The War of Rights Community shoot is a team shooting contest in which teams of 5 from across the community take will good head to head with one another for the title of "best shoots" in the community. The contest will be presided over by a team of referees from both sides and headed by myself, Captain Roy Stone of the 42nd Pennsylvania.
The two contests will be spread across a number of days and all shoots will be presided over. It is an open contest to both sides and will be a reoccurring event with chances to knock the previous winners for the top spot. I'm hoping this will be a fun running contest that causes friendly competition. Any team or individual being an ass will be thrown off the board and their results made void. Please see below for more details.
- The referee's verdict is final. Do not argue with the decision of a referee on the range.
- Should you wish to dispute a referee's choice please do so off the field in private channels.
- If you can not agree and feel it needs to go further please bring it to me after first informing the referee you will be doing so.
- Be civil to all teams and individuals on the range. Do not fire out of turn and disrupt the shooters.
- Keep the competitiveness and any heckling to a friendly and acceptable level.
- The Rifle that will be used will the be the Enfield M1853.
- The target to be fired upon will the be 4th set of targets. Aka. the ones furthest away.
- All teams will be expected to aim at the center target of the three targets in this group.
- All shots will be taken in the standing position against the wooden bar.
- All shooters will have 10 seconds to take their shot
- Points will be scored as 1 for the outer black ring, 2 for the outer white ring, 3 for the middle black ring, 4 for the inner white ring and 5 for a center hit.
- Any break in the line will count as a hit to that line. A 5 pointer muster be center mass with no excess into the inner white. See image for reference.
- All shots will be scored by the judges using the red hitmarker. What you see vs what the referee sees WILL differ.
- There will be two referees at any shoot.
Team Rules
- A team will consist of 5 shooters from the same clan with 2 reserve shooters of any rank.
- This does not mean 5 shooter per company per community. This means 5 shooters from one community full stops.
- There is only one exception to this rule. A community that has a dedicated EU and NA company may send 5 different shooters to the EU time and the NA time.
- Teams will shoot on their own range. This means CSA will shoot on the CSA range and visa versa.
- Organised times will be established by the referees which teams may attend. There will be 3 times in total both EU and NA.
- All teams attending the given times will be given a chance to shoot.
- Each shooter will get 3 shots on that team.
- All shooters will shoot from the same spot at the same target.
- The team score will be totalled when the last shot is taken.
- Once a team is finished they must give way in good order to the next team.
- If a team fails to attend any of the times then they will be disqualified.
- If a team harasses another team or fires out of turn they may be disqualified.
- If a team is found to be using people form outside their clan they will be disqualified.
5 Points, 4 Points, 2 Points and a miss.
Examples for 4 Points, 3 Points and 1 Point.
If you are a unit looking to compete please fill out below so we know you are planning on coming. We do not want to be swamped by a unit we do not expect which could lead to lack of referees.
If you would like to be a referee please fill out the following. Understand that referees can not partake in the shooting nor judge the unit that they are a part of.Code:Leader's Steam url: Regiment Name: Team Captain: Team Members? (Rank & Name): NA/EU/Both?: Have you read the rules and will you agree to abide by them?:
Code:Your url: Regiment Name: Why do you think you'll be a good ref?: NA/EU/Both?: Have you read the rules and will you agree to abide by them impartially?:
If you have any questions in regards to the contest or the rules please feel free to add me on steam:Capt. Roy Stone