back into the group are assigned to
4. Main focus is to take the objective