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Thread: Current state of regimental affairs.

  1. #1

    CSA Major General

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    Current state of regimental affairs.

    Gentlemen, Ladies, undefined,

    As some of you already noticed there is much turmoil & politics in this small community.

    This post has shed some light on the matter, however a regimental thread isn't the right place to discuss this.

    The past few months "frustation" between certain regiments/individuals has been pilling up leading up to the current split in the regimental community (This mainly reflects on the NA side, and less so on the EU side of things) :

    1. The non regimental players who are luckily not 'fully' caught up in this drama.
    2. B&G (Blue & Greys), consisting of I-corps/69thNC/1stGA/1stTX Â… *
    3. TNA\BRW & II corps .... *

    * If I forgot units or wrote units down in a certain order -> it's not intentional !

    This split has led to players from the other faction are being removed on the own's faction servers, this varies from all players to just officers.
    However some are calling to put and end to these practices and having some sort of truce or a coexistence in seperation.
    The main issue here is that not all have the same information or are on the same page, a community meeting seems 'hard' to accomplice due to some complications and demands.

    I can only say some people are very 'on edge' and 'triggerhappy', some others are trying to calm things down, while others are looking to provoke.
    Some of the more 'moderate' voices are getting worn out.

    My hope here is to make it work so 'average Billy & Cletus' can have some fun playtime without having to worry they are getting some heat just they belong to a certain faction/regiment. (what happens at "toplevel" is a different thing, but it shouldn't reflect on the entire regimental playerbase)

    This post isn't made to start some mudthrowing or calling out some group or individuals, just to check if there are some ideas to come to some sort of understanding so that peace can come back to that part of the community.
    Last edited by Redleader; 10-30-2019 at 12:04 AM.
    I write for my personal account and from personal experience, unless stated otherwise.

  2. #2

    CSA Major

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    Quote Originally Posted by Redleader View Post
    Gentlemen, Ladies, undefined,

    As some of you already noticed there is much turmoil & politics in this small community.

    This post has shed some light on the matter, however a regimental thread isn't the right place to discuss this.

    The past few months "frustation" between certain regiments/individuals has been pilling up leading up to the current split in the regimental community (This mainly reflects on the NA side, and less so on the EU side of things) :

    1. The non regimental players who are luckily not 'fully' caught up in this drama.
    2. B&G (Blue & Greys), consisting of I-corps/69thNC/1stGA/1stTX Â… *
    3. TNA\BRW & II corps .... *

    * If I forgot units or wrote units down in a certain order -> it's not intentional !

    This split has led to players from the other faction are being removed on the own's faction servers, this varies from all players to just officers.
    However some are calling to put and end to these practices and having some sort of truce or a coexistence in seperation.
    The main issue here is that not all have the same information or are on the same page, a community meeting seems 'hard' to accomplice due to some complications and demands.

    I can only say some people are very 'on edge' and 'triggerhappy', some others are trying to calm things down, while others are looking to provoke.
    Some of the more 'moderate' voices are getting worn out.

    My hope here is to make it work so 'average Billy & Cletus' can have some fun playtime without having to worry they are getting some heat just they belong to a certain faction/regiment. (what happens at "toplevel" is a different thing, but it shouldn't reflect on the entire regimental playerbase)

    HERE! HERE! I totally agree and let me be the first to sign a petition to the regimental commanders of the war of rights community to have this sorted and worked out. It's good that we're all for ourselves and 'our' regiments for competitiveness but we have to look at the bigger picture and what is at stake here, especially with all the new players coming in, it won't do any good to fight among ourselves in front of them and give public players a bad taste for us.
    Napoleon Total War American Civil War Multiplayer Mod Discord Community -

    TUNNELLS ARE why bother anyway - Henry Wirz (Andersonville film quote)

  3. #3
    TNA will have a rep or two there if a meeting is agreed upon across the board

  4. #4
    Thanks Red for trying to organize this, much appreciated.

  5. #5

    CSA Major General

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deckhart View Post
    Thanks Red for trying to organize this, much appreciated.
    I'm only writing down my take on the status quo and my concerns, don't think the organising is up to me.

    There is a 4th group and these are the regiments/groups who are less indirectly involved (V corps - 14th Brooklyn - FA - TGV - CA - ...)

    Probably PB is considered by some as part of Faction 3 cause lately -> if You join certain events or talk with groups it's considered taling sides so people are forced into some sort of choice.
    Last edited by Redleader; 10-30-2019 at 12:25 AM.
    I write for my personal account and from personal experience, unless stated otherwise.

  6. #6

    CSA Captain

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    69th, 4th Texas, and 5th Texas accepts a meeting. We ask that it be a round table discussion, allowing only one person to speak at a time unless addressed directly. Until then, I ask that II Corps stops banning my guys from their servers on sight, as I had an understanding with Paioletti that both II Corps and 69th would have a ceasefire for a time to let things settle down.
    Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!

  7. #7

    USA General of the Army

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deckhart View Post
    TNA will have a rep or two there if a meeting is agreed upon across the board
    * A representive from each unit of TNA

  8. #8
    SUWAROW's Avatar
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    War of Regiments

  9. #9

    USA General of the Army

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    Quote Originally Posted by SUWAROW View Post
    War of Regiments
    The Civil Civil War fought between the CSA and the CSCSA

  10. #10
    Lets have a Community Sit Down, 6:30pm EST this Sunday, November 3rd. (Officers/attenders of the meeting are welcome to hop in at 6pm to chat and get acquainted) This will be a fair and balanced Round Table Discussion, as proposed by Captain Labelle. We will have a discussion Moderator to control the action within the chat, which is an impeccable representative of the community and someone unaffiliated with the current organizations, Pixilated Apollo. I would propose to have the meeting in Stonewall Jackson's II Corps TS. Apollo will be given ADMIN rights in the TS, and I am certain all that attend will do so with the mindset to end the nonsense. However Apollo, will be able to mute or remove people if they were to get out of hand to ensure fairness to all within the meeting. II Corps as an official offering of good faith, along side 9th NY, 1st GA, Pickets Brigade (8th VA, 19th VA), 1st Corps, 69th NC, & TNA are ending Kicks/Bans on servers in hopes that the talks on Sunday can come to fruition. We are welcome to all units who actually care about the future of the game to attend. I'm not going to request a cap on how many reps can attend from Orgs/regiments/companies but i do ask that all that attend represent their units with respect and dignity.
    Commander of the 6th Louisiana Tigers

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