As a community of companies interested in the historical approach, we have now taken a look at the battalion level. Now that we've completed the School of Company, we'd like to take a similar approach to the battalion level. We are looking for a compromise between the historical drill and what is possible in the game.
We would like to have a battalion drill every 2 months.
Our goal is to acquire the School of Battalion and to implement it in the game in a usable way. We are still at the beginning of our small project and will start in the new year. The drill will be organized by the TGV and led by Colonel Richter and Captain Frank.
For each date one or two new commands will be selected from the drillbook, which will then be trained in the drill.
Before a drill there will be an instruction for all officers, a kind of theory, so that during the drill there won't be too long waiting times for the privates.
By limiting it to one or two commands per appointment, it is possible to take a close look at them and repeat what you have already learned. It is primarily a new task for the officers, since they have to master both drill books (Company, Battalion).
It's interesting for the private ones, because many players are organized to play a batallion. We attach a lot of importance to the fact that little is confessed, we move a lot and also a lot of shit to offer the players a lot.
In the debriefing criticism and alternative approaches can be discussed, if the execution of an order should prove to be difficult.
The drills are alternated between the Union camp and the Confederation camp.
We invite all companies to participate as long as they meet the following requirements:
1. disciplined behaviour in voice and text chat. We want to convey an authentic feeling.
2. basic knowledge from the School of the Company:
- Maneuvering in 2 ranks (advancing in the line, column)
- wheeling
- Fire orders (by company, ranks, files)
3. respect for other companies and the organizers
not necessary, but helpful:
- by company into line
- on the right by files into line
if you need any help feel free to ask
each company has in some way developed its own style in implementing the drills. we will try to respect it as long as it doesn't restrict the whole batallion.
Next Battalion Drill:
7th March 2020 20:00 / 8pm CET
Begin of the skirmish:
about 21:30 / 9:30pm CET
Description: Primary Objectives is new stuff to learn an will be the main topic. Secondary Objectives are orders which we know and want to repeat so we remember them. Secondary Objectives are also used to make sure that the drill isnt monotonously.
- What will be done / how is it named (Whats the order which will be used)
Primary Objectives:
- forming Column by Companies to the front (by companies right face, by files left)
- forming Column by Companies (by companies left wheel)
- forming battle line to the front
- advancing in the battle line
Secondary Objectives:
- Fire Orders (By Battalion, Wings, Companies, Ranks, Files)
- Distance in column by companies
- forming Column by Companies to the rear(by companies right face, by files right)
- forming Column by Companies (by companies right wheel)
- forming battle line (on the right into line)
Battalion Staff:
Battalion commander: Colonel Hermann Richter
second in command: Captain Paul Frank
- 52nd New York Infantry Co.A
- 18th North Carolina Infantry Co. A
- 8th Florida Infantry Co. A & C
- 39th New York Infantry Co. A
- 4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Co. A
- 51st New York Infantry Co. A
- 8th Alabama Infantry Co. G
- 20th New York Infantry Co. E