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Thread: Battalion Level Suggestions

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by LaBelle View Post
    Forgive me if this has been suggested, as I'm at work and unable to read much at the time, but my suggestion would be that a single company can "muster" a battalion, name it whatever they like, and then any interested parties can join. Once the battalion reaches 3 or so companies, it musters and becomes a full fledged organization.
    This is a really good idea, and I think that this is definitely the direction we should be taking with a larger organization system.

  2. #42

    CSA Captain

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    I think that the "battalion" should be created on the same principle like forming a company. Simply choose and click. Commander of the battalion can then invite other companies to join his unit or commanders of the companies can volunteer to join battalion, same principle like soldier making a volunteer to join a company. Simple and practical. If the commander of the company would not be satisfied with their membership in the unit, they can simply leave the battalion.

    Definitely do not mix other army branches together in one battalion! War of Rights is supposed to be historically accurate and thats how the true community of this game like it! No fiction units!
    Last edited by Josef Tišer; 12-26-2019 at 10:46 PM.
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  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Josef Tišer View Post

    Definitely do not mix other army branches together in one battalion! War of Rights is supposed to be historically accurate and thats how the true community of this game like it! No fiction units!
    Don't worry about Company K of the 9th NY.

    This regiment, Col. Rush C. Hawkins, was organized in New York city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years, May 4, 1861; it was accepted by the State, and received its numerical designation, May 13, 1861. One company was formed of members of the 18th Regiment, State Militia, and Company K was equipped as an artillery company, and served as such until November 10, 1862.

  4. #44
    Damn, I really wanted to make the 23th HI

  5. #45

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    That doesnt mean that every infantry battalion can have artillery company attached to it. Cases like this are a very few. Developers could make a exceptions for units like yours.
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  6. #46

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    There can be two methods of creating a battalion.
    Example for the first method:
    You are company commander of 8th Florida Infantry Company A and you want to create a battalion, you then simply click and create 8th Florida Infantry Battalion and your Company A will be automatically attached to your created battalion.

    Example of the second method:
    You want to be regimental commander right away, so you then simply create 18th North Carolina Battalion and other Companies of 18th North Carolina can join your battalion.

    Companies can join your battalion if they are from the same origin! Example: If your Company is 23rd Virginia Company A and you want to join 8th Florida Battalion it is not possible!

    Only if your company has the same origin like the battalion you wish to join, then it can join the battalion.
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  7. #47
    someone is so eager to start a battalion, but this is a game and historical accuracy you are talking about is to an extend, or are you telling me 8th Florida company C was a Czechia company way back then? Did the 8th FL fought on every battlefield? No they did not, or do you restrict yourself to play on just the battlefields they fought on for historical accuracy? So let people make there clans how they see fit. I think some good ideas have been mentioned before in this thread.

  8. #48

    USA General of the Army

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    Really like your idea Tišer! Simple and to the point.

  9. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by Southern View Post
    someone is so eager to start a battalion, but this is a game and historical accuracy you are talking about is to an extend, or are you telling me 8th Florida company C was a Czechia company way back then? Did the 8th FL fought on every battlefield? No they did not, or do you restrict yourself to play on just the battlefields they fought on for historical accuracy? So let people make there clans how they see fit. I think some good ideas have been mentioned before in this thread.
    The origin of people who represent historical units plays no role in this. The point is that until now Campfire Games made fully historically accurate display of the game. Units, battlefields, you can even play the units which fought on the battlefield where they truly were. Company Tool is basically the same thing. Campfire Games meant to make it historically accurate, Company Tool shows only units which trully fought there. Why should they lose their path and make possible something like 1st Texas Legion or 8th Florida Artillery Battalion? That sounds horrible! Company Tool is historically accurate and should remain historically accurate in my opinion.

    If you want to create a connected group of more units, for example 1st Texas and 14th Virginia and call it "Southern Battalion" then go and create a Steam group or Discord channel. Company Tool is historical roster not community hub.
    Last edited by Josef Tišer; 12-28-2019 at 09:45 AM.
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  10. #50

    CSA Captain

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bravescot View Post
    Really like your idea Tišer! Simple and to the point.
    Thank you Stone! Merry Christmas!
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