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Thread: What happens when a company commander dies?

  1. #1

    What happens when a company commander dies?

    How does War of Rights plan on managing the company of the commanders those who departed?

    Similar to how Facebook memorializes death of a patron Facebook page?

    Change nothing, but potentially have "idle" companies that last forever?

    This is all assuming there is only 1 commander for 1 company.

    Psalm 144:1-2

    Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.

  2. #2

    USA Captain

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    We've had threads upon threads upon threads on needing a clean up of the company tool but the devs have more important things to work on at the moment.

  3. #3

    USA Major

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    Company tool as it stands right now lacks in so many ways. There are dead paper companies who have control of regiments that other people would like to take a shot at but can't currently. We cleaned out our company tool of all inactive members and I encourage other regiments to do that as on paper we all look so great but in reality we only have a certain amount people who show up regularly.

    The way that can be achieved - if people die or don't play anymore - is if people are inactive on company tool for 6 months then everything automatically gets forfeited.
    Last edited by Shiloh; 05-28-2019 at 02:56 PM.

  4. #4

    CSA Captain

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiloh View Post
    Company tool as it stands right now lacks in so many ways. There are dead paper companies who have control of regiments that other people would like to take a shot at but can't currently. We cleaned out our company tool of all inactive members and I encourage other regiments to do that as on paper we all look so great but in reality we only have a certain amount people who show up regularly.

    The way that can be achieved - if people die or don't play anymore - is if people are inactive on company tool for 6 months then everything automatically gets forfeited.
    The company tool should be integrated into the game before they start disbanding inactive companies.
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  5. #5

    CSA Brigadier General

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    Just found this post, and I cant agree more with both Shiloh & Saris on this one. I think that company tool definitely needs to be integrated before any companies are disbanded as many unformed or smaller units may still have active players - but who play on an irregular basis. I could also see the possible implementation of a company tool membership expiring or being purged if the member has not logged in after a set amount of time. My Former Co - the 7th Tennessee Co. E & F for example at its high point had 125 members on the "paper count" , but at least 75% were inactive with maybe 10 -15 showing up on a regular basis. To this end, I also acted and recommend purging numbers to control your true player base. Lastly, if any overhaul is done - I feel that some in the community have seen & have pointed out that some individuals, use company tool to create multiple "fake"accounts to use as "place holders" - in order to muster and gain rights to the name - essentially cheating the system. These accounts should be identified and purged as well. In the end, the Dev's have a lot on there plate and are working tirelessly to create us a great game - but company tool should not be forgotten - and I am confident it will not be!

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