Event hosted by the 3rd Alabama/ Richmond Howitzers / 15th South Carolina vs. ....

29th of December 21:00 CET / 20:00 GMT / 15:00 CDT
Group A:
- 3rd Alabama / Richmond Howitzers
Group B:
- 15th South Carolina
Group A:
- 95th New York
Group B:
Clip from our last event
All credits for this video go out to our forum member 12monkeys
Some rules:
1. We will not use the in game chatbox to communicate about enemy movement / or any other battle tactics
2. Each company will appoint messengers to communicate between the other groups(companies)
3. No rambo's / Lone wolfs
4. When you died you will move out with at least 4 guys and fall back into the group are assigned to
5. Main focus is to take the objective
6. Each group is assigned to a flank. Each faction organizes this themselves (example Group A left flank / Group B right Flank)
7. Main group in line / double ranks - Detached Skirmishers allowed - Scouts allowed max 3 staying together only to gather intel.
Steam Group!