I'm truly sorry ya'll, but this is getting ridiculous on company tool and I think something needs to be done about it. I will not call out individual companies or individuals, but its pretty easy to spot and ya'll don't even try to cover it up. I urge you ALL to stop and reconsider, as this is not only skewing the numbers on company tool, but you are stealing from the entire community - and knocking out smaller companies that have REAL players that would have had the opportunity to muster. I understand the need in some cases, if a company is maxed out and more room is needed for further growth - but to create 10 BS accounts to muster a company as a place holder because you don't want to put the work in or you just don't have the skills is out right thievery. Further to this - it attracts other new potential volunteers and puts everyone at a recruitment disadvantage. The tool was created for all to use fairly - not for people to exploit for there own gains. Anybody else have an opinion?