Updated 4/3 1:30PM EST
April 14th 4PM EST - 7PM EST
Server will be named: Old Pennsylvania (Event Active - Obey Officer or Ban)
Harper's Ferry For a large number of players the maps will be Schoolhouse Ridge, Bolivar Heights, and Maryland Heights. For a smaller number it will be Downtown, High Street, and Graveyard.
Rules: No trolling, no teamswitching, you must follow your team leader and anyone he appoints over you. The team leader can delegate authority, assign roles, and partition the team as he'd like to for the round he is in charge.
Volunteers will be taken at 4PM EST or shortly before to run each team for the first round, team leaders need to become PLM's steamfriend for the duration of the round. The skirmish area and the rules will then be announced and the map will change to the skirmish area for a 5-10 minute planning phase where both teams must remain in their spawn and plan for the skirmish. Players will be required to remain on the same team from the planning phase through a map switch to the same map, where the round will start live.
I'll be lurking in spectate the entire time on the lookout for trolls or teamswitchers.
One player at random attending will win a $25 steam gift card around 5PM EST.*
*I'll do this by taking a picture of the server 'score' screen, tallying the number of players, generating a random number between 1 and the total number of players, finding the player corresponding to that number and picking him as the winner.